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what do i take

what do i take

Supreme Being
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Posts: 8, Visits: 10
Hi everyone next week I am going back to court for sentencing over a driving offence where I had an RTC whilst at work and seriously  injured some people 
I pleaded not guilty at first on the advice of my solicitor but after new documents/ paperwork  came to light from the police we changed the plea to guilty, which I wantted all along
My driving record is clean both on my licence and tacho so this should go in my favour
I am unable to work due to an MTB injury and don't work and on the dole
after seeing the probation officer (who had a serous attitude issue and made me feel like crap)  she said it may be a custodial sentence but will say suspended  is the only thing to offer as I cant work and they cannot get insurance if I did as I offered to befriend people or train people on how to fix bikes or train drivers as I am very highly trained HGV driver and very H&S aware, ironic I know.
Anyway the question I would like to know is what should I take to court with me?
My solicitor said underwear and toiletries but what about jeans and t shirts?
Thank you

Debbie Sadler
Debbie Sadler
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santafe - 8 Sep 16 6:12 PM
Hi everyone next week I am going back to court for sentencing over a driving offence where I had an RTC whilst at work and seriously  injured some people 
I pleaded not guilty at first on the advice of my solicitor but after new documents/ paperwork  came to light from the police we changed the plea to guilty, which I wantted all along
My driving record is clean both on my licence and tacho so this should go in my favour
I am unable to work due to an MTB injury and don't work and on the dole
after seeing the probation officer (who had a serous attitude issue and made me feel like crap)  she said it may be a custodial sentence but will say suspended  is the only thing to offer as I cant work and they cannot get insurance if I did as I offered to befriend people or train people on how to fix bikes or train drivers as I am very highly trained HGV driver and very H&S aware, ironic I know.
Anyway the question I would like to know is what should I take to court with me?
My solicitor said underwear and toiletries but what about jeans and t shirts?
Thank you


Thanks for your post.  Hope it all goes well for you next week.

Many prisons will expect you to initially wear 'prison issue' clothes which you will be given on your arrival. Once you have earned 'privileges' you will then be allowed to wear you own clothes. If you do take jeans and t-shirts with you (not loads obviously) then these will be stored until such a time as you'll be allowed to wear them.

Hope this helps.

Best wishes


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Deb S - 9 Sep 16 8:50 AM
santafe - 8 Sep 16 6:12 PM
Hi everyone next week I am going back to court for sentencing over a driving offence where I had an RTC whilst at work and seriously  injured some people 
I pleaded not guilty at first on the advice of my solicitor but after new documents/ paperwork  came to light from the police we changed the plea to guilty, which I wantted all along
My driving record is clean both on my licence and tacho so this should go in my favour
I am unable to work due to an MTB injury and don't work and on the dole
after seeing the probation officer (who had a serous attitude issue and made me feel like crap)  she said it may be a custodial sentence but will say suspended  is the only thing to offer as I cant work and they cannot get insurance if I did as I offered to befriend people or train people on how to fix bikes or train drivers as I am very highly trained HGV driver and very H&S aware, ironic I know.
Anyway the question I would like to know is what should I take to court with me?
My solicitor said underwear and toiletries but what about jeans and t shirts?
Thank you


Thanks for your post.  Hope it all goes well for you next week.

Many prisons will expect you to initially wear 'prison issue' clothes which you will be given on your arrival. Once you have earned 'privileges' you will then be allowed to wear you own clothes. If you do take jeans and t-shirts with you (not loads obviously) then these will be stored until such a time as you'll be allowed to wear them.

Hope this helps.

Best wishes


Supreme Being
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Posts: 8, Visits: 10
Thank you Smile
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HI Debs
two pairs of jeans and say 5 t shirts ok to take?
Thanks again
Debbie Sadler
Debbie Sadler
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santafe - 9 Sep 16 2:27 PM
HI Debs
two pairs of jeans and say 5 t shirts ok to take?
Thanks again

That sounds fine.

I believe that once you are able to wear your own clothes, you are able to have a maximum of 9 pairs of trousers (which includes jeans and shorts) and a maximum of 15 tops (to include t-shirts and sweatshirts)..

If you're interested you can read all about incentives and earned privileges by going onto the Ministry of Justice site - and having a look at PSI 30/2013.

Best wishes


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Some of the information you have been given is sadly incorrect.  Toiletries for example will simply be confiscated and destroyed because they may contain drugs or other non allowed items. This applies to prescription drugs too.  Take the repeat prescription slip with you.

Taking extra clothes in is pointless.  Even if you are allowed to have them with you, you will have no means to wash them, well initially anyway.

Concentrate on important items such as spare glasses or reading glasses if you use them.  A cheap watch with a new battery is a good idea.  So are some comfy shoes.  Leave the the credit cards at home and take cash with you;  £100 if you can afford it. You will need money to use the phone and buy a few luxuries.

Does this help? 

Well, who said life was going to be easy?

9 Years Ago by Mintaka
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Mintaka - 11 Sep 16 9:12 PM
Some of the information you have been given is sadly incorrect.  Toiletries for example will simply be confiscated and destroyed because they may contain drugs or other non allowed items. This applies to prescription drugs too.  Take the repeat prescription slip with you.

Taking extra clothes in is pointless.  Even if you are allowed to have them with you, you will have no means to wash them, well initially anyway.

Concentrate on important items such as spare glasses or reading glasses if you use them.  A cheap watch with a new battery is a good idea.  So are some comfy shoes.  Leave the the credit cards at home and take cash with you;  £100 if you can afford it. You will need money to use the phone and buy a few luxuries.

Does this help? 

Yes thank you 

Supreme Being
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HI everyone sorry for not getting back quicker

I was very very lucky and got a fine and a driving ban
the Probation report which was done was classed as useless by the Judge and my solicitor because the law in Scotland is different

Thank you once again for all you're help

Debbie Sadler
Debbie Sadler
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That's good its not as bad as you thought it would be.

Good luck in the future.


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