Very interested to hear if anyone has successfully applied for an ESTA and travelled to the US trouble free after coming off the register. I came off it 12 months ago and may have to travel for a conference with my boss (so obviously very nervous and trying to get out of going...).
PPU when I came off the register said that my Visor record would be archived but not deleted, so if a copper did a search it wouldn't likely flag as me previously having a visor record but it would state achieved rather than live.
The HOWI (UK watch list) is linked to Visor. When I was on the register and travelled (before the article 38 notices started on us all after the UK joined SIS2, UKBF on return would see a flag but the EU countries didn't. So it prompts some questions -
1) am I still on the HOWI even though my Visor record is archived? 2) Has the U.K. ever shared my details with the US, meaning that my name and DoB etc may now be on a US watchlist? 3) If I change my passport and get a new passport number, if number 2 has happened would I still have problems with a new passport number?
Quite worried about travelling to the US with the boss, if I get an ESTA at all! Since coming off the register I have travelled on holiday to Abu Dhabi and a few times to the EU without any problem either landing or on return, but it depends what the US does and doesn't know.