+xthanks Derbs, sadly your correct and this one mistake is going to haunt me for life It seems that because it was listed as a race crime it will always be there. I dont know where to go from here now as I feel I was given the wrong info by the police officer who took my statment and told me it was just a slap on the wrist and not to worry. Hi pumpkin Even if your conviction is not eligible for filtering it doesn't mean that you won't be able to train as a teaching assistant. Of course you'll have to disclose it to any college/university or employer and the key will be explaining it in such a way that you can demonstrate that you're no risk to the children at the school or your colleagues. I understand that in the circumstances, disclosure will be difficult and is likely to take you back to a pretty awful time in your life. If it helps, jot some notes down that you can use as a prompt or write a self-disclosure letter that you can hand over. Always make it clear that you'd be happy to answer any questions that a college/employer may have. Don't be put off from following your dream job just because something is going to show on your DBS certificate. Schools can be quite risk adverse but we hear from many people who are working very successfully in the teaching field. It might be worth having a read of this article which we've recently published in our online magazine. Hope this helps. Stay positive and good luck. Debs
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