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anyone know if my caution will be filtereed?

anyone know if my caution will be filtereed?

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (1.7K reputation)Supreme Being (1.7K reputation)Supreme Being (1.7K reputation)Supreme Being (1.7K reputation)Supreme Being (1.7K reputation)Supreme Being (1.7K reputation)Supreme Being (1.7K reputation)Supreme Being (1.7K reputation)Supreme Being (1.7K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 3, Visits: 9

years ago I lost my temper with a taxi driver after having a horrendous time with another one that lead to an attempted rape, I just lost it and freaked out

upshot is that I got a caution for racially aggravated common assault

It had nothing to do with race, but I had no proof that it didnt and despite me telling the police about the other attack and asking them to look it up on their system as I had been found at the side of the road covered in cuts and bruises having had to jump out of a moving car as I feared for me life I was told not to worry by the police officer and that it was just a wrist slap.

of course that was not the case, it has something that has affected my working life ever since and now I am a single parent I am looking into to train as a teaching assistant and need to get a dsb done. I dont want to be branded a racist nor do I want to disclose if its going to be filtered. 

I know if it had been purely common assault it would have been filtered but due to the racial aspect I am not sure it will be.

I have written to ACRO to see what is held on me and just waiting for that now



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