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Help, advice needed.

Help, advice needed.

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (2.3K reputation)Supreme Being (2.3K reputation)Supreme Being (2.3K reputation)Supreme Being (2.3K reputation)Supreme Being (2.3K reputation)Supreme Being (2.3K reputation)Supreme Being (2.3K reputation)Supreme Being (2.3K reputation)Supreme Being (2.3K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 7, Visits: 63
Hi guys,

Back in 2010 I was sentenced to 5 years SOR & 3 years probation & community order for a count of possession of images. Thankfully I got thru court and probation etc pretty much without anyone finding out apart from someone who was my best friend but as I was god father to her children obviously the police and social services had to inform her. Naturally she went ballistic and we haven't really communicated. But she blames me for messing her life up and when she gets drunk she messages me telling me she is going to shame me and tell my family and friends what I have done. So far for the past 8 years I have managed to talk her round and calm her down and we may meet up for lunch or a quick drink but this time I think she means it.

I'm not sure what to do, I have done my time with the justice system but she seems hell bent on destroying me, after 8 years I need to get on with my life and not keep worrying when she is going to rare up again. Shes told me I'm lucky to be alive after her brothers and cousins were told etc.

Any advice anyone???

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