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Who are people with unspent convictions using for home insurance ?

Who are people with unspent convictions using for home insurance ?

Debbie Sadler
Debbie Sadler
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east72 - 15 Aug 18 8:01 PM
Which mainstream insurance companies are people using for their insurance ? home and contents. cant seem to find any who don't ask the question anymore ?

Hi east72

There are very few mainstream insurance companies that provide home and contents insurance to people with unspent convictions. As Yankee mentioned, Unlock do have a list of insurance brokers who should be able to help and as you can see, Home Protect have been mentioned a couple of times. 

I know there's been some discussion about LV and I believe that they may have recently changed the question around criminal records on their application form recently. For house insurance, they now ask "Do you or anyone living with you have any unspent convictions?" However, for car insurance it seems that they're still asking “Have you had any motoring convictions or fixed penalty endorsements in the past 5 years?”.

Hope you manage to get a policy through one of the brokers. Let us know how you get on.


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I've noticed new startup insurer don't even ask so should be OK to use for home insurance
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Monkos - 28 Aug 18 12:50 PM
I've noticed new startup insurer don't even ask so should be OK to use for home insurance

Unfortunately yet another example of an online insurer not being explicit with their T&C's.  You are right that they do not bother asking the question when you complete the online quote form.  However, if you read their conditions, you will see that they do not cover convictions (see below)

You have never been convicted, cautioned or charged (but not yet tried) for any offence other than motoring.

Given their sales pitch is about being straightforward and using every day language, this is pretty poor as it makes no differentiation between spent and unspent etc.
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Yankee - 28 Aug 18 6:14 PM
Monkos - 28 Aug 18 12:50 PM
I've noticed new startup insurer don't even ask so should be OK to use for home insurance

Unfortunately yet another example of an online insurer not being explicit with their T&C's.  You are right that they do not bother asking the question when you complete the online quote form.  However, if you read their conditions, you will see that they do not cover convictions (see below)

You have never been convicted, cautioned or charged (but not yet tried) for any offence other than motoring.

Given their sales pitch is about being straightforward and using every day language, this is pretty poor as it makes no differentiation between spent and unspent etc.

and have you ever heard of anyone having to provide a disclosure check to an insurance company in order to make a claim? I've made plenty of insurance claims and never been asked to provide such a thing.
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Monkos - 28 Aug 18 6:37 PM
Yankee - 28 Aug 18 6:14 PM
Monkos - 28 Aug 18 12:50 PM
I've noticed new startup insurer don't even ask so should be OK to use for home insurance

Unfortunately yet another example of an online insurer not being explicit with their T&C's.  You are right that they do not bother asking the question when you complete the online quote form.  However, if you read their conditions, you will see that they do not cover convictions (see below)

You have never been convicted, cautioned or charged (but not yet tried) for any offence other than motoring.

Given their sales pitch is about being straightforward and using every day language, this is pretty poor as it makes no differentiation between spent and unspent etc.

and have you ever heard of anyone having to provide a disclosure check to an insurance company in order to make a claim? I've made plenty of insurance claims and never been asked to provide such a thing.

Insurance is risk-based.  If your claim is large enough and they suspect something, it may trigger a check and then invalidate the policy - there was a case a few months back in the press.
Like most things (including the tick boxes on travel forms), if you decide not to disclose it is a very low probability that it will bite you. However, if your house burns down and the value of the claim triggers a check, would you really want to run that risk? 

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Posts: 81, Visits: 415
Yankee - 28 Aug 18 6:14 PM
Monkos - 28 Aug 18 12:50 PM
I've noticed new startup insurer don't even ask so should be OK to use for home insurance

Unfortunately yet another example of an online insurer not being explicit with their T&C's.  You are right that they do not bother asking the question when you complete the online quote form.  However, if you read their conditions, you will see that they do not cover convictions (see below)

You have never been convicted, cautioned or charged (but not yet tried) for any offence other than motoring.

Given their sales pitch is about being straightforward and using every day language, this is pretty poor as it makes no differentiation between spent and unspent etc.

You're right, in fact they go further than others and ask that no one in your household does either

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