I'm looking here and on Unlock's site for answers to various questions, and only finding half answers and false assumptions on many things. It would be good to have solid, definitive answers, reviewed by experts and backed up by consistent confirmations of real life experiences, as it seems to be the blind leading the blind and ultimately a lot of bad advice being given out here. There are also very few users it seems, probably because of that.
The law is applied inconsistently by courts, lawyers and police, even though the very point of it is to be fair and equal. The difficulty in finding good quality information about different people's experiences allows such abuse to take place. It would be much better if one could go to your PPU for example and say "500 other people had their SOPOs discharged after 5 years this year so mine should be as well" instead of them each applying the rules however they see fit.
While the forum also is very hierarchically structured, that makes it harder for information to be in one place, and instead the good information is mixed up with the bad information.
P.S. sorry I should have put this in the feedback section but it helps make my point that it wasn't obvious to do so. Feel free to move it if that's possible for moderators.