I've recently been convicted, and have been issued a SHPO pertaining to use of devices that connect to the internet. My probation officer has informed me that my MOSOVO officer, who I'll be meeting on monday, is going to say that I need to inform my employers, as I use a computer for work. I've only been in this job for a few weeks, and was incredibly lucky to get it so quickly. I didn't need to disclose at the time of signing the contract because I hadn't been charged at that point. Obviously I'm concerned that disclosing may lead to dismissal, since I'm on my probation period, but the employer has software in place that monitors usage and blocks unwanted/NSFW sites. My question is, do MOSOVO officers have to follow a simple "conviction X means you automatically have to disclose" formula, or can I present the companies documents and contract, and offer them access to my work laptop whenever they need it, to persuade them that disclosure is not needed in my case - I can't do anything dodgy, and with the therapy and 12 step work I've been doing (which my probation officer can attest to), I've honestly not wanted to since my arrest. I'm hoping that if they can have the same access to the work laptop that they'd expect for all my other devices, they'd be satisfied. Thanks.