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Differences in approach

Differences in approach

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (4K reputation)Supreme Being (4K reputation)Supreme Being (4K reputation)Supreme Being (4K reputation)Supreme Being (4K reputation)Supreme Being (4K reputation)Supreme Being (4K reputation)Supreme Being (4K reputation)Supreme Being (4K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 12, Visits: 2.1K
After sentencing, I felt somewhat better in myself, knowing I now had a platform to rebuild and work from. 

Had my first meeting with probation and PPU and they were very professional, seeming willing to work with me and setup a management plan which along with the SHPO and SOR will just reinforce and aid my desire to lead a law obiding life going forward. 

Prior to conviction, I was happily married and had a good family life with a child. 

Probation/PPU seem reasonably happy if my wife decides that she wants to continue with family life, that they would work a plan together and over (presumably long) time frame phase reconciliation. They seem genuinely willing to help me individually and going forward with family, and reintroduced to society 

Social services involved. They wont have it at all, and keep telling my wife to get a divorce. They wont engage with me, and basically wont do anything other than try and break us up. we have both done everything they have asked and more but with no change in stance from them.  their stance is i am high risk because i committed the offence (attempted communication) and will always be high risk, no matter what I do. 

I know have caused this mess and taken considerable steps to avoid re-offending which have been successful thus far and will be aided now by the legal framework. 

This has been detailed in depth on this site and others im sure, but i genuinely am struggling to deal with the SS who seem to have no interest in anything except breaking up a family because it is in the "interests of the child" , vs probation /ppu who do seem to have a genuine interest in me  


4 Years Ago by newstart

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