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Automatic DBS Barring criteria

Automatic DBS Barring criteria

Mr W
Mr W
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (68K reputation)Supreme Being (68K reputation)Supreme Being (68K reputation)Supreme Being (68K reputation)Supreme Being (68K reputation)Supreme Being (68K reputation)Supreme Being (68K reputation)Supreme Being (68K reputation)Supreme Being (68K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 467, Visits: 5.6K
There was something called Disqualification by Association introduced in the last few years, this sounds like it's something similar to what you're talking about, thankfully it was scrapped after an uproar:

Fighting or Accepting - its difficult to know which is right and when.
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (344 reputation)Supreme Being (344 reputation)Supreme Being (344 reputation)Supreme Being (344 reputation)Supreme Being (344 reputation)Supreme Being (344 reputation)Supreme Being (344 reputation)Supreme Being (344 reputation)Supreme Being (344 reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 1, Visits: 1
I was convicted of a sexual offence 15 years ago which resulted in a small fine.  Some time afterwards I was advised that due to the sentence I could not be barred automatically or otherwise.  As my wife became a teacher some years afterwards she disclosed my conviction to the local authority and education board and they confirmed no issues or concerns but I have recently noticed some stories about a change in the law and wondered if anyone knew whether this would affect any future job applications she made in the education sector?  I have no interest in working with children personally but I don't want my wife to have to go through a ton of new vetting and applications if my conviction is going to cause issues with the new legislation.  Tia for any helpful contributions


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