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Is this a small step forward? Re Disclosures amendments - looking forward to hearing what will be...

Is this a small step forward? Re Disclosures amendments - looking...

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (96K reputation)Supreme Being (96K reputation)Supreme Being (96K reputation)Supreme Being (96K reputation)Supreme Being (96K reputation)Supreme Being (96K reputation)Supreme Being (96K reputation)Supreme Being (96K reputation)Supreme Being (96K reputation)

Group: Awaiting Activation
Posts: 1K, Visits: 1.6K
I quickly read this article and I hope it brings hope and a simile to many .

I was also encouraged by the statement:

Mr Buckland told BBC Radio 4's Today programme the aim of the changes was to "increase public confidence in the system and ensure the protection of the public as well".

He added: "I have been completely committed to sentencing reform for years [and] this is my opportunity to make a difference."

 A focus on supporting ex-offenders will see custodial sentences become "spent" after 12 months without reoffending, with convictions of up to four years no longer disclosed after a further four crime-free years. 

I will be interested what is said in Parliament and the final wording will be as given my sentence was 4 years it is possible I have only 1 year left to disclose.

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope is for tomorrow else what is left if you remove a mans hope.

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