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Housing Dilema Please Help

Housing Dilema Please Help

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (49K reputation)Supreme Being (49K reputation)Supreme Being (49K reputation)Supreme Being (49K reputation)Supreme Being (49K reputation)Supreme Being (49K reputation)Supreme Being (49K reputation)Supreme Being (49K reputation)Supreme Being (49K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 293, Visits: 4.7K
Just had a call from my landlord a housing association that they are demolishing my building. 

They have said they will work with me to find a new property. 

My concern is the police made the decision not to inform my landlord about my sexual offence, will they do a up to date DBS and therefore ot will be revealed?

Do I need to work with the police when I look for a new property with the housing association? I'm worried if I choose somewhere they deem inappropriate they will go and disclose to people.

I'm actually scared of been homeless now. 

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Mark15788 - 4 Years Ago
Blueman202 - 4 Years Ago
Mark15788 - 4 Years Ago
Blueman202 - 4 Years Ago
Mark15788 - 4 Years Ago
Was - 4 Years Ago
Blueman202 - 4 Years Ago
Mark15788 - 4 Years Ago
Was - 4 Years Ago
Blueman202 - 4 Years Ago
Mark15788 - 4 Years Ago
Mark15788 - 4 Years Ago
Mark15788 - 4 Years Ago
Blueman202 - 4 Years Ago
Blueman202 - 4 Years Ago
Mark15788 - 4 Years Ago
                         After enquiries it looks like my current housing association advertise...
Mark15788 - 4 Years Ago
                             Wanted to update. I was worrying too much. In the end the HA offered...
Mark15788 - 4 Years Ago
                                 Good to hear plus you’ve got your £6.5k to enjoy every cloud...
Blueman202 - 4 Years Ago
george5WR - 4 Years Ago

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