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Another job, what will they decide??

Another job, what will they decide??

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (187K reputation)Supreme Being (187K reputation)Supreme Being (187K reputation)Supreme Being (187K reputation)Supreme Being (187K reputation)Supreme Being (187K reputation)Supreme Being (187K reputation)Supreme Being (187K reputation)Supreme Being (187K reputation)

Group: Awaiting Activation
Posts: 1.1K, Visits: 1.8K
Mark15788 - 10 Jan 22 6:33 PM
I received the phone call today and was told the job offer has been withdrawn. She told me she couldn’t give any information as it wasn’t her that made the decision but a panel of staff from head office. She did give me the email address of one of the directors though and I sent her an email. I asked if she could give the reasoning behind the decision and asked if a risk assessment was done and could this be shared. I got back a reply mainly about them following process and their safer recruitment policy, nothing else and nothing about risk assessment. Do you think it’s worth pushing for more information or just leaving it there?

Sorry to hear that news but the wording sounds "self protective" and I would not expect you to get very much more except that policy does not allow that information to be shared.

You could write back thanking them for their response and ask them to confirm that all information they held concerning your application and reasons for rejection are deleted from "any hardcopy or computerised systems". Whilst any information is held, it is not to be disclosed in any manor or format except for legal reasons. If a disclosure did occur, they would notify you immediately of the individuals(s) disclosing and what was disclosed, the requestee, their authority and reasons for the for disclosure request."

If you wish to be a devil you could also say you wish a confirmation o a yearly basis.

Take care and focused on your self belief.

Remember their reply signals you will not get an offer in the future so put the pressure on them; obviously in a polite manner. 

Society suggests I must let go of all my expectations but I disagree, as whilst I have a voice, I have hope.

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope is for tomorrow else what is left if you remove a mans hope.

This forum supports these words, thank you Unlock and your contributors.

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (53K reputation)Supreme Being (53K reputation)Supreme Being (53K reputation)Supreme Being (53K reputation)Supreme Being (53K reputation)Supreme Being (53K reputation)Supreme Being (53K reputation)Supreme Being (53K reputation)Supreme Being (53K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 293, Visits: 4.7K
I received the phone call today and was told the job offer has been withdrawn. She told me she couldn’t give any information as it wasn’t her that made the decision but a panel of staff from head office.

She did give me the email address of one of the directors though and I sent her an email.

I asked if she could give the reasoning behind the decision and asked if a risk assessment was done and could this be shared.

I got back a reply mainly about them following process and their safer recruitment policy, nothing else and nothing about risk assessment.

Do you think it’s worth pushing for more information or just leaving it there?
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (53K reputation)Supreme Being (53K reputation)Supreme Being (53K reputation)Supreme Being (53K reputation)Supreme Being (53K reputation)Supreme Being (53K reputation)Supreme Being (53K reputation)Supreme Being (53K reputation)Supreme Being (53K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 293, Visits: 4.7K
Course I always take advice on board.

Don’t get me wrong though, I didn’t do it horribly or nastily. I just asked that I was kept updated with the process and that it was disappointing to not have had any communication. I don’t believe that was said in a bad way. She even apologised and said I should have had everything explained to me.

Yes I already keep a spreadsheet tracker to help myself.

Thanks for the support.
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (187K reputation)Supreme Being (187K reputation)Supreme Being (187K reputation)Supreme Being (187K reputation)Supreme Being (187K reputation)Supreme Being (187K reputation)Supreme Being (187K reputation)Supreme Being (187K reputation)Supreme Being (187K reputation)

Group: Awaiting Activation
Posts: 1.1K, Visits: 1.8K
Mark15788 - 7 Jan 22 5:35 PM
Thanks. I have managed to speak with someone now, but all I got in response was they are following their processes. Which is a bit of a awful reply, as I’ve been honest with them and divulged personal sensitive information and they can’t even be open back with me about what that process is. It’s making me feel disappointed in regards to communication and clarity and I have expressed that with them.

Could I advise you to take most feedback as professionally as you can and wait until you have put the phone down or sent the email before airing your thoughts. You should never close any door as the future can always change and they may come back to you; nothing is impossible.

Also as an ex-HR manager, I would suggest creating your own process that records each role application, personal you talk to, discussions and outcomes.
This way when you look at a new role advert you are able to see if you have approached the business / individuals before and reactions.

Good luck

Society suggests I must let go of all my expectations but I disagree, as whilst I have a voice, I have hope.

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope is for tomorrow else what is left if you remove a mans hope.

This forum supports these words, thank you Unlock and your contributors.

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (53K reputation)Supreme Being (53K reputation)Supreme Being (53K reputation)Supreme Being (53K reputation)Supreme Being (53K reputation)Supreme Being (53K reputation)Supreme Being (53K reputation)Supreme Being (53K reputation)Supreme Being (53K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 293, Visits: 4.7K

I have managed to speak with someone now, but all I got in response was they are following their processes.

Which is a bit of a awful reply, as I’ve been honest with them and divulged personal sensitive information and they can’t even be open back with me about what that process is.

It’s making me feel disappointed in regards to communication and clarity and I have expressed that with them.
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (187K reputation)Supreme Being (187K reputation)Supreme Being (187K reputation)Supreme Being (187K reputation)Supreme Being (187K reputation)Supreme Being (187K reputation)Supreme Being (187K reputation)Supreme Being (187K reputation)Supreme Being (187K reputation)

Group: Awaiting Activation
Posts: 1.1K, Visits: 1.8K
Mark15788 - 5 Jan 22 11:07 AM
So, I applied for an administration role in November and went through 2 interviews and was offered the role, great. They were aware I had a unspent conviction and said they didn’t need any more information as of yet as they would judge on skills, experience, qualifications and my interviews - which they did. I went through references and occupational health which are all completed and also asked to undertake a basic DBS. I obviously knew what would show up on there and this has come back electronically and paper based and I’ve forwarded this on. I also asked them to look at my disclosure statement and a log I had been keeping of everything I have done since conviction. Just waiting on their decision now. No return of phone call or response to email, so I’m worried this is a bad sign. I seem to have no problem with applications and interviews, it’s always after been offered the role. I know it’s the law and that but it’s mad to think that in just over a years time if I had applied for the role and been offered it like now the basic DBS would have nothing on it and I wouldn’t of needed to declare. Seems like sexual offending is still that major stigma. No one seems to want to give individuals who have committed a sexual offence a chance or consider what progress I have made, what I have achieved since conviction or the fact I have been open and honest throughout and committed no further offences.

Not to sound or add to your misery but I have applied for over 2000 roles, offered some contracts which were rescinded upon disclosure. I have had many discussions with Probation (when I was on licence) and my various PPUs. They say I am presenting / disclosing my self / offence wrongly. They offer to contact and so discuss my offence with the recruiter in support.
Though I have always been grateful for any support it is difficult to persuade them that the "procedures" they live by and try to influence us by do not work in the real world.
Example, by the time they contacted the recruiter the role would be filled or barriers raised. They seem to be unaware of the pace of the contract market.
One role I did not have to declare my offence but my then PO insisted they would if I didn't.

In regard to your current scenario, I would just phone them on the premise you had missed an unknow number call and wondered if it was them; and ask for news.

Good luck and maintain your self belief.  

Society suggests I must let go of all my expectations but I disagree, as whilst I have a voice, I have hope.

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope is for tomorrow else what is left if you remove a mans hope.

This forum supports these words, thank you Unlock and your contributors.

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (53K reputation)Supreme Being (53K reputation)Supreme Being (53K reputation)Supreme Being (53K reputation)Supreme Being (53K reputation)Supreme Being (53K reputation)Supreme Being (53K reputation)Supreme Being (53K reputation)Supreme Being (53K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 293, Visits: 4.7K
So, I applied for an administration role in November and went through 2 interviews and was offered the role, great.

They were aware I had a unspent conviction and said they didn’t need any more information as of yet as they would judge on skills, experience, qualifications and my interviews - which they did.

I went through references and occupational health which are all completed and also asked to undertake a basic DBS.

I obviously knew what would show up on there and this has come back electronically and paper based and I’ve forwarded this on.

I also asked them to look at my disclosure statement and a log I had been keeping of everything I have done since conviction.

Just waiting on their decision now. No return of phone call or response to email, so I’m worried this is a bad sign.

I seem to have no problem with applications and interviews, it’s always after been offered the role.

I know it’s the law and that but it’s mad to think that in just over a years time if I had applied for the role and been offered it like now the basic DBS would have nothing on it and I wouldn’t of needed to declare.

Seems like sexual offending is still that major stigma. No one seems to want to give individuals who have committed a sexual offence a chance or consider what progress I have made, what I have achieved since conviction or the fact I have been open and honest throughout and committed no further offences.

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