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New etias requirement from 2022 for travel to EU

New etias requirement from 2022 for travel to EU

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (255K reputation)Supreme Being (255K reputation)Supreme Being (255K reputation)Supreme Being (255K reputation)Supreme Being (255K reputation)Supreme Being (255K reputation)Supreme Being (255K reputation)Supreme Being (255K reputation)Supreme Being (255K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 1.1K, Visits: 7.5K
dedalus - 10 Feb 22 11:58 AM
ETIAS - European Travel Information and Authorisation System (


I was surprised to find out that there will soon be a requirement to obtain an electronic authorisation to travel to EU countries.

I have a minor conviction however this is recordable.
I was wondering if the new scheme will have links to the PCN and likely to cause problems.


The UK does not automatically share criminal record information with any other country, so unless the police have an active interest in you, they won't be telling any other countries about you. Apparently, ETIAS will be voluntary until the end of 2022, then mandatory from the start of 2023, but it will rely on your honesty as to whether you disclose, as they will have no way of checking what you tell them. Once fifteen years have passed, you won't be required to disclose anyway, but if you travel without disclosing and later need a Schengen visa for work, study or residence, they will be able to see that you had travelled without disclosing, which could well count against you. If you're sure you won't need a Schengen visa at any point, then it's up to you what you do.


If you are to punish a man retributively you must injure him. If you are to reform him you must improve him. And men are not improved by injuries. (George Bernard Shaw)

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (15K reputation)Supreme Being (15K reputation)Supreme Being (15K reputation)Supreme Being (15K reputation)Supreme Being (15K reputation)Supreme Being (15K reputation)Supreme Being (15K reputation)Supreme Being (15K reputation)Supreme Being (15K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 63, Visits: 1.4K
ETIAS - European Travel Information and Authorisation System (


I was surprised to find out that there will soon be a requirement to obtain an electronic authorisation to travel to EU countries.

I have a minor conviction however this is recordable.
I was wondering if the new scheme will have links to the PCN and likely to cause problems.


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