+xInterviewed for a 12 month fixed term disputes decision maker role. Passed the interview and received provisional offer this morning. Now have to go through baseline vetting so a check of unspent convictions. Mine is for a SO. I did enquire to start with and they said each case would be assessed individually, although not sure how it works and whether I will get the chance to discuss with them. Sorting of hoping they may give me a chance and other part of me is thinking will they overlook me. Hi Mark, Though you don't mention the offence details in your post; not that you have to, I hope they do give you a chance. You may find; as I have done, their concern is what will happen if other employees or clients discover your past. Always remember though, no matter what they say you are an "EX-SO" so believe in yourself.
Society suggests I must let go of all my expectations but I disagree, as whilst I have a voice, I have hope.
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope is for tomorrow else what is left if you remove a mans hope. ------------------------------
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