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Getting an income with an SO

Getting an income with an SO

Supreme Being
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Jamie7718 - 7 Jul 22 8:21 AM
So feeling kind of hopeless right now. I have an unspent SO that won't be removed for another 2.5 years. All the companies that are supposed to help with people in my position seem to turn away when it's a SO. I have managed to do some courses that have kept myself busy. But I just feel like I really need to get a job. Or even start working from home. My confidence with that is pretty low. I looked into selling on ebay or something. But what? Plus I have the google effect. So even if I do find work i'm going to be paranoid every day that i'm about to be found out. Even this forum is basically dead with posts from years ago. I just think of the thousands of people in the same position in the UK. Are they all just sitting around waiting for it to be over like me. Could do with some advice. 

Have you tried Upwork or Peopleperhour or Fiverr? Freelancing work, no need for disclosure.

The biggest problem with employers is the HR department. You might be interviewed by one person, who can see you are the best candidate for the job, but then your application goes to HR, and the person there bins it, because you have a conviction, even though they have never spoken to you themselves.

The larger the employer, the more likely that their HR will be full of jobsworths, who are either, scared of damaging the companies reputation, or following that companies unofficial policy, of not giving SO a second chance. Something similar happens with recruitment agencies, so avoid them too.

The best thing to do, is to avoid all the big employers, like Tesco and Amazon. Look around for small employers, who do their own HR, so that the person interviewing you, is the person doing the hiring and firing. When I applied for a job at a petrol station, many years ago, the guy asked me two questions: "have you done this kind of work before?" and "when can you start"? They didn't even ask for references.

That's because the people who own these petrol stations are self employed franchisees. They are not employed by the oil company, so they can do their own hiring, without going through the oil companies HR dept. Most small, family owned firms operate like this and there are lots of them around. 

But the trick is finding those jobs. They don't have big advertising budgets, so they won't advertise the jobs very widely. It's going to be case of asking around in your local area, to see who is hiring, check local papers and look in local shop windows.

3 Years Ago by punter99
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Jamie7718 - 7 Jul 22 8:21 AM
So feeling kind of hopeless right now. I have an unspent SO that won't be removed for another 2.5 years. All the companies that are supposed to help with people in my position seem to turn away when it's a SO. I have managed to do some courses that have kept myself busy. But I just feel like I really need to get a job. Or even start working from home. My confidence with that is pretty low. I looked into selling on ebay or something. But what? Plus I have the google effect. So even if I do find work i'm going to be paranoid every day that i'm about to be found out. Even this forum is basically dead with posts from years ago. I just think of the thousands of people in the same position in the UK. Are they all just sitting around waiting for it to be over like me. Could do with some advice. 

I find myself to be in the boat as you, I have done countless amount of courses learning from home but I have always struggled to actually find a career I want to do even before my conviction, I have 5 years left on the SHPO and SOR (unless I amend / appeal). The past couple of weeks, maybe even months now. I have generally been well with in myself and more confident and have not felt all that depressed or had issues with my anxiety. I suppose the learning I was doing along with giving myself other projects to do has helped me massively. I am constantly told self employment would benefit me in terms of getting work but much like yourself, the places that operate to help those with convictions turn you away if its a SO offence.

All I can suggest is keep looking forward, keep on pushing yourself to do more. Whether that be more learning, doing various projects such as DIY. Keep yourself busy as much as you can and rebuild your confidence. Granted applying for jobs with an unspent conviction is much more difficult, but not impossible. I am yet to start applying for jobs myself but I am feeling more confident to do so each day I work on my skills. The forum has many helpful threads detailing when or when not to disclose which I have found quite helpful.

We can not change the past and given the chance I know I would, but we can change and learn from past mistakes and one day society will recognize that.

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (47K reputation)Supreme Being (47K reputation)Supreme Being (47K reputation)Supreme Being (47K reputation)Supreme Being (47K reputation)Supreme Being (47K reputation)Supreme Being (47K reputation)Supreme Being (47K reputation)Supreme Being (47K reputation)

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Unfortunately that's largely how it goes. When you can't even get employment in either an Amazon distribution centre or a Tesco warehouse other opportunities are going to be limited. 

I was lucky as after 18 months I was able to cash in a personal pension to tide me over until my SHPO ran out, but I know it's not that easy for others.

The key, as you recognise, is to find something constructive to do. I was lucky as I've been writing anonymously for 30 years, run a web site, go to football matches, go to gigs, and I found an online game that soaks up the remainder of my time. I also did a lot of free online computer courses, many I'll never need, but they were good as a general knowledge thing. Only you will be able to work out what's best for you, but keeping the mind actively occupied is important.

The Forum is only "dead" in that it stopped working for a long period of time. The old posts were there, but you couldn't create new ones or reply. I know I stopped logging in for quite some time, but I think people are coming back.
Supreme Being
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 21, Visits: 1.9K
So feeling kind of hopeless right now. I have an unspent SO that won't be removed for another 2.5 years. All the companies that are supposed to help with people in my position seem to turn away when it's a SO. I have managed to do some courses that have kept myself busy. But I just feel like I really need to get a job. Or even start working from home. My confidence with that is pretty low. I looked into selling on ebay or something. But what? Plus I have the google effect. So even if I do find work i'm going to be paranoid every day that i'm about to be found out. Even this forum is basically dead with posts from years ago. I just think of the thousands of people in the same position in the UK. Are they all just sitting around waiting for it to be over like me. Could do with some advice. 

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