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Getting an income with an SO

Getting an income with an SO

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Mr W I just saw your response.

Yes, I work part time so I get time to myself too, I go for a walk in the mornings as well and get in the garden in afternoons.
Mr W
Mr W
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I just caught up with the other thread, congrats on the job, you've had more success than some.
Hopefully, the explosion of remote working could help give people more answers.
My only concern would be to make sure you're still getting out and about when you can. We're social creatures.

Fighting or Accepting - its difficult to know which is right and when.
3 Years Ago by Mr W
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Yeah I can totally understand that it’s frustrating obviously the lengths of times before becoming spent.

I think from my point of view, it’s alright if you can hold back until that time and only apply for roles that require a basic or no check at all.

But do recognise people want jobs before that.

I got 5 years in SOR with SHPO and I was always turned away or had offers withdrawn. My now job I think came along at the right time.
Mr W
Mr W
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Mark15788 - 11 Jul 22 5:04 PM
Mr W…you would get through a basic DBS as they only show unspent convictions don’t they?

When spent, yes, but the problem for many of us is the length of time being unspent.
Plus, I've no idea where the line is when it comes to "career-type jobs", let's say, doing a basic or a full check. Amazon warehouse being an appalling example from what I've read here. It may be any full DBS check job is a proxy ban, but I hope not.

Fighting or Accepting - its difficult to know which is right and when.
3 Years Ago by Mr W
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Mr W…you would get through a basic DBS as they only show unspent convictions don’t they?
Mr W
Mr W
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I can't add much to what the people above me have. I can add my sympathy and I certainly empathise with the struggle. 
I have the internal struggle of doing some courses only to be found I'll never get past a DBS even when spent. As Punter touched on, it's often about contacts, and I feel we're put in a difficult position, especially while unspent, because it feels like you have to hide/not be wholly truthful.
I'm self-employed and I started talking to a chap in a shop who was on his phone and I overheard he needed help with something, so I started chatting to him.
I did some work and invoiced him and it was all fine... but the guilt and paranoia, as I was/am Googlable, was a lot to deal with. I'd feel awful if his business was affected by being exposed to having links to the labels attached to my conviction. We got on well which increased the feeling of I had to make a decision whether to disclose or quit. Or maybe I could have carried on, who knows. But I chose to quit.
Imagine if it blew up, it's very easy to say afterward "you should have..." but maybe that's a ruthlessness versus conscience debate. Any input here is welcome!
I share this story because I didn't have anyone to ask about what to do, who would have the right answer anyway? I still wouldn't know what to suggest to someone who would find themself in this exact position because there are so many individualised circumstances to each of our situations. I feel these scenarios we find ourselves in, especially in terms of employment, can quite often feel like nobody else is going through this. 
So while it's very easy for probation/groups helping ex-offenders to give advice about being self-employed, it's still tricky because the strength of character and confidence you need to build up clients is certainly not easy, especially when we've just taken a mental battering in the CJS and, as I've found, the fragility around an unwanted fallout without disclosure.

Fighting or Accepting - its difficult to know which is right and when.
3 Years Ago by Mr W
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Was - 8 Jul 22 9:32 AM
Jamie7718 - 7 Jul 22 7:57 PM
Could I ask what free computer courses you did? Yeah lucky I have two online games that soak up a lot of time. But i'm getting to that stage where I feel bad for sitting there all day playing. I actually want to be constructive. haha. Feel like in my self I have earnt my free time. If that makes sense. 

Microsoft do some free courses. Microsoft Learn | Microsoft Docs They seem to have relaunched it since I did it. I logged in and apparently I'm 32% through an Azure course, but my profile is not showing any of my previous courses!

The Linux foundation has some free courses. Resources - Linux Foundation - Training

And for self learning W3Schools is good. They do paid courses but you can learn most things by reading their reference sections and exercises.

Thank a lot for the information. Hopefully that will keep me busy. 
Supreme Being
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Jamie7718 - 7 Jul 22 7:57 PM
Could I ask what free computer courses you did? Yeah lucky I have two online games that soak up a lot of time. But i'm getting to that stage where I feel bad for sitting there all day playing. I actually want to be constructive. haha. Feel like in my self I have earnt my free time. If that makes sense. 

Microsoft do some free courses. Microsoft Learn | Microsoft Docs They seem to have relaunched it since I did it. I logged in and apparently I'm 32% through an Azure course, but my profile is not showing any of my previous courses!

The Linux foundation has some free courses. Resources - Linux Foundation - Training

And for self learning W3Schools is good. They do paid courses but you can learn most things by reading their reference sections and exercises.

Supreme Being
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Was - 7 Jul 22 10:05 AM
Unfortunately that's largely how it goes. When you can't even get employment in either an Amazon distribution centre or a Tesco warehouse other opportunities are going to be limited. 

I was lucky as after 18 months I was able to cash in a personal pension to tide me over until my SHPO ran out, but I know it's not that easy for others.

The key, as you recognise, is to find something constructive to do. I was lucky as I've been writing anonymously for 30 years, run a web site, go to football matches, go to gigs, and I found an online game that soaks up the remainder of my time. I also did a lot of free online computer courses, many I'll never need, but they were good as a general knowledge thing. Only you will be able to work out what's best for you, but keeping the mind actively occupied is important.

The Forum is only "dead" in that it stopped working for a long period of time. The old posts were there, but you couldn't create new ones or reply. I know I stopped logging in for quite some time, but I think people are coming back.

Could I ask what free computer courses you did? Yeah lucky I have two online games that soak up a lot of time. But i'm getting to that stage where I feel bad for sitting there all day playing. I actually want to be constructive. haha. Feel like in my self I have earnt my free time. If that makes sense. 
Supreme Being
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I really appreciate all of your responses. I was quite surprised when I saw even one person had replied haha. I agree I have been keeping myself busy with courses etc. Which I really enjoyed. I keep looking at what other courses I can do. But I think to myself I have no idea how that is actually going to help me in the long run. Like I was offered a security course or a care course. Ill never be able to get jobs in either of them. I have also in the past 3 months really started to get healthy. Think ive lost nearly 30lbs. I am feeling pretty confident with all things considering. I have not applied for a job in nearly a year. Basically I just don't want to go back to the anxiety and the feeling of worry that comes with getting a job. But I want to show my family that I can get back into work and basically just want everyone off my back. 

I did look into those sites you mentioned because I think you might of posted them before. But I just stared at the homepage thinking I have no idea what any of this. Or what I could do. Luckily I am in a good housing position with a friend who still continues to help me in life. I wish I had that self employment drive where I could think of a business and start making money no matter how long it takes. I am a good worker. Before all this mess I was at a place for 15 years. Working my way up. Then Boom. Strangest thing is I don't seem to see anything of mosvo. I just keep to my SHPO and know that one day they will come knocking like they used too. But so far, nothing. Dunno if it's funding or what. I feel like maybe ebay could be a route for me. I am trying to research it. Can't wait for it all to be over and then I can change my name and hopefully have a fresh start.  

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