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PC/Internet Security

PC/Internet Security

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (6.5K reputation)Supreme Being (6.5K reputation)Supreme Being (6.5K reputation)Supreme Being (6.5K reputation)Supreme Being (6.5K reputation)Supreme Being (6.5K reputation)Supreme Being (6.5K reputation)Supreme Being (6.5K reputation)Supreme Being (6.5K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 42, Visits: 303
Hi does anyone have any knowledge or experience with internet and PC security on a SHPO. I had my second visit and after inspecting my PC my PPO said I shouldn’t have kaspeky security as I can access the dark web I said but it’s a security software like avg etc. she said because it’s out of date and not fully secured I’m lucky 🤔 it could be a breach. I said you have the software on here anyway I don’t understand. Does she mean because you can get a VPN? I asked what I’m I supposed to do for security for virus and internet protection. They didn’t answer is so many words.

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Mo22 - 3 Years Ago
xDanx - 3 Years Ago
Was - 3 Years Ago
Mo22 - 3 Years Ago
                 + x [quote] [b] Mo22 - 28 Oct 22 3:03 PM [/b] 1,...
punter99 - 3 Years Ago
sainted - 2 Years Ago
AB2014 - 2 Years Ago
punter99 - 2 Years Ago
sainted - 2 Years Ago
xDanx - 2 Years Ago
sainted - 2 Years Ago
                 + x [quote] [b] sainted - 3 Aug 23 8:48 PM [/b] +...
xDanx - 2 Years Ago
                 + x [quote] [b] sainted - 3 Aug 23 8:48 PM [/b] +...
AB2014 - 2 Years Ago
                     + x [quote] [b] AB2014 - 7 Aug 23 10:11 AM [/b] +...
punter99 - 2 Years Ago
                         + x [quote] [b] punter99 - 8 Aug 23 10:33 AM [/b]...
AB2014 - 2 Years Ago
Grey Area - 5 Months Ago
punter99 - 5 Months Ago
Was - 5 Months Ago
                     + x [quote] [b] Was - 16 Sep 24 1:51 PM [/b] +...
AB2014 - 5 Months Ago
                         + x [quote] [b] AB2014 - 17 Sep 24 11:40 AM [/b]...
Was - 5 Months Ago
                             + x [quote] [b] Was - 17 Sep 24 2:49 PM [/b] +...
AB2014 - 5 Months Ago

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