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Kyle Walker - is he on the SOR?

Kyle Walker - is he on the SOR?

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (95K reputation)Supreme Being (95K reputation)Supreme Being (95K reputation)Supreme Being (95K reputation)Supreme Being (95K reputation)Supreme Being (95K reputation)Supreme Being (95K reputation)Supreme Being (95K reputation)Supreme Being (95K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 769, Visits: 5.7K
It says in the news that Kyle Walker was dealt with by an out of court disposal, but what does that actually mean?

"Cheshire police explains on  its website, that out of court disposals are “used by the police to deal with low-level crime and anti-social behaviour instead of taking an offender to court. They are a way to resolve an investigation where the offender is known and has admitted to the offence.” 

So he has admitted the offence, meaning it was not an NFA, so has he been cautioned? With a non sexual crime, a caution means you can carry on with your life, as if nothing happened, but a caution for an SO means you are treated as a monster, for the next two years.

There are two types of OOCD, one is a 'community remedy' and the other is a conditional caution, so which one was used here?

Is he on the SOR or the DBS list and does he have to inform the police everytime he goes abroad? Will he still be able to have unsupervised access to the youth team? It's only a few days since Wayne Couzens was convicted of the same offence and at the time, we were told that these types of offences are a warning sign. If police dont treat them seriously, then the person will go on to commit more serious offences. But he is still employed by Man City and still playing for England?
Last Year by punter99

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