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Will my conviction show up on standard / enhanced DBS?

Will my conviction show up on standard / enhanced DBS?

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (5.4K reputation)Supreme Being (5.4K reputation)Supreme Being (5.4K reputation)Supreme Being (5.4K reputation)Supreme Being (5.4K reputation)Supreme Being (5.4K reputation)Supreme Being (5.4K reputation)Supreme Being (5.4K reputation)Supreme Being (5.4K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 15, Visits: 142
Hi, I had posted this in the end of my other topic but with the board not being very active these days, i thought a new topic might be better.

It's now been about 13/14 years since the conviction.
I don't have the paperwork I got at the time, so a bit sketchy on detail now. I am pretty certain is section 39 common assault.
I got 180 hours community service. I don't recall if I got a suspended sentence or not, although would this not be the case if I got a community order?
Would you generally not get both and only one?
The other thing I am a bit worried about is I read that with an enhanced check, can show information that's on the PNC.
I used the calculator, which seems to show that my offence should now be filtered. Has anything changed where I can find out? Without applying for a job, that is.
In the whole time, I have not applied for any other job, literally out of just being scared of losing my current job and then not being able to get another one if that happened.
I work in the NHS, and they never knew about it, but really worried if I applied for a new job and anything showed up, I would potentially lose everything. Would anything on the PNC show on an enhanced check just because it's the NHS and the nature of that job? I don't actually work with patients directly.

I just feel I cannot apply for anything else until I know where I stand, without applying for a job to find out. Because applying for a job might be what could then end up effecting me.
If anyone can help, that would be great.

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