Hi Good man, welcome to the forum. Many of us on this forum have already been through what you're going through, so it's a great place for advice. As you might expect, I don't think there's any great positives with these orders.
AB is right, the police can not decide whether you have a monitoring app or not, they must only follow what's on your order. If your order does not state anything about monitoring software, you do not need to install it. So you can push back on that. I've had to push back on all sorts that my officer has tried it on with. After five years (minimum) you can take your order back to court and try to get it amended, shortened etc but until then you're stuck with it. I take it you're 3 years in already, so I'd maybe think about preparing to do this. It is possible to do it for free, check out some of the other threads as a couple of other members are going through this process. The order also means your conviction will be 'unspent' until it is discharged (this is largely why trying to remove links on Google fails). Getting 6 months and an indefinite order seems harsh but then I don't know the ins and outs of your conviction. The 'unspent' rule is what has caused me so much frustration because it affects jobs, insurance, disclosure of convictions, all sorts, which have nothing to do with the conviction but hugely affect our lives day-to-day. The Google effect - it depends on jobs/circumstances, what you want to do, the rules around disclosure for work seem to vary from force to force. Police may take the view for some jobs you don't need to disclose if you're not asked to, but there's all sorts of ifs and buts around this. It's a headache because the only way to get away from being Googled right now is to change your name, however, you may have to disclose the conviction to an employer anyway. I have a few more years left being unspent, but I've changed my name because it was causing problems for me. As mentioned, the helplines at Unlock, NACRO and Lucy Faithful are all really helpful, I've used them all for different things, they're not judgemental AT ALL, so do make use of them. Hope this helps.
PS. How are you getting on Khafka? Does it feel more like living in the real world again? Mental health doing well with consistent work etc? Meeting people? No more unannounced knocks lol
===== Fighting or Accepting - its difficult to know which is right and when.