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Unemployed and need help

Unemployed and need help

Supreme Being
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Posts: 51, Visits: 961
The best piece of advice I will give is not to lose any hope. The media like to “gloss” over facts and indeed could alter them entirely. I understand the frustration about getting a job and it being so easy to google everything these days.

There are are jobs out there that disclosure need not happen, if you are your 3rd month in, I take this to mean 3 months into your sentence?. I presume you have probation?

If you have probation I would talk to them about this, they can find ways to help, particularly if you need to write a disclosure letter(I had my Probation Officer help do mine) and they was fantastic, they may also have a service locally to help improve job searches or help with your CV.

There is always hope, having a job is fantastic, during my. Journey so far, I have held several agency jobs, and I am now studying towards a degree with the view to complete my MSc.

You will find lots of support on here Smile.
Mr W
Mr W
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Posts: 467, Visits: 5.6K
Charlie 23 - 13 Apr 24 10:06 AM
I've been having trouble getting and keeping a job due to an online journalist posting untrue facts online, I have tried to get this person to remove the post but made it worse, everyone I go for a job interview and disclose my criminal record they go online and read this post and I'm unsuccessful. I'm now into my 3rd month and I feel like giving up on life. 
Is there anyone who can help? 

Hi Charlie,

I can relate, people being able to Google a sensationalised version of things is incredibly frustrating because it means my CV might as well be blank.

I’m assuming if you’re only 3 months in, you’re still unspent and that makes removing stuff from websites tricky. If it is false, then Punter is right when he says you should contact them with exactly what is wrong asap. However, even if it’s then corrected or ‘most of it is right' then it may not solve that problem.

There are other options though, you’re not the first and won’t be the last to be in this type of situation. Some people find jobs that don’t need any disclosure, eg factory / warehouse type stuff, or there’s lots of opportunities to be self-employed, depending on your skills etc. In those situations don’t be too keen to rush into any disclosures where they may not be necessary. Hope that helps.

Fighting or Accepting - its difficult to know which is right and when.
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (122K reputation)Supreme Being (122K reputation)Supreme Being (122K reputation)Supreme Being (122K reputation)Supreme Being (122K reputation)Supreme Being (122K reputation)Supreme Being (122K reputation)Supreme Being (122K reputation)Supreme Being (122K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 804, Visits: 6.1K
Charlie 23 - 13 Apr 24 10:06 AM
I've been having trouble getting and keeping a job due to an online journalist posting untrue facts online, I have tried to get this person to remove the post but made it worse, everyone I go for a job interview and disclose my criminal record they go online and read this post and I'm unsuccessful. I'm now into my 3rd month and I feel like giving up on life. 
Is there anyone who can help? 

Is this journalist a freelancer or do they work for an organisation? If its a newspaper, then go straight to the editor and complain, setting out what is not true in the article. If the journalist is the editor, then go over their head to the organisation that owns the paper.
Charlie 23
Charlie 23
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 1, Visits: 5
I've been having trouble getting and keeping a job due to an online journalist posting untrue facts online, I have tried to get this person to remove the post but made it worse, everyone I go for a job interview and disclose my criminal record they go online and read this post and I'm unsuccessful. I'm now into my 3rd month and I feel like giving up on life. 
Is there anyone who can help? 

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