The best piece of advice I will give is not to lose any hope. The media like to “gloss” over facts and indeed could alter them entirely. I understand the frustration about getting a job and it being so easy to google everything these days. There are are jobs out there that disclosure need not happen, if you are your 3rd month in, I take this to mean 3 months into your sentence?. I presume you have probation? If you have probation I would talk to them about this, they can find ways to help, particularly if you need to write a disclosure letter(I had my Probation Officer help do mine) and they was fantastic, they may also have a service locally to help improve job searches or help with your CV. There is always hope, having a job is fantastic, during my. Journey so far, I have held several agency jobs, and I am now studying towards a degree with the view to complete my MSc. You will find lots of support on here  .