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Should I have told my potential employer about my record?

Should I have told my potential employer about my record?

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (2.7K reputation)Supreme Being (2.7K reputation)Supreme Being (2.7K reputation)Supreme Being (2.7K reputation)Supreme Being (2.7K reputation)Supreme Being (2.7K reputation)Supreme Being (2.7K reputation)Supreme Being (2.7K reputation)Supreme Being (2.7K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 5, Visits: 27
I have applied for a job and as of yet there has been no questions asking me about criminal convictions. It stated at the interview process I would be asked. I went to the interview and they didn't ask (they must have forgotten?) Anyway, if I am offered the job do I have to tell them about my criminal record? Am I legally obliged too? I am afraid that if/when I do they would take the job offer back. Are they allowed to do this? I didn't go to prison, I received a fine and 40 hours community service.
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (2.7K reputation)Supreme Being (2.7K reputation)Supreme Being (2.7K reputation)Supreme Being (2.7K reputation)Supreme Being (2.7K reputation)Supreme Being (2.7K reputation)Supreme Being (2.7K reputation)Supreme Being (2.7K reputation)Supreme Being (2.7K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 5, Visits: 27
I was convicted in June 2015. I received a fine and a forty hour community order. Suspended sentence - 12 months. So the end of my order is June 2016. So a year after that means It will not be spent until June 2017? The job is for a customer service role at Barclays Bank. I fear if I am offered the job it will mention unspent convictions in the paper work and thus I will be obliged to tell them. I have a degree, and excellent qualifications but unfortunately I am struggling to get a job with my 'criminal record'.
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (2.7K reputation)Supreme Being (2.7K reputation)Supreme Being (2.7K reputation)Supreme Being (2.7K reputation)Supreme Being (2.7K reputation)Supreme Being (2.7K reputation)Supreme Being (2.7K reputation)Supreme Being (2.7K reputation)Supreme Being (2.7K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 5, Visits: 27
Okay great, thanks for your help.
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (2.7K reputation)Supreme Being (2.7K reputation)Supreme Being (2.7K reputation)Supreme Being (2.7K reputation)Supreme Being (2.7K reputation)Supreme Being (2.7K reputation)Supreme Being (2.7K reputation)Supreme Being (2.7K reputation)Supreme Being (2.7K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 5, Visits: 27
Thanks so much for your help, they have offered me the job and the screening process is taking place this week. So I hope they decide to give me the job despite my history. Thank you! I will keep you updated.
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (2.7K reputation)Supreme Being (2.7K reputation)Supreme Being (2.7K reputation)Supreme Being (2.7K reputation)Supreme Being (2.7K reputation)Supreme Being (2.7K reputation)Supreme Being (2.7K reputation)Supreme Being (2.7K reputation)Supreme Being (2.7K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 5, Visits: 27
When I told them about my conviction for assault they told me I was no longer suitable for the job. I am also struggling to find anyone to employ me despite good education and references. I am just hoping things will get easier once my conviction becomes spent. Sorry I cannot offer you more positive news.

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