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Companies Who Employ Ex-Offenders

Companies Who Employ Ex-Offenders

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Everything is worth a try surely?

Finding some good upbeat articles in my search for Companies that employ....

''While it will be prudent to carry out proper checks, ex-offenders whose crimes took place some time ago, offer no greater risk than people in the general population...''

Moostrasse, I agree with Chris - two separate sections (Chris may we have them at top of page in blue please where always prominent and all can add to as an ongoing affair? How about the below M?

Section One - Companies that Employee Ex-Offenders
Section Two - Organisations (Enterprises / Agencies) that help Ex-Offenders secure Employment

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Hi Moostrasse

I am on websites I know might have the information in reports / studies - CIPD, Personnel Management/Today, DWP, Justice and other Govt Departments / Agencies.

Also, manipulating Google, Bing & Yahoo with words employment / ex-offenders... so a simple approach right now. Also, it is interesting that there are soooooooooooo many jobs listed to support / work with ex-offenders. This is definitely an avenue to explore for those with convictions.... charities / enterprises are more open minded and tend to judge on skills, motivation and attitude rather than ex-offender label! Worth a try?

Interestingly, there is a Freedom of Information request for all companies / umbrellas that have requested checks from 2002. There are over a 1000 orgs on that list. Now wouldn't it be interesting to review their policies (usually in public domain) on recruiting ex-offenders and how many they have employed? Big project but I am thinking of ways we can collect information?

Any other ideas anyone?
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Richard Branson your mate.... lol.... dare ya!! :-) Think you would get through? I bet YOU would!!
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You know Moostrasse, there are so many business opportunities right now for people to set up social enterprises (I have helped with this process myself as a previous consultant) and to tender for funds to do what BlueSky do... we are starting a rehabilitation revolution (believe it or not) and there is a big space to educate and engage businesses in 2013 and receive rewards for doing this. Companies are big on Corporate Social Responsibility especially Financial Services for various reasons (pay back time!!) and I know a few Diversity Managers who are looking to refresh their policies on recruiting ex-offenders with supporting programmes. This would be an excellent network to establish and few are doing it that you identified.

IF I had the time and motivation to set up a social enterprise I would. I have other ventures right now, but it maybe something I consider for the future. I will continue to add here where I can but there is most definitely grants / funding available.

Maybe we have another thread - Where to get funding to establish a venture? This is probably on the Info bit here...

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Richard Branson... be careful there are new laws on stalking just out M ;-)

I would love to know what he has actually DONE to attract, recruit and retain more ex offenders across his Virgin Empire?
Does he have any positive stories to share.... if you are reading Richard!!!

We know what Timpsons have done, they have an academy etc etc

On reflection, I once worked for one of the biggest employers in the world and they had a talent programme for top performers.... I wonder how many had previous convictions.... it does make one think about winning 'hearts and minds'.... and engaging employers....
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That would be amazing M if you pull this off..... do seek Erica's guidance too (think she Editor for The Record) and let's agree what we want to ask him and maybe he will become an ambassador for UNLOCK too..... the two Chris' will guide you on this am sure!!

Good work M, catch up at weekend..... I am travelling next two days... keep on it

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Oh.. there is some good stuff on here. Thanks Moostrasse.... good article..
Good paper on CRB elgibility. Aspire? Don't know if you have seen this one, but it explains it all very clearly

Can I request some more helpers please members? Can we aim to have at least another 20 on this thread by end of this week please so our brilliant GGG can do his magic? Thanks

PS We have 1615 members..... 20 is do-able :-)
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Hi Moostrasse

You said earlier... 'Its been busy from what I can see, over the last few days on here. So, we should be able to have some more input???'

Yes, here's hoping... and we always have hope as we agreed.

I read some of the earlier threads Moo where you mentioned some translation companies and WFH. Would you be so kind to list them on here please? I cannot find the thread but I did look... promise. Maybe we put them under a different heading GGG? .... say 'Home based working'?

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Inspirational Moostrasse. Thank you for going a long and for sharing this. Brilliant to hear that the Fire Service are active too. :-)

Delighted to hear that an HR Professional understands the ROA.... most Employment Relations specialists I have worked with in HR haven't got a clue about CRB checks and the ROA. Refreshing......

Surely this visit and his quotes will be in the Record?

Have you heard from Branson's people yet?

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Hi Moostrasse

Did you find many companies?

Maybe we add to this thread companies that employ ex-offenders? I have seen a few and researched their diversity policies. I know someone who was taken on with Virgin, and we know about Timpsons. Blue Sky do good work as I know of them too.

Above there are a few companies mentioned in the article and they might be worth approaching. I will see if I can get a list of companies who attended the conference as a point of reference.

The Shaw Trust are good too if you google them.

Will post more shortly.

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