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Tried to make a buildings claim

Tried to make a buildings claim

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (1.7K reputation)Supreme Being (1.7K reputation)Supreme Being (1.7K reputation)Supreme Being (1.7K reputation)Supreme Being (1.7K reputation)Supreme Being (1.7K reputation)Supreme Being (1.7K reputation)Supreme Being (1.7K reputation)Supreme Being (1.7K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 3, Visits: 0

My husband received a criminal conviction last month for being in receipt of articles in the use of fraud. No sentence but community service. I've taken him off my car insurance as they wanted £500+ more than I already pay.

Anyway have a leak in bathroom and its pipes hidden in wall so builder required. Contacted buildings insurers who logged the claim and someone called me today. First question they ask after data protection etc is anyone with a criminal record. I told the truth that it was a yes, what it was for and the fact it was last month. I queried why I was having to disclose this as I thought it was only when I went to renew that I had to disclose. As it happens the repair in bathroom may well negate having to claim at all and I told them so and said I would be in touch when I spoke with the builder.

The question I have is can they 1 refuse to pay as I have not lied? 2. Can they cancel my policy? 3. If they cancel do they ave to give a portion of my premium back? 3. In November when I need insurance again can I just insure in my own name as I read that I would still come unstuck if I need to claim. mad

It's been an awful two years awaiting an outcome on the case and devastating for the family and I feel it just keeps on going. How can people ever move on if they can't work or pay. I never thought we would be in this position and its really made me rethink my prejudices.

Thanks for reading.

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