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Employment with a Criminal Record

Employment with a Criminal Record

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Group: Awaiting Activation
Posts: 42, Visits: 4
Bachman. What an uplifting post. If only there were more people like you willing to put their heads over the parapet and support people with convictions.
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Hi. I had two vacancies on my shift at work (warehousing/forklift work) I needed to fill and was sent a number of CV's and application forms by our HR. I noticed that on two of these applications forms, the box appeared to be ticked about unspent convictions. Not to worry, as someone with unspent convictions myself, I would have no concerns to hiring someone with convictions.

I rattled down the 20 or so applications to just 4 or 5 and included both individuals who had ticked the box. I undertook the interviews with one of my senior managers. The interviews passed without problem and it came down to reviewing the best candidates at the end of the day. I was impressed by all 5, however I favoured the 2 guys with convictions (simply because they seemed to want it more). My senior manager was completely against hiring them as they were and I quote 'former cons'. At this point I stopped him and asked his reasons behind that comment. He simply said that did we, as a business, want the hassle of employing people with convictions.

I sat down with him there and then and told him about my criminal background, the fact I served time 5 years ago. I had never told anyone else in the business other than our HR Manager. He seemed shocked and said 'You are one of our up and coming managers', how is that possible? I told him that I had been rejected by many employers, yet the business I work for now gave me that first opportunity to get back into work. I took that opportunity and made it into a career I am highly passionate about.

I asked him who he thought the best two candidates would be for the roles, he replied the two with convictions. I duly hired both individuals and can say it was the best decision I ever made. They fitted into the team well, are hardworking, punctual and seem to be getting their lives back on track, just like I did with mine. My senior manager has now apologised for his judgement being clouded and I am currently working with our HR department to employ more ex-offenders into our workforce.
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Posts: 26, Visits: 0
Good luck pinkfur, hope you get a positive result, or an honest response, at least.

onwards and upwards
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I can only echo what Doug says, Bachman. It is sooo frustrating to be defined by 0.1% of your life and not by the 99.9% of positivity.

Everyone has skeletons.....and so many are just fortunate enough to have never been caught/prosecuted for theirs and, many times, it is those very people who sit in pious judgement.

Bachman, if you ever need someone around yorks/humbs with an exemplary cv of significant commercial and senior management achievements.....HOLLA :-)

onwards and upwards
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Hi Pinkfur

I would respectfully suggest you (what you do is your choice, this is just what I may do) is write a brief respectful email enquiring as to the outcome of your application/submission. Of course, notify them of your prior history (training) with them. However, they could be thinking 'he/she wasted our time and money last time so why bother again'. You need to convince them you are now committed and eager to commence employment with them and that you have no conflicting interests (ie a part time job) and you are reliable.

A gentle and respectful letter to the individual responsible for the decision to hire you or not........not begging...but, well, humble and respectful. Don't be pissy with want something from them. Just explain, ask and show respect.

Good luck

onwards and upwards
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I have a degree and can be as pissy as hell :-). MANopause, I'm told.

Anyway, you get my drift....but, certainly have a right of respect to be informed. In my experience (tho it is probation who create my problems - but not after late April) I tend to get nowhere with jobs via the recruitment agencies....but if I go direct to the employer....well, usually get a response, often and interview, generally a job offer.......then probation. Ahhh, bless them. So, I'm still on JSA and living off the state. I just put my trust in the rehabilitative quality and integrity of the probation service as I know it will all be for my own good. ...AND, if you believe ANY of that, shame on you. Integrity, reality, honesty.....I really do struggle to use those in the same paragraph as probation.

Enough about me. Yes Ive been bad - 'Amy WInehouse'....but enough is enough.

onwards and upwards
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Actually, it's only 2+ weeks ago that I took in the certificate, just seems longer, so I will wait a couple more days and then email them! freaked
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Well, still not heard anything, so tomorrow I will send an email as it's not really acceptable to leave people hanging not knowing one way or another.
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Ha pissy!!!! Do you mind, I have a degree, I would never appear pissy!! LMAO.....

No, it would obviously be a polite email but to be honest, even though I did not start with them last year, there are loads of bank staff, so it would not be like hiring one person who "let them down" for one specific role. I do have a right though, I believe, to enquire where I'm at, as it were. Although in saying that, after my last two interviews, I ended up contacting the employers as they had not let me know after 3-4 weeks, which is not usually the case, because as a rule, they are very quick to say no!!!!
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I would like to get some feedback from you. Will try to make it short! Last January, I managed to secure a job as bank staff for the NHS, for which they obviously need to do a DBS check and the ROA is exempt. The details of the criminal record were on my application. Usually they will ask to see a copy of the certificate if it isn't clear but to be honest, I can't remember if I took it in or not. I started the training but realised it would clash with a part time job so I told them I would not be commencing employment in the department. I have applied for lots of jobs since but despite interview, no success. Similar roles came up at the end of last year, same NHS Trust, but the work was at different locations to those previously. so I applied again. Went through the same tests etc. Took my I.D. related documents in before Christmas, taking the certificate from a year ago, and was told it did not have the right info on and I would have to go through another check. (I believe she was wrong as the job was identical and in fact when I did get a new certificate, it was exactly the same!).

Because it wasn't clear, they needed to see it so I took it in and had to write a statement relating to the criminal record (now spent, but not filtered as it was custodial, although not served). I wrote enough for an A4 page as I wanted to give some background etc. The guy took it away and returned, saying his manager "would think about it", and I almost wanted to say "well, if he has to think about it, don't bother then", but I didn't, of course. He said they would let me know that day or the next. I have waited, purposefully, for an email, but nothing! It's now 3 weeks since I took in the certificate!

I am going to email and find out what's going on with my application but I wanted to post here before I do so. Obviously I want to mention the fact that I (or rather they) had no problems last year with a similar role/criminal record (then unspent) but now it seems there is a problem as I've heard nothing and up until then, the process was moving relatively quickly (apart from waiting for the certificate for 2 months). So, I wonder if I can challenge them, although probably not a leg to stand on legally of course, particularly as they can discriminate us anyway, but it all seems a little dodgy now, don't you think?

Thanks for any advice!

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