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For anyone thinking of going to the USA but is afriad. JUST GO!!

For anyone thinking of going to the USA but is afriad. JUST GO!!

Victor H
Victor H
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There has been no real evidence to suggest the US has full access to UKs PNC database, if someone did however notify them be it from US or UK then of course it would be recorded but this is rare from my understanding, the US border control would only check into you if some solid reason existed ie you looked nervous or sweating while in the cue or you visited another country which shared the intel with US.

Otherwise just like that massive 70 page+ thread regarding US travel here:

As the vibe on that massive post suggest if its just for a holiday go and have fun Smile
Victor H
Victor H
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Yup agreed UK and US are very similar and UK is following suite and copying US in many things they are now understanding its a money making scheme, its just more made up thought crimes just like any other law enforcer they require a reason to make a case and get paid for it.

If its just a regular holiday I say go for it and have fun its just very rare they would block you after all. living or working in US is another thing and most likely not worth working in one giant prison state.
Victor H
Victor H
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Unless your cheryl cole Wink

I do admit US is always the first place people wished to or want to visit after getting into trouble but its not all glamour and like the moves and tv shows you see on telly, one thing that does intrigue me however with US is everyone has a criminal record yet its simply shrugged off or ignored and people just go back to living in the exact same manner they previously had done and it does not appear to effect their current job or careers much if anything they get more chances to make $$$.

This is the only 'it' factor for me since we know in the UK the complete opposite occurs and thought crimes occur more so.

Not sure UK will ever find a working medium since the government clearly forces once a criminal record you stay within that category almost implying since no one will give you a job you only have one way to support yourself ie more crime. Naturally I don't suggest the latter self employment is the biggest key or non thought crime privacy invading employers.
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Haha true but when you have friends pulling strings its easy to get past border control

I think the problem is with the US crime is a norm and seems like people are ok with it but they are paranoid about immigrants or anyone from outside the country which is a joke considering the whole country was based on immigration the UK is starting to get like it now in future your visa will be processed with trial by fire.

Its the media that does it they make people paranoid, short sighted, narrow minded like anyone entering the country or sat at the desk next to you could be the next Jack the Ripper and of course the Government loves to jump on the media bandwagon.

A lot of crimes are a spur of the moment thing and usually a one off unless its something like dealing or theft yet burglary seems to get treated as joke crime nowadays despite the high chances of reoffending yet "that offence" has one of lowest reoffending rates yet punishments last sometimes decades longer because of ancillary orders.

Post Edited (AJW83) : 16/11/2014 19:52:48 (GMT+1)

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Yeah definitely I mean unless its work chances you will only go to the states a handful of times in a lifetime so just go for it, not like most of us will ever be successful with applying for a visa
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Shieldster said...
Just a brief update on this - The US Embassy's decision on using a police caution as a reason to not issue a holiday visa/work visa was changed last year. Before that time, cautions were not applicable as a reason to refuse entry.

However since that time, the embassy officials can and have been refusing visas to applicants with various "past misdemeanours" and do not look favourably upon those who have entered the country under a "misrepresentation". It can cost a significant amount of time to get past this illegibility (if at all).

I would seriously recommend that anyone looking to travel to the US apply through the proper channels, it's not worth it and with all the changes going on in UK law at the moment, hopefully there will be a far better and easier route in the future Smile

Chances are it will only get worse not be long before the UK are sharing the PNC details to the US enforcement agencies
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How do you know if your offence constitutes Moral Turpitude.

Does Perverting the course of Justice constitute MT?
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I'll only make three points about this:

1) I have been to America a few times. I have never disclosed, and never had any problems.

2) I wouldn't do it now. If you google my name it will give you my name and address and the fact that I was charged with a crime. It doesn't take a genius for them to turn me away now. Anyone who is googleable should not bother in my opinion.

3) I no longer wish to go to America. They talk about moral crimes, whilst undertaking such actions as extraordinary rendition, supporting Israel whilst it is killing thousands of women and children, and still thinks it's not "cruel or unusual" to strap someone down make them say sorry and then murder them in front of their friends and family. If they believe they are more moral than me then they can. However I have never committed such evil, so I will chose to treat them with the disdain with which they think they can treat me and others.
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stuart82 said...
The 'moral turpitude' statement doesn't help as this isn't a phrase we use as part of standard UK English. It's no wonder so many people don't declare when they should.

I didn't declare when I've been there and suddenly my ESTA was revoked. Regardless of whether the UK don't routinely share information with the US, they can and do find out about convictions.

Is it an offence that can be recorded on the PNC (police national computer)?
To my understanding, there really isn't as much transparency between the US immigration/visa officials and the police/PNC as people think.

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