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Do I declare a PND before enhanced DBS/ what is the likelihood of it showing up?

Do I declare a PND before enhanced DBS/ what is the likelihood of it...

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Hi there

Your situation is remarkably similar to mine.

I was wondering how things worked out for you.

It is a real dilemma whether to disclose or not disclose that PND before the arrival of enhanced dbs.

I obtained a 'subject access' request to see my details on the Police National Computer and it was all written up there, so I always think it will be revealed in the dbs despite 7 years having passed since the incident and despite the fact that it is up to the discretion of the police.


Please let me know what happened.




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PNDs do not constitute a criminal record; they are non-conviction information and treated as intelligence. You can tick 'no'.

Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.

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Supreme Being
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That's for you to decide. You are under no legal obligation to declare a PND as it is not a criminal offence. If you don't have to tell someone something, why would you?

Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.

 Being ignorant is not a problem as long as you are willing to learn.

Supreme Being
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unlick, sounds like a website one may get too much help from !

I hope all does go through and nothing shows up in the final check, but just in case.... and a very big but, perhaps consider what you may say to your employer about your past offence if the question comes up. It may make the difference, most will explain the offence and explain it was a silly mistake and you have learned from it and will not repeat that again.

Still I doubt nothing will show or come up, let us know how it goes and good luck !
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lansdowne said...
Hi there

Your situation is remarkably similar to mine.

I was wondering how things worked out for you.

It is a real dilemma whether to disclose or not disclose that PND before the arrival of enhanced dbs.

I obtained a 'subject access' request to see my details on the Police National Computer and it was all written up there, so I always think it will be revealed in the dbs despite 7 years having passed since the incident and despite the fact that it is up to the discretion of the police.

Please let me know what happened.


I am sure this information will be filtered.
I recently started a job working in social services and luckily my caution was filtered.
Re: Question e55 on the DBS form:
Supreme Being
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It was filtered. It did not show up! Very pleased.

It did take a while to come through , I imagine it was sat in a police officers in tray for ages awaiting approval hence the delay. But it came through all clear, fingers crossed for you. Ring NACRO for reassurance.
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Thanks for the reply.

Would you advise telling my potential employer about the PND in advance in case it does come up? Having a real dilemma about that...

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Oops I meant UNLOCK. Yes. Sitting tight, awful waiting but what else can I change now x
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Hi everyone,

I have been offered a job working with people with learning difficulties and disabilities and have to submit an enhanced DBS check.

about 5 years ago I got caught shoplifting, I was issued a PND.

My prospective employer has not asked for me to disclose any information re cautions/convictions but only asked that I complete the form for an enhanced DBS check.

My questions are:

On the DBS form Question E 55 asks for a declaration by the applicant 'have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence or received a caution, criminal reprimand or warning?'
Am I correct in assuming a PND is none of the above, and that I ought to tick NO?

From what I have read, it seems as though a PND will only show up in the non convictions section of the DBS certificate if the local police chief officer thinks it relevant to provide details of the PND when looking at the post for which I am applying.

This is troubling me. Do I declare my shoplifting PND in advance to my potential employer and come clean, or do i keep quiet and wait and see if it shows up in the comments section?
If I come clean I look honest, but may have provided unnecessary information that may disadvantage me.
If I sit tight and say nothing, I could look bad for not mentioning it.

Thirdly, do people think a shoplifting PND will be deemed relevant to a caseworker role working with learning disabled clients?

Has anyone here ever been in a similar situation?

I feel awful not knowing whether to declare or not, it's such a fantastic opportunity for me and I don't want to mess it up.

Thank you for listening X
Supreme Being
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I spoke to Nacro earlier who advised the following-
I can state NO to criminal convictions , cautions, reprimands and warnings as a PND is not any of these.

It is unlikely to come up on a DBS as the Nacro helpline adviser said it isn't relevant to the role.

Fingers crossed and I will update with the outcome to let others know if they fond themselves in a similar position.

Very reassured by straight talking supportive forums like this, Nacro & Unlick have been fantastic resources so thanks everyone!

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