Hi Mirrorman
You pose a difficult situation that isn't easy to answer. I think I can empathise a little as from arrest to conviction and sometime after was probably the lowest point of my life. I was very fortunate in that even leading up to sentencing I was applying for jobs and getting used to disclosing even though I didn't realise I didn't have to unless asked. I wasn't getting many interviews and knew that the conviction wasn't going to help matters however I told myself I had to soldier on.
I had found out who my true friends were and although I don't keep in touch often, I know they are there if I need them. Post conviction I was fortunate to have good support from my probation worker and to be honest, I'll be a little disappoiinted not to be able to sound off to her when my order finishes in a few months.
Sitting in front of a screen sending my CV to all and sundry got very tedious indeed so I tried to go out for walks etc to clear my head. I occasionally went up to London to try employment agencies for work.
Eventually it paid off and I know do the quite mundane job of listing items on Ebay for a scrapyard. Although it sounds boring, it is a completely different world and the pay is enough to cover the bills so I'm a lot happier. Bloody long hours though hence why I've not been on here a lot.
I must admit the other thing that brought me out of my low point was the opportunity of volunteering with Unlock which taught me loads and was one of the most enjoyable things I could've done. It also looks good on my CV although it does highlight that yes, I may have a conviction - I never worry about
it until I have an interview.
That's how I coped and I understand my story may be different to yours however never give up, I'm sure everyone on this forum will urge you to carry on and not to let the illegitimate offspring grind you down. We believe in you and we hope that you can believe in you too.
Finally, talk to your GP and ask to be referred for counselling or mental health - they are best qualified to advise.
I haven't stolen any Pineapples, but they are a great prog rock band!
I havent stolen any Pineapples, but they are a great prog rock band!