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Complaint about probation officer

Complaint about probation officer

Debbie Sadler
Debbie Sadler
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 398, Visits: 5.9K
Hi Peter

I've attached a copy of the Probation Instruction regarding transferring Probation Officers. Not sure how helpful it will be but might be useful to have a read through. 

As Wentworth says, would be good to hear the latest.


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PeterWigan - 31 Jul 17 4:19 PM
I have made a serious complaint about my probation officer and there is an ongoing investigation...I have told her I am not seeing her I am refusing to see her but she demanding that I see her and has sent me a warning letter for not attending. Even though I rang the office right away and told them that I couldn't attend because of the ongoing investigation.
I would have thought it was common practice that she stays away from me while there is an ongoing investigation...She could easily make an accusation against me to turn things round. I don't feel safe with this woman.
Can someone advise me...Can she make me see her while there is an investigation ongoing?

Hi Peter

I have just read your post about making a complaint about your offender manager/probation officer. I have posted a link below that may be of some help. Be good to hear how things go with any complaint?




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PeterWigan - 1 Aug 17 2:15 PM
Deb S - 1 Aug 17 8:40 AM
PeterWigan - 31 Jul 17 4:19 PM
I have made a serious complaint about my probation officer and there is an ongoing investigation...I have told her I am not seeing her I am refusing to see her but she demanding that I see her and has sent me a warning letter for not attending. Even though I rang the office right away and told them that I couldn't attend because of the ongoing investigation.
I would have thought it was common practice that she stays away from me while there is an ongoing investigation...She could easily make an accusation against me to turn things round. I don't feel safe with this woman.
Can someone advise me...Can she make me see her while there is an investigation ongoing?

Hi Peter

Like you, I would have thought it would be common practice for you to be seen by another probation officer all the time the investigation is ongoing. I can't imagine there would be any benefit to you meeting until the issue you've raised is resolved. 

If I were you, I'd write to the Area Deputy Director setting out your concerns and requesting a change of probation officer (whatever the outcome of the complaint, it's clear to me that your relationship with her has probably broken down too much to continue with her as your supervising officer). You should be able to find out who this is using the following link - It's really important to make sure that you put this in writing so that you've got clear evidence to show that you've done all you can to continue with supervision. Make sure that you send copies of the warning letter and any other communication that you've received from her with your letter. 

If you don't get any luck with the Deputy Director then, the next step would be to refer your complaint to the Probation Ombudsman.

Whilst you're waiting to get a response from the Deputy Director, contact your probation officers superior at the office you attend and ask to see somebody else for your next appointment. If this can't be done, think about taking somebody with you to sit in on the session as a witness. 

As long as you can demonstrate that you've done everything you can to try to attend, the harder it will be for her to enforce any action that she may have threatened. 

Good luck. Let us know how you get on.


I've done all this Deb.
What it was I asked her could she do me a referral to mental health services, which she said she would do as I was told the officer in court I would get help with it... And the officer who inducted me told me I would get the help.
[Moderated ..........................].
I text her 4 weeks after she promised to make the referral and asked her to chase it up. She hadn't done it and put in the referral from court 2 months before...Which caused an ambulance and police come to my house. They admitted there was some sort of mistake after making me feel very vulnerable in my own home when I hadn't done anything wrong or wasn't ill. I had visitors at the time too.
All my neighbours saw what was happening (me refusing to let the police in my house) It has been very embarrassing for me having to explain it was a mistake.
I have worked in the drugs services and am probably a lot more competent than she could ever be. She blatantly lied about the referral saying she had made it but there was a miscommunication. She told me she would make the referral 25th April. I asked her to chase it up on 24th May because I had not had any correspondence. Because she hadn't done it she passed it to another college and they had to go back to the original referral from the court which because of me being honest and telling the original officer my head was a mess and that I was feeling suicidal caused the police and ambulance visit.
She blatantly lied about it when challenged and came the attitude when I called her out about wanting to see the referral she had made. Her body language told me she was lying and I told her I had done courses due to being a lone worker with street homeless and could clearly see she was telling lies.
8 Years Ago by Deb S
Debbie Sadler
Debbie Sadler
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PeterWigan - 31 Jul 17 4:19 PM
I have made a serious complaint about my probation officer and there is an ongoing investigation...I have told her I am not seeing her I am refusing to see her but she demanding that I see her and has sent me a warning letter for not attending. Even though I rang the office right away and told them that I couldn't attend because of the ongoing investigation.
I would have thought it was common practice that she stays away from me while there is an ongoing investigation...She could easily make an accusation against me to turn things round. I don't feel safe with this woman.
Can someone advise me...Can she make me see her while there is an investigation ongoing?

Hi Peter

Like you, I would have thought it would be common practice for you to be seen by another probation officer all the time the investigation is ongoing. I can't imagine there would be any benefit to you meeting until the issue you've raised is resolved. 

If I were you, I'd write to the Area Deputy Director setting out your concerns and requesting a change of probation officer (whatever the outcome of the complaint, it's clear to me that your relationship with her has probably broken down too much to continue with her as your supervising officer). You should be able to find out who this is using the following link - It's really important to make sure that you put this in writing so that you've got clear evidence to show that you've done all you can to continue with supervision. Make sure that you send copies of the warning letter and any other communication that you've received from her with your letter. 

If you don't get any luck with the Deputy Director then, the next step would be to refer your complaint to the Probation Ombudsman.

Whilst you're waiting to get a response from the Deputy Director, contact your probation officers superior at the office you attend and ask to see somebody else for your next appointment. If this can't be done, think about taking somebody with you to sit in on the session as a witness. 

As long as you can demonstrate that you've done everything you can to try to attend, the harder it will be for her to enforce any action that she may have threatened. 

Good luck. Let us know how you get on.


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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 3, Visits: 13
I have made a serious complaint about my probation officer and there is an ongoing investigation...I have told her I am not seeing her I am refusing to see her but she demanding that I see her and has sent me a warning letter for not attending. Even though I rang the office right away and told them that I couldn't attend because of the ongoing investigation.
I would have thought it was common practice that she stays away from me while there is an ongoing investigation...She could easily make an accusation against me to turn things round. I don't feel safe with this woman.
Can someone advise me...Can she make me see her while there is an investigation ongoing?


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