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3 Passport scenarios (I assume these are legal, or else that's the question - not seeking criminal...

3 Passport scenarios (I assume these are legal, or else that's the...

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (29K reputation)Supreme Being (29K reputation)Supreme Being (29K reputation)Supreme Being (29K reputation)Supreme Being (29K reputation)Supreme Being (29K reputation)Supreme Being (29K reputation)Supreme Being (29K reputation)Supreme Being (29K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 110, Visits: 391

Scenario 1.

I'm in the UK on the SOR.

- On day one, I receive a replacement passport. That same day I declare to police that I'm leaving the country tomorrow
- On day two, I leave.

While I am abroad, the clock is paused on my 3-day obligation to report the new passport, has it not?
And the passport is clean everywhere...

Scenario 2.

I'm abroad, e.g. France

- I order a replacement passport while abroad.

While I am abroad, the clock is paused on my obligation to report the passport, has it not?
And the passport is clean everywhere...

Scenario 3.

Exactly the same as 2, but Gibraltar, and I there order the replacement passport from the office there, while still out from under the SOR registration requirements?

Until I return to the UK the passport is clean is it not?


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Harmless - 7 Years Ago
Square - 7 Years Ago
Monkos - 7 Years Ago
Harmless - 7 Years Ago
                     + x [quote] [b] Harmless - 16 Sep 18 10:14 AM [/b]...
Monkos - 7 Years Ago
Harmless - 7 Years Ago
Monkos - 7 Years Ago
Harmless - 7 Years Ago
Monkos - 7 Years Ago
                     + x [quote] [b] Monkos - 16 Sep 18 12:14 PM [/b] +...
Harmless - 7 Years Ago
                         + x [quote] [b] Harmless - 16 Sep 18 12:41 PM [/b]...
Monkos - 7 Years Ago
                     + x [quote] [b] Monkos - 16 Sep 18 12:14 PM [/b] +...
Harmless - 7 Years Ago
BenS - 7 Years Ago
                 + x [quote] [b] BenS - 17 Sep 18 10:32 AM [/b] +...
Harmless - 7 Years Ago
                 + x [quote] [b] BenS - 17 Sep 18 10:32 AM [/b]...
Harmless - 7 Years Ago
                 + x [quote] [b] BenS - 17 Sep 18 10:32 AM [/b] +...
Zack - 7 Years Ago
                     + x [quote] [b] Zack - 17 Sep 18 8:39 PM [/b] +...
Monkos - 7 Years Ago
Monkos - 7 Years Ago
BenS - 7 Years Ago
Harmless - 7 Years Ago
BenS - 7 Years Ago
                     + x [quote] [b] BenS - 18 Sep 18 10:06 AM [/b] +...
Harmless - 7 Years Ago
Yankee - 7 Years Ago
Square - 7 Years Ago
                 + x [quote] [b] Square - 23 Sep 18 8:31 AM [/b] +...
BenS - 7 Years Ago
                     + x [quote] [b] BenS - 24 Sep 18 7:58 AM [/b] +...
AB2014 - 7 Years Ago

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