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Officer wants me to sign for property to be destoryed

Officer wants me to sign for property to be destoryed

Supreme Being
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 42, Visits: 418
I had some property seized in 2016. 

Now all the investigation and stuff is over the police still have the property and the officer has now sent me a letter asking me to sign so it can be destroyed. Back in 2016 the officer told me it would be returned back to me, with storage devices removed. But now I am told they don't have the manpower to check all things seized so it must be destroyed anyway, regardless if anything is on it or not, or how it was used or wasn't used. 

What happens if I don't sign? I have no intention of doing so and helping the police out here. I don't understand if I am not aloud it back why do I have to sign to say they can have it? Also not everything taken was mine so I cannot sign for other peoples thing surely?  

Any ideas on how to handle this matter.
4 Years Ago by Ajones10

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