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Seeking Employment

Seeking Employment

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (166K reputation)Supreme Being (166K reputation)Supreme Being (166K reputation)Supreme Being (166K reputation)Supreme Being (166K reputation)Supreme Being (166K reputation)Supreme Being (166K reputation)Supreme Being (166K reputation)Supreme Being (166K reputation)

Group: Awaiting Activation
Posts: 1.1K, Visits: 1.8K
jcdmcr - 19 Aug 20 9:38 PM

I have an induction next week for a picking / packing role next week. Lets wait and see if anything goes wrong.

Hi James,

Well done, just concentrate on informing them of your skills, experience and benefits you will offer them. Anything else is just noise that you know how to handle.

The best of luck and do not worry as you are past the hard part. Smile

Society suggests I must let go of all my expectations but I disagree, as whilst I have a voice, I have hope.

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope is for tomorrow else what is left if you remove a mans hope.

This forum supports these words, thank you Unlock and your contributors.

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (57K reputation)Supreme Being (57K reputation)Supreme Being (57K reputation)Supreme Being (57K reputation)Supreme Being (57K reputation)Supreme Being (57K reputation)Supreme Being (57K reputation)Supreme Being (57K reputation)Supreme Being (57K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 330, Visits: 18K
jcdmcr - 19 Aug 20 9:38 PM

I have an induction next week for a picking / packing role next week. Lets wait and see if anything goes wrong.


Good luck, James. Rooting for you, bud. Hope it pans out.

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (24K reputation)Supreme Being (24K reputation)Supreme Being (24K reputation)Supreme Being (24K reputation)Supreme Being (24K reputation)Supreme Being (24K reputation)Supreme Being (24K reputation)Supreme Being (24K reputation)Supreme Being (24K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 141, Visits: 541

I have an induction next week for a picking / packing role next week. Lets wait and see if anything goes wrong.
Alan Watts
Alan Watts
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 44, Visits: 271
jcdmcr - 11 Aug 20 9:22 PM
I'm a registered sex offender, and nearing the end of my tether I just feel like the last 4 and a bit years have been crazy my original conviction was for 17 deleted images and i've been hounded and profiled non stop by greater manchester police and west yorkshire police.

At no point can anyone explain to my how such a draconian and onerous order was imposed, no one can tell me about why RvSmith and RvMortimer was ignored. Nor can anyone explain to me why when I travel green notices are issued by forces.

It has got to the point where I feel i've been completely mistreated, misrepresented. I just don't know what to do or where to go to progress, I dont know how to move on and find work, I dont to how I can even start work.

Last year I approached west yorkshire police I was offered 2 jobs at starbucks and home bargains. I was told that I couldn't start them on the basis that Children would be ordering. or buying sweets etc. This year i'm told, hey you can go for those jobs. Who do I believe or who do I trust when one year they say one thing, and the next another.

I just dont know what to do
This is from my indictment


The police executed a warrant at the defendant's address on 8/8/15.

A number of electrical items were removed.Examination of a laptop revealed inaccessible indecent images of children at Categories A, Band C.Admissions have been made by the defendant to his partner who has provided a statement.

Every image found states
This image has been recovered from a 'Thum bs.db' file on the Windows user profile of '********''.Thumbs.db files are generated by the Windows operating system to enable a user of the OS to see athumbnail representation of a number of graphic files in a single location. These 'system' files are notreadily accessible without specialist knowledge.

This is from my certificate of convictionaking
indecent photographs of children x 18 making indecent photographs of children x 18 


Bearing in mind my offence was for 18 deleted images, how does that translate into a SHPO like this????

  1. Having contact either directly or indirectly with any child under 16 years except:
(a) Normal, incidental and not reasonably avoidable in the course of lawful day to day life
(b) Contact with the express written approval of Social Services for the area where the defendant is residing
(c) Contact with any child to whom the defendant is the biological father and a court order pursuant to the Children's Act 1989 has been granted
authorising contact.
2. Residing at any address without prior approval of his Police Offender Manager (SOMU).
3. Possessing or using any computer or device capable of accessing the internet including mobile phones unless:
(a)The make model and serial number of the device have been notified to a Police Offender Manager for the area where he resides AND
b) It has installed and maintained, monitoring software that is approved and monitored by Greater Manchester Police or any other police force in
the area in which he lives. AND
c) He does not tamper interfere remove bypass disable alter or attempt to do any of those things to the components or settings relating to the
installed risk management software.
d) With exception of a device owned and used within a public library -0r internet cafe the details of which he has provided details to his Police
Offender Manager.
The device is used solely for the purposes of work or employment (other than self-employment), is not removed by or on behalf of the Defendant
from the employer's premises, internet use of the device is subject to security measures monitored by the employer which are deemed suitable
by the Public protection Unit of the Police Force in which he lives ..
4. Taking up employment paid/unpaid (includes elf employment/voluntary work) that will bring him into regular contact with children under
5. Possessing any still or moving image of a child under 16 years old (excluding family members who must have their genitals, buttocks and torso
covered) except for televised programmes, commercially produced videos or DVD's and lawful publications such as magazines and catalogues.
6. Taking any visual image of a child under 16yrs except with knowledge and permission of that child's parent or guardian who is aware of his
7. Possessing any device capable of storing digital images unless he provides the details, make and model of such an item to his Police Offender
Manager for the area where he resides and make such a device available for inspection on request.

I feel exactly the same as you and I believe it is even worse for your type of incident. Unfortunately the public sector of this country seems to love "producing results" and "meeting targets", pen push over the low hanging fruit and it will keep those employed in the public sector in a job paid for by the taxpayers.

The way what I would classify as minor offences are often dealt with is very inefficient and detrimental to the economy at the end of the day. They will go to a lot of effort of prosecuting and dealing with someone over an issue which could have been nipped in the bud with some initial social measures/warnings/help. Instead you have a big bill that the taxpayers are paying for, less money and time for "real crimes", and someone who is now likely to be on the dole and not paying tax.
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (24K reputation)Supreme Being (24K reputation)Supreme Being (24K reputation)Supreme Being (24K reputation)Supreme Being (24K reputation)Supreme Being (24K reputation)Supreme Being (24K reputation)Supreme Being (24K reputation)Supreme Being (24K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 141, Visits: 541
Mr W - 13 Aug 20 1:08 PM
jcdmcr - 13 Aug 20 10:46 AM
Mr W - 13 Aug 20 1:32 AM
jcdmcr - 13 Aug 20 12:38 AM
xDanx - 12 Aug 20 9:01 PM
jcdmcr - 12 Aug 20 2:06 PM
xDanx - 12 Aug 20 12:21 AM
jcdmcr - 11 Aug 20 9:22 PM
I'm a registered sex offender, and nearing the end of my tether I just feel like the last 4 and a bit years have been crazy my original conviction was for 17 deleted images and i've been hounded and profiled non stop by greater manchester police and west yorkshire police.

At no point can anyone explain to my how such a draconian and onerous order was imposed, no one can tell me about why RvSmith and RvMortimer was ignored. Nor can anyone explain to me why when I travel green notices are issued by forces.

It has got to the point where I feel i've been completely mistreated, misrepresented. I just don't know what to do or where to go to progress, I dont know how to move on and find work, I dont to how I can even start work.

Last year I approached west yorkshire police I was offered 2 jobs at starbucks and home bargains. I was told that I couldn't start them on the basis that Children would be ordering. or buying sweets etc. This year i'm told, hey you can go for those jobs. Who do I believe or who do I trust when one year they say one thing, and the next another.

I just dont know what to do
This is from my indictment


The police executed a warrant at the defendant's address on 8/8/15.

A number of electrical items were removed.Examination of a laptop revealed inaccessible indecent images of children at Categories A, Band C.Admissions have been made by the defendant to his partner who has provided a statement.

Every image found states
This image has been recovered from a 'Thum bs.db' file on the Windows user profile of '********''.Thumbs.db files are generated by the Windows operating system to enable a user of the OS to see athumbnail representation of a number of graphic files in a single location. These 'system' files are notreadily accessible without specialist knowledge.

This is from my certificate of convictionaking
indecent photographs of children x 18 making indecent photographs of children x 18 


Bearing in mind my offence was for 18 deleted images, how does that translate into a SHPO like this????

  1. Having contact either directly or indirectly with any child under 16 years except:
(a) Normal, incidental and not reasonably avoidable in the course of lawful day to day life
(b) Contact with the express written approval of Social Services for the area where the defendant is residing
(c) Contact with any child to whom the defendant is the biological father and a court order pursuant to the Children's Act 1989 has been granted
authorising contact.
2. Residing at any address without prior approval of his Police Offender Manager (SOMU).
3. Possessing or using any computer or device capable of accessing the internet including mobile phones unless:
(a)The make model and serial number of the device have been notified to a Police Offender Manager for the area where he resides AND
b) It has installed and maintained, monitoring software that is approved and monitored by Greater Manchester Police or any other police force in
the area in which he lives. AND
c) He does not tamper interfere remove bypass disable alter or attempt to do any of those things to the components or settings relating to the
installed risk management software.
d) With exception of a device owned and used within a public library -0r internet cafe the details of which he has provided details to his Police
Offender Manager.
The device is used solely for the purposes of work or employment (other than self-employment), is not removed by or on behalf of the Defendant
from the employer's premises, internet use of the device is subject to security measures monitored by the employer which are deemed suitable
by the Public protection Unit of the Police Force in which he lives ..
4. Taking up employment paid/unpaid (includes elf employment/voluntary work) that will bring him into regular contact with children under
5. Possessing any still or moving image of a child under 16 years old (excluding family members who must have their genitals, buttocks and torso
covered) except for televised programmes, commercially produced videos or DVD's and lawful publications such as magazines and catalogues.
6. Taking any visual image of a child under 16yrs except with knowledge and permission of that child's parent or guardian who is aware of his
7. Possessing any device capable of storing digital images unless he provides the details, make and model of such an item to his Police Offender
Manager for the area where he resides and make such a device available for inspection on request.

Hi James
I feel the same as you do, and agree those orders that have been placed on your SHPO are an absolute joke. If you are willing, I would be interested to know how your solicitor dealt with your case. Did you ever make complaints or take it to legal ombudsman? Did you pay them yourself or was "defense" provided for free?

As difficult and frustrating our situations are, you have to remain strong. Do not let them win.

The solicitor was a nightmare to be honest, at the time I was in a relationship with a woman who had a 10 year old child. I asked my solicitor (in writing) if I needed to inform police (pre sentencing). he said no and the QC agreed. The woman by the way was fully aware of the charges and was kept updated.

Post sentencing I wrote to my solicitor

"1-Does this now mean that I can have no contact with ****** youngest without involving the SS (Social Services)?"
My solicitor replied
"No - **QC [My QC] explained this at the last hearing. Such contact would be caught within the "normal and incidental" definition"

The police found out and I ended up with a caution for following the solicitors advice....

Funny how Solicitors are suppose to give you legal advice yet Police can ignore that advice and simply impose what ever they wish on anyone because they are "the law".
What steps have you taken so far since then? Have you filed a complaint? Asked for a subject access request? Asked police to justify their reasons for the caution and not taking legal advice in to account?
Did your solicitor not help back up their advice?

I really can understand your frustration but as I said in my last post, you have to stay strong and collect as much information as you can.

Oh the police were classic - in a recorded interview the Offender Manager verbally stated she know about a smartphone I had. Yet the following year she states in a written statement to the court she doesn't know about it....

Smartphone Admission

In a complaint, their supervising officer quoted the human rights act, and the fact it had been a while since the initial recording......

You've piqued my interest with these screen grabs, what's the process to get hold of these?

Write in to the MoJ under data protection. I'll try and dig out the relevant paperwork and details

Sorry, yes, I meant the process of getting hold these documents from MoJ/probation etc

Not the process of screen grabbing. I perhaps wasn't clear enough haha.

Cool - well i've posted the original request letter into the thread. Anything else just ask,
Mr W
Mr W
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (67K reputation)Supreme Being (67K reputation)Supreme Being (67K reputation)Supreme Being (67K reputation)Supreme Being (67K reputation)Supreme Being (67K reputation)Supreme Being (67K reputation)Supreme Being (67K reputation)Supreme Being (67K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 467, Visits: 5.6K
jcdmcr - 13 Aug 20 10:46 AM
Mr W - 13 Aug 20 1:32 AM
jcdmcr - 13 Aug 20 12:38 AM
xDanx - 12 Aug 20 9:01 PM
jcdmcr - 12 Aug 20 2:06 PM
xDanx - 12 Aug 20 12:21 AM
jcdmcr - 11 Aug 20 9:22 PM
I'm a registered sex offender, and nearing the end of my tether I just feel like the last 4 and a bit years have been crazy my original conviction was for 17 deleted images and i've been hounded and profiled non stop by greater manchester police and west yorkshire police.

At no point can anyone explain to my how such a draconian and onerous order was imposed, no one can tell me about why RvSmith and RvMortimer was ignored. Nor can anyone explain to me why when I travel green notices are issued by forces.

It has got to the point where I feel i've been completely mistreated, misrepresented. I just don't know what to do or where to go to progress, I dont know how to move on and find work, I dont to how I can even start work.

Last year I approached west yorkshire police I was offered 2 jobs at starbucks and home bargains. I was told that I couldn't start them on the basis that Children would be ordering. or buying sweets etc. This year i'm told, hey you can go for those jobs. Who do I believe or who do I trust when one year they say one thing, and the next another.

I just dont know what to do
This is from my indictment


The police executed a warrant at the defendant's address on 8/8/15.

A number of electrical items were removed.Examination of a laptop revealed inaccessible indecent images of children at Categories A, Band C.Admissions have been made by the defendant to his partner who has provided a statement.

Every image found states
This image has been recovered from a 'Thum bs.db' file on the Windows user profile of '********''.Thumbs.db files are generated by the Windows operating system to enable a user of the OS to see athumbnail representation of a number of graphic files in a single location. These 'system' files are notreadily accessible without specialist knowledge.

This is from my certificate of convictionaking
indecent photographs of children x 18 making indecent photographs of children x 18 


Bearing in mind my offence was for 18 deleted images, how does that translate into a SHPO like this????

  1. Having contact either directly or indirectly with any child under 16 years except:
(a) Normal, incidental and not reasonably avoidable in the course of lawful day to day life
(b) Contact with the express written approval of Social Services for the area where the defendant is residing
(c) Contact with any child to whom the defendant is the biological father and a court order pursuant to the Children's Act 1989 has been granted
authorising contact.
2. Residing at any address without prior approval of his Police Offender Manager (SOMU).
3. Possessing or using any computer or device capable of accessing the internet including mobile phones unless:
(a)The make model and serial number of the device have been notified to a Police Offender Manager for the area where he resides AND
b) It has installed and maintained, monitoring software that is approved and monitored by Greater Manchester Police or any other police force in
the area in which he lives. AND
c) He does not tamper interfere remove bypass disable alter or attempt to do any of those things to the components or settings relating to the
installed risk management software.
d) With exception of a device owned and used within a public library -0r internet cafe the details of which he has provided details to his Police
Offender Manager.
The device is used solely for the purposes of work or employment (other than self-employment), is not removed by or on behalf of the Defendant
from the employer's premises, internet use of the device is subject to security measures monitored by the employer which are deemed suitable
by the Public protection Unit of the Police Force in which he lives ..
4. Taking up employment paid/unpaid (includes elf employment/voluntary work) that will bring him into regular contact with children under
5. Possessing any still or moving image of a child under 16 years old (excluding family members who must have their genitals, buttocks and torso
covered) except for televised programmes, commercially produced videos or DVD's and lawful publications such as magazines and catalogues.
6. Taking any visual image of a child under 16yrs except with knowledge and permission of that child's parent or guardian who is aware of his
7. Possessing any device capable of storing digital images unless he provides the details, make and model of such an item to his Police Offender
Manager for the area where he resides and make such a device available for inspection on request.

Hi James
I feel the same as you do, and agree those orders that have been placed on your SHPO are an absolute joke. If you are willing, I would be interested to know how your solicitor dealt with your case. Did you ever make complaints or take it to legal ombudsman? Did you pay them yourself or was "defense" provided for free?

As difficult and frustrating our situations are, you have to remain strong. Do not let them win.

The solicitor was a nightmare to be honest, at the time I was in a relationship with a woman who had a 10 year old child. I asked my solicitor (in writing) if I needed to inform police (pre sentencing). he said no and the QC agreed. The woman by the way was fully aware of the charges and was kept updated.

Post sentencing I wrote to my solicitor

"1-Does this now mean that I can have no contact with ****** youngest without involving the SS (Social Services)?"
My solicitor replied
"No - **QC [My QC] explained this at the last hearing. Such contact would be caught within the "normal and incidental" definition"

The police found out and I ended up with a caution for following the solicitors advice....

Funny how Solicitors are suppose to give you legal advice yet Police can ignore that advice and simply impose what ever they wish on anyone because they are "the law".
What steps have you taken so far since then? Have you filed a complaint? Asked for a subject access request? Asked police to justify their reasons for the caution and not taking legal advice in to account?
Did your solicitor not help back up their advice?

I really can understand your frustration but as I said in my last post, you have to stay strong and collect as much information as you can.

Oh the police were classic - in a recorded interview the Offender Manager verbally stated she know about a smartphone I had. Yet the following year she states in a written statement to the court she doesn't know about it....

Smartphone Admission

In a complaint, their supervising officer quoted the human rights act, and the fact it had been a while since the initial recording......

You've piqued my interest with these screen grabs, what's the process to get hold of these?

Write in to the MoJ under data protection. I'll try and dig out the relevant paperwork and details

Sorry, yes, I meant the process of getting hold these documents from MoJ/probation etc

Not the process of screen grabbing. I perhaps wasn't clear enough haha.

Fighting or Accepting - its difficult to know which is right and when.
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (24K reputation)Supreme Being (24K reputation)Supreme Being (24K reputation)Supreme Being (24K reputation)Supreme Being (24K reputation)Supreme Being (24K reputation)Supreme Being (24K reputation)Supreme Being (24K reputation)Supreme Being (24K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 141, Visits: 541
xDanx - 13 Aug 20 12:21 PM
jcdmcr - 13 Aug 20 11:35 AM
This was the letter I used in full for the subject access request

I have sent a request to my local force already which was very heavily redacted. It appears anything said between parties have been hidden from what I can make out in my documents. Is what you did any different to making a request with the local force or do they all have access to the same information?

Given I was not sent to prison, and I could potentially make a request as you did. I am not entirely sure how I would phrase it. I would be interested to know and see if there were any documents of the same kind as yours between the PPU, Social Services and Probation.

Yeah - I had the same problem with the police records, you could appeal it.

The records i've posted are from probation and held by national prison an probation. As for the information from social services, you would need to write to them.

I've worked on a few govt contracts (FCO - FIRECREST, HO/MOJ - POISE/INDIGO, MOD - DII/LYCHGATE and NATO - ISAF) the snag you have is that (esp with the police) if its intelligence related then it falls outside of the scope of GDPR. You can appeal to a RIPA tribunal if you feel you've been under surveillance or monitored covertly. They'll investigate it, but they dont have to tell you what they found, or even if you were subject to surveillance!

If it contains emails (inter departmental) and the emails contain staff names, then staff can request this information be redacted. If you're not happy with what you got back, then you can complain to the department and appeal it to the ICO if you need to.
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (44K reputation)Supreme Being (44K reputation)Supreme Being (44K reputation)Supreme Being (44K reputation)Supreme Being (44K reputation)Supreme Being (44K reputation)Supreme Being (44K reputation)Supreme Being (44K reputation)Supreme Being (44K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 375, Visits: 11K
jcdmcr - 13 Aug 20 11:35 AM
This was the letter I used in full for the subject access request

I have sent a request to my local force already which was very heavily redacted. It appears anything said between parties have been hidden from what I can make out in my documents. Is what you did any different to making a request with the local force or do they all have access to the same information?

Given I was not sent to prison, and I could potentially make a request as you did. I am not entirely sure how I would phrase it. I would be interested to know and see if there were any documents of the same kind as yours between the PPU, Social Services and Probation.

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (24K reputation)Supreme Being (24K reputation)Supreme Being (24K reputation)Supreme Being (24K reputation)Supreme Being (24K reputation)Supreme Being (24K reputation)Supreme Being (24K reputation)Supreme Being (24K reputation)Supreme Being (24K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 141, Visits: 541
This was the letter I used in full for the subject access request
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (166K reputation)Supreme Being (166K reputation)Supreme Being (166K reputation)Supreme Being (166K reputation)Supreme Being (166K reputation)Supreme Being (166K reputation)Supreme Being (166K reputation)Supreme Being (166K reputation)Supreme Being (166K reputation)

Group: Awaiting Activation
Posts: 1.1K, Visits: 1.8K
jcdmcr - 11 Aug 20 9:22 PM
I'm a registered sex offender, and nearing the end of my tether I just feel like the last 4 and a bit years have been crazy my original conviction was for 17 deleted images and i've been hounded and profiled non stop by greater manchester police and west yorkshire police.

At no point can anyone explain to my how such a draconian and onerous order was imposed, no one can tell me about why RvSmith and RvMortimer was ignored. Nor can anyone explain to me why when I travel green notices are issued by forces.

It has got to the point where I feel i've been completely mistreated, misrepresented. I just don't know what to do or where to go to progress, I dont know how to move on and find work, I dont to how I can even start work.

Last year I approached west yorkshire police I was offered 2 jobs at starbucks and home bargains. I was told that I couldn't start them on the basis that Children would be ordering. or buying sweets etc. This year i'm told, hey you can go for those jobs. Who do I believe or who do I trust when one year they say one thing, and the next another.

I just dont know what to do
This is from my indictment


The police executed a warrant at the defendant's address on 8/8/15.

A number of electrical items were removed.Examination of a laptop revealed inaccessible indecent images of children at Categories A, Band C.Admissions have been made by the defendant to his partner who has provided a statement.

Every image found states
This image has been recovered from a 'Thum bs.db' file on the Windows user profile of '********''.Thumbs.db files are generated by the Windows operating system to enable a user of the OS to see athumbnail representation of a number of graphic files in a single location. These 'system' files are notreadily accessible without specialist knowledge.

This is from my certificate of convictionaking
indecent photographs of children x 18 making indecent photographs of children x 18 


Bearing in mind my offence was for 18 deleted images, how does that translate into a SHPO like this????

  1. Having contact either directly or indirectly with any child under 16 years except:
(a) Normal, incidental and not reasonably avoidable in the course of lawful day to day life
(b) Contact with the express written approval of Social Services for the area where the defendant is residing
(c) Contact with any child to whom the defendant is the biological father and a court order pursuant to the Children's Act 1989 has been granted
authorising contact.
2. Residing at any address without prior approval of his Police Offender Manager (SOMU).
3. Possessing or using any computer or device capable of accessing the internet including mobile phones unless:
(a)The make model and serial number of the device have been notified to a Police Offender Manager for the area where he resides AND
b) It has installed and maintained, monitoring software that is approved and monitored by Greater Manchester Police or any other police force in
the area in which he lives. AND
c) He does not tamper interfere remove bypass disable alter or attempt to do any of those things to the components or settings relating to the
installed risk management software.
d) With exception of a device owned and used within a public library -0r internet cafe the details of which he has provided details to his Police
Offender Manager.
The device is used solely for the purposes of work or employment (other than self-employment), is not removed by or on behalf of the Defendant
from the employer's premises, internet use of the device is subject to security measures monitored by the employer which are deemed suitable
by the Public protection Unit of the Police Force in which he lives ..
4. Taking up employment paid/unpaid (includes elf employment/voluntary work) that will bring him into regular contact with children under
5. Possessing any still or moving image of a child under 16 years old (excluding family members who must have their genitals, buttocks and torso
covered) except for televised programmes, commercially produced videos or DVD's and lawful publications such as magazines and catalogues.
6. Taking any visual image of a child under 16yrs except with knowledge and permission of that child's parent or guardian who is aware of his
7. Possessing any device capable of storing digital images unless he provides the details, make and model of such an item to his Police Offender
Manager for the area where he resides and make such a device available for inspection on request.


Sorry I meant to recommend a solicitor (not one used in hearings) I researched and used for SOPO amendments.
Copy the link below and paste into your browser

you will see his history especially with image offences. He is honest and straightforward in his manner towards you.
Hope he is helpful to your case.

Society suggests I must let go of all my expectations but I disagree, as whilst I have a voice, I have hope.

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope is for tomorrow else what is left if you remove a mans hope.

This forum supports these words, thank you Unlock and your contributors.


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