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Supreme Being
Supreme Being (1.6K reputation)Supreme Being (1.6K reputation)Supreme Being (1.6K reputation)Supreme Being (1.6K reputation)Supreme Being (1.6K reputation)Supreme Being (1.6K reputation)Supreme Being (1.6K reputation)Supreme Being (1.6K reputation)Supreme Being (1.6K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 7, Visits: 42
Hi Dan
That's pretty much how I've been treated, all the roles (charity shops - stock taking, window dressing, transactions and so on) all require a dbs. I can understand and certainly appreciate for some roles it's needed,
I'm really not surprised 3/4 people go back inside, I was told there will be plenty of support when released - had more support from a fence.
Already speaking with you guys I feel I'm more supported
I apologise if this post pops up a few times - website is constantly erroring
4 Years Ago by TheNomad
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (1.6K reputation)Supreme Being (1.6K reputation)Supreme Being (1.6K reputation)Supreme Being (1.6K reputation)Supreme Being (1.6K reputation)Supreme Being (1.6K reputation)Supreme Being (1.6K reputation)Supreme Being (1.6K reputation)Supreme Being (1.6K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 7, Visits: 42

Hi Mr W
Many thanks for replying
I used to work in Tech as a manager, looking after all the desktops and servers. Done marketing, operations, HR, finance and social media. I'm not too sure whether I have anything new to give compared to today's youngsters(!). During covid I've started an MBA with a grant, I'm hoping that will give me something above other cv's.
I'm risk adverse, I'm realising self employment will probably end up being the route, I have no confidence nowadays with my previous incident. I feel get up and go and got up and gone, I'm no youngster, but do have many skills, I can provide business services, however, am unsure whether there is even a market when people are paying pennies to uni grads making ends meet.


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