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Hi everyone, I was put inside in 2016, came out in early 2017 for "fraud" that I deny. Living in Liverpool and trying to gain employment ever since.

It's difficult. I just want to work, no one wants me though, depressed.
Supreme Being
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Sorry to hear that is the way you are feeling.

I can personally sympathise with the job front.

Supreme Being
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Hi Mark
Thanks for replying, I replied earlier, however the website keeps throwing up errors when I try to post.
I've applied for roughy 800 posts, not a single reply. So I thought I will volunteer for a couple of local charities, again, not interested (but of course, happy to take a monetary donation..). During covid, I've taken up online courses updating skills and so forth.
It's frustrating/depressing we are in a Country where society on speech, will give second chances but realistically we are cast aside.
I have no idea what to do. I needed to sell my house and move in with family (not a bad thing, as now I have no mortgage!).
I'm glad I found unlock, probation was a joke, they couldn't be bothered to tell me my time was up with them.

Mr W
Mr W
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I can also relate.
If you can... try and sell your skills online.
The UK seems to moving towards a gig economy anyway, so might as well get a head start. (There was an interesting tv show on channel 4 not so long ago about it.)
A negative is that the pay v time spent can quite often be horrendous.
The big plus is no DBS checks, people just pay people to get stuff done and there’s sometimes the potential of continuing work if you do a good job for that client. Good luck.
And please consider talking therapies, they’re more helpful than you might think and know that you’re not alone.

Fighting or Accepting - its difficult to know which is right and when.
4 Years Ago by Mr W
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First of all, Welcome to the forum TheNomad. I can also relate to how much harder it is getting work with a conviction. I also recently tried to apply for voluntary work which I was instantly rejected when I disclosed. What is interesting though is I was never asked about convictions. Have all the roles you have applied for required disclosing of convictions or have you chose to disclose? Despite what Probation ( who are useless ) and Police say, the general rule is you only disclose IF asked.
I can also relate to how depressing all this can be, keep your head up and keep trying. You are not alone.

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (52K reputation)Supreme Being (52K reputation)Supreme Being (52K reputation)Supreme Being (52K reputation)Supreme Being (52K reputation)Supreme Being (52K reputation)Supreme Being (52K reputation)Supreme Being (52K reputation)Supreme Being (52K reputation)

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Posts: 293, Visits: 4.7K
Couple of points -

Talking therapies - I have used this service in my area a few times and even quite recently and they have always been fantastic. 

Disclosure - Yes only disclose IF asked. 

Check out the ban the box list of employers and see if any of those are recruiting in your area. 
Supreme Being
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 7, Visits: 42

Hi Mr W
Many thanks for replying
I used to work in Tech as a manager, looking after all the desktops and servers. Done marketing, operations, HR, finance and social media. I'm not too sure whether I have anything new to give compared to today's youngsters(!). During covid I've started an MBA with a grant, I'm hoping that will give me something above other cv's.
I'm risk adverse, I'm realising self employment will probably end up being the route, I have no confidence nowadays with my previous incident. I feel get up and go and got up and gone, I'm no youngster, but do have many skills, I can provide business services, however, am unsure whether there is even a market when people are paying pennies to uni grads making ends meet.


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