+xHi guys. Are you allowed to use Facebook while on a shpo? Also do you have to give the ppu your passwords for like emails etc. If you are registered as a Sex Offender then Facebook has a policy in place that states registered Sex Offenders may not use the platform and may be banned. This however, is not a crime and your PPU may report this to Facebook but it is not his job to police. If you have a SHPO that does not prohibit you from using social media then using Facebook will not breach your SHPO, however. Your PPU may add Facebook use to his notes to determine the risk you pose, should you have contact restrictions with in the SHPO. If you have a SHPO but are not on the SOR, then I believe your not classed as a Sex Offender (correct me if I am wrong) which means you can freely use Facebook. You just have to make devices available for inspection when they come to do their "checks" When I was arrested I was told to give my passwords, which I did because I was not clued up with my rights. I have since changed my passwords for everything and no longer use Facebook. But as far as I am aware right now, A SHPO does not give powers to obtain passwords nor is it a requirement on the SOR. So no, do not give your passwords for anything to them.