Hi all Last June I was arrested and charged with sharing a cat c video on an app . I was placed in custody , sent to court the next day and pleaded guilty due to the fact the police told me I had shared it and my solicitor told me to.I have no recollection of it due to my shameful abuse of alcohol after the breakdown of my marriage and losing my home and children shortly before the incident .The police ceased all my devices but never returned with any other concerns .A year down the line and social services have carried out the child in need plan . They have concluded there are no issues but will place a caveat on recommended supervision . This is going to reduce the time with my children . Also at this time I am currently divorcing my wife who is no cooperating well. Question is can I do anything to challenge the caveat . I am frustrated there has been no assessment on me as a father only on alcohol which I have completed a programme with probation with no concerns . These kids are my reason for living Dad