Hello. I applied to a University to study an HR Course. I have unspent criminal convictions which I declared on my application. Last week I received a short email from them saying that because my offence was 'serious', I was barred. Without going into detail here, my offence was an entry level sexual offence (as defined by the Sentencing Guidelines used by Magistrates). I do not minimise my choices and I recognise that those choices have consequences. Yet, I am defined as being a 'low risk' by Probation, I have the full support of my PPU Officer (he was willing to act as a referee), when the Uni rang him he was able to give a positive report, I have been removed from the DBS Barred Lists as they too do not regard me as a risk and I have been working hard to move forward after some catastrophic mistakes. This is a part time, post grad course so it will be with 18+ students only and I will not be in Halls of Residence.
I have checked online and found some useful guidance from Supporting Professionalism in Admissions (thanks to Unlock for the link) as well as the Uni's own Admissions' Policy. It looks like there might be a possible appeal but is it worth it? I would be interested to hear any advice/feedback from other members, especially if you have had the same experience and succeeded in your appeal.