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Part three 
As your employer and under data protection they cant then pass this information on to the clients or the companies they place you in, as your employer by them taking you on they have agreed that you are not a risk, so it is no one else’s business about your back ground.
Good Luck 

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Part two 
In terms of part time work, working for an agency is like working for anyone eles, it is important to remember that the agency is your employer, they will undertake the pre employment checks and the risk assessments based on you having an unspent conviction.

4 Years Ago by Simon1983
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Part One 
Hi nomad thats ok, 
Contact Clean sheet, they are non judgment and will be able to offer assistance and there data base has a lot of organisations on it that have signed up to the pledge of not Discriminating against a person with a conviction. 

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Hi Simon1983

Apologies for the late reply - Many thanks for the links

I could do with some handholding - how does temporary positions work for people like us? Cleansheet looks interesting. When I've previously contacted charities, IIt's been incredibly underwhelming. I'm unsure whether they are looking for "worse" people to help, or they arn't up to their tasks.
4 Years Ago by TheNomad
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Hi Mark15788

Apologies for not replying sooner - I've not been able to log on, then when I post, the system errors and I loose everything.

Thankyou for the link, there are a few employers there I didn't know of. I am going through the list at the moment researching opportunities.

Without sounding whingy, I don't know what to do. I'd prefer to be employed, just because of the stress involved. I've been trying to come up with ideas for businesses but am unsure how I can sell myself if I need a DBS check. I wish I can chat more without the system throwing me out
4 Years Ago by TheNomad
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Hi welcome to the forum sight you might want to try as well as ban the box

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Click the pink box saying download the factsheet.
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Hi Mark
I checked for groups around here (Liverpool) and whilst I found one group; they wern't that interested in helping people outside of the walls, more of inside.
Could you tell me where I look for employers on the site? I did see it earlier on, unfortunately I've lost all sense of the menus now

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