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Google Effect - Advice Needed

Google Effect - Advice Needed

Christopher Stacey
Christopher Stacey
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I feel for you.

It's obviously impossible for us to tell you what to do. Only you can make that decision.

But at this stage, I would strongly urge you not to give up on the job. It must feel like the easy way out, but you've done absolutely nothing wrong.

Could I suggest that you contact our Helpline, and speak to Debbie? She will be able to talk to you about the meeting you've got coming up with your manager, and depending on how you want to deal with this, she should be able to support you through this process.


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Christopher Stacey
Christopher Stacey
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RunningMan - could I suggest that you speak with Debbie again?

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Thanks for the update RM,

Given the time frame I figure they have had plenty of time to discuss the situation with there legal advisors... As I said before make sure you take someone with you for support and as a witness, possibly your RMO would be a good option?

In terms of bringing the company into disrepute and creating an untenable working environment bear in mind your offences were before your current employment started?

I think you do have a good case for unfair dismissal but can you afford to put it to the test? Put on a good poker face and see if you can find a no win no fee solicitor?

On a similar note I read an article in a tabloid (you can guess which one) where someone with an undesirable conviction was working for a well known courier firm delivering to schools etc, they have since been relieved of duty and apparently they are carrying out criminal checks on all its staff... Need I say more than roll my eyes!
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Hi RM,

It sounds like they have bitten the bullet and had enough...

I am surprised they haven't offered you some way out but maybe they weren't prepared to make the first move, or hope you would and try and use it against you in some way! Like damag3d has already said now is the time to get all your evidence together, find a solicitor put all your cards on the table and go after them for anything and everything!

"potential serious misconduct" sounds a bit laughable to me, I mean you either have or haven't committed serious misconduct during your employment - your not the forefront of the company so it's not like your reputation can directly infer on the businesses and since you worked there for 18 months without any issues that proves itself, you were honest about your conviction (I hope you have a copy because don't be surprised if HR suddenly "lose" it) so you have done nothing wrong...

Get yourself signed on ASAP and start looking for work slightly further afield... Keep us updated!
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Hi RM,

I completely sympathise with your situation because it could so easily be myself in the same position... I've been working for a number of years in a similar environment without my past catching up with me, like yourself my conviction is now spent and luckily when I got the job I was never asked about anything because they were desperate (I now know why but that's another story).

I can understand the position they are taking because no one is irreplaceable and the needs of the business will come first.

In a small company there is always the possibility they will see beyond your past but with 500+ workers mob mentality won't be far away. I know it's not what you want to hear but it's only a job at the end if the day... Your first priority needs to be to protect yourself, have you informed your RMO?

The company will probably go down the lines of "they can't guarantee your safety in the workplace" and dismiss you on those grounds (been there myself before I was convicted), what ever terminology they use I would recommend you either take someone with you (as a witness) to any meeting's or record them on your phone etc.

If they let you go you have nothing to lose taking them to the cleaners, legally your conviction is spent and they won't want there company name dragged through the mud in any context, they might offer a severance package but don't let them bully you into quiting just to save them a few quid!

I hope things work out but I'm not that optimistic, I could always be wrong though so try to keep your spirits up... How are you coping?

Living in fear is not a nice place to be, I've turned down two promotions and applying for two other senior positions at work just to keep my head down, and recently I started to think someone from a different department had found out about my past... Needless to say I'm giving them a wide berth, touch wood it's been a few weeks and nothings come of it so fingers crossed!
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Hi RM,

It sounds like they clearly want 'rid' of you, the fact they are unwilling to talk about the outcome of the investigation is very odd... I suspect they know they are going to be leaving themselves wide open to an unfair dismissal claim!

Personally the last thing I would do was resign, a large cash sum and a guaranteed reference may sound nice but nothing is "guaranteed" in this life, just because they don't say anything bad doesn't mean an anonymous tip doesn't suddenly appear from elsewhere and then your back where you started... I would want several written references as well

You could state that you have no intention of resigning unless you had a new job elsewhere, offer to start looking but remain on full pay until you have a secure job in place... In any respects the bridge is now burnt so get what you can from them while you have the chance.
Debbie Sadler
Debbie Sadler
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Please feel free to give the Unlock Helpline a call. May be able to provide some contacts for you to speak with.

Best wishes

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Debbie Sadler
Debbie Sadler
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Hi RunningMan

Its good to hear that you have come out of the meeting feeling as though you did the best you could. It sounds like you put your case across well and it was a good move to point out the way they have handled it.

We look forward to getting an update on the Forum and if you need anything further from the Helpline, then please get in touch with me.

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Debbie Sadler
Debbie Sadler
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Hi RunningMan

A very good friend of mine was in a similar situation in her job. Like you, she had disclosed her conviction at interview and her employers were more than happy to keep her on and support her in any way they could. They could not offer her a role elsewhere in the company as there were no vacancies available. However, her Line Manager spoke to everybody in her department pointing out that any form of bullying or harassment would not be tolerated and could lead to disciplinary action.

It wasn't an ideal situation and I know that for a couple of weeks there was a certain amount of gossip and whispering - she kept her head down, acted the same towards colleagues as she had done previously and worked hard. I know there were days when she wondered whether it was all worth it and did consider leaving. However, very quickly this 'big issue' was no longer 'news' and her colleagues had found somebody and something far more interesting to talk about.

Try and stick with it. The fact that your employers are so supportive will be a great help and will offer you a certain amount of protection.

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You have the same rights as any other employee. Are you out of your probationary period?

You say that the employer is supportive, so where is the issue?

If you are dismissed or forced out you will be able to take it to tribunal based on above.

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