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Applying for a USA Tourist Visa - Advice please

Applying for a USA Tourist Visa - Advice please

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (8.7K reputation)Supreme Being (8.7K reputation)Supreme Being (8.7K reputation)Supreme Being (8.7K reputation)Supreme Being (8.7K reputation)Supreme Being (8.7K reputation)Supreme Being (8.7K reputation)Supreme Being (8.7K reputation)Supreme Being (8.7K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 21, Visits: 255
It is my 30th wedding anniversary next July 2019.  My wife has always wanted to travel to the USA for a holiday and it would be my dearest wish to do this for her.

I was convicted of possession of 6 (SIX) images in 2003 and my sentence was a small fine and registration for 5 yrs. At the time of travel the conviction would therefor be 16 yrs old (the actual 'offence' was in 2001 but it took the police forensic two years to re-find the images after their machine broke down!), I quotation mark offence a I am innocent, have always maintained my innocence and always will, the images were allegedly found on a computer that was brand new only 5 weeks before and after a lightening strike was being repaired by what I now know to be a very dubious company ( since folded) and even the police forensics examiner was himself convicted of perjury a few years later and removed from the experts list!!!!

However, i understand completely that this is all irrelevant, I am convicted and since 2001 have lived quietly in a rural area away from society and fearful of the google effect every day of my life. Obviously my wife has borne this burden with me and for this reason I am plucking up the courage to apply for a Visa, she should not be punished further.

So my questions are the obvious ones really; Will I get a visa?  Also, advice re how the US treats my offence.  I also seek advice because I am a proud man, an innocent man, and i have read the consulate like their applicants to be remorseful and showing they are changed characters. I don't think I can do that, I am innocent.  Would that go against me? Finally, should I apply myself or pay a solicitor / expert to do it for me?

Any advice would be very gratefully received.

6 Years Ago by Jobe1287

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Jobe1287 - 6 Years Ago
BenS - 6 Years Ago
Jobe1287 - 6 Years Ago
BenS - 6 Years Ago
Jobe1287 - 6 Years Ago
BenS - 6 Years Ago
                     + x [quote] [b] BenS - 13 May 18 5:11 PM [/b] +...
Jobe1287 - 6 Years Ago
                         I am genuinely flummoxed by the esta situation though. As I stated...
Jobe1287 - 6 Years Ago
Deb S - 6 Years Ago
Jobe1287 - 6 Years Ago
BenS - 6 Years Ago
Yankee - 6 Years Ago
Yankee - 6 Years Ago
Jobe1287 - 6 Years Ago
                     + x [quote] [b] Jobe1287 - 17 May 18 9:17 PM [/b]...
Yankee - 6 Years Ago
                         Thank You Yankee. I guess the saying ‘ignorance is bliss’ is most...
Jobe1287 - 6 Years Ago
JohnL - 6 Years Ago
Jobe1287 - 6 Years Ago
JohnL - 6 Years Ago
tedstriker - 6 Years Ago

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