Mr W
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Thanks. That's interesting about the no obligation to update them about employment. I'm presuming them being involved is when it comes to the SHPOs etc, the 'access to devices' is ridiculously punitive. I have my fingers crossed for you anyway and hope you're able to put this frustrating time behind you!
===== Fighting or Accepting - its difficult to know which is right and when.
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+xGlad to hear things are moving forward, you deserve a chance! With your previous experience and work ethic I’d hope they’d value you being on the team. Quick Q from me, how involved is your ppu in all of this? Yeah, offence aside I'm like the perfect candidate for them. I live about a 10 minute walk from the store, I have 15+ years of customer service experience, nearly 10 of those in retail management, I live alone and have no childcare or anything so I'm available for any shift and I'm also old enough now where I'm not going to be out on the lash every night and come into work hungover and they have to deal with all that nonsense. So fingers crossed! My PPU has only been involved as much as needed. As a matter of courtesy - any job that is looking promising I will let them know about so they can make a judgement call if they perhaps need to step in but that's never been an issue as I've been realistic with my job applications. I did reach out again with regards to this one though as it occurred to me I'd need to renew my personal license for alcohol and I wasn't sure how that would work with a criminal record. Turns out it's really a non-issue, if the offence is unspent then the licensing board might approach Police Scotland to get their take and they will have the final say on it - My PPU says with image offences its never been an issue in their experience so that should be fine. Also seemingly I'm under no legal obligation to update them with regards to employment (I got this in writing) I thought I did and it was part of my notification requirements as I asked my PPU about the best course of action as I'd hate to spend all that time filling out the forms to then potentially lose the job to come back in and fill it all out again a week later. My final annual notification is in a few weeks anyway as it happens so not a huge deal!
Mr W
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+x+x+xSo, new job take #2. Got offered a new position this weekend, got my induction next week so I'm getting further than I did last time. At least I will actually be in the building this time haha No mention of any criminal checks or anything so we'll see how that all pans out. I know better than to get my hopes up this time though. Is it okay to ask the sector or industry? Of course! It's in retail management - So basically store manager for a large, known UK-based retail (grocery/food) company. From my hunt online it appears they don't do DBS/Disclosure checks either which is obviously a plus! I wasn't keen on going back to retail as I managed to escape it a while back but I can't really be that picky in my current state so at least it'd be something to get me going again. Now I will say there is a slight caveat to this - This role was helped along a bit by the job centre/DWP. As I have been unemployed for over 12 months they have a system up here in Scotland called the Long Term Unemployment scheme. It aims to help people get back into work that might have additional barriers (such as criminal convictions, disabilities etc.) good staff that would potentially otherwise be looked over. The employer must guarantee an interview with these candidates before publicly posting the job(s) they have available, in exchange should they take on someone from this program then the majority of their wages will be covered by DWP (I can't remember the full number but I believe its about 90%) so the company is incentivised to at least give someone a shot, they can choose to take the person on permanently or up to a maximum of 6 months. The DWP will pay those wages for up to 6m then the company needs to pay and deal as applicable. So I'm not sure if I would've gotten as far in the recruitment process were it not for the DWP giving that help. I'm more than happy to answer any other questions. Glad to hear things are moving forward, you deserve a chance! With your previous experience and work ethic I’d hope they’d value you being on the team. Quick Q from me, how involved is your ppu in all of this?
===== Fighting or Accepting - its difficult to know which is right and when.
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+x+x+xSo, new job take #2. Got offered a new position this weekend, got my induction next week so I'm getting further than I did last time. At least I will actually be in the building this time haha No mention of any criminal checks or anything so we'll see how that all pans out. I know better than to get my hopes up this time though. Is it okay to ask the sector or industry? Of course! It's in retail management - So basically store manager for a large, known UK-based retail (grocery/food) company. From my hunt online it appears they don't do DBS/Disclosure checks either which is obviously a plus! I wasn't keen on going back to retail as I managed to escape it a while back but I can't really be that picky in my current state so at least it'd be something to get me going again. Now I will say there is a slight caveat to this - This role was helped along a bit by the job centre/DWP. As I have been unemployed for over 12 months they have a system up here in Scotland called the Long Term Unemployment scheme. It aims to help people get back into work that might have additional barriers (such as criminal convictions, disabilities etc.) good staff that would potentially otherwise be looked over. The employer must guarantee an interview with these candidates before publicly posting the job(s) they have available, in exchange should they take on someone from this program then the majority of their wages will be covered by DWP (I can't remember the full number but I believe its about 90%) so the company is incentivised to at least give someone a shot, they can choose to take the person on permanently or up to a maximum of 6 months. The DWP will pay those wages for up to 6m then the company needs to pay and deal as applicable. So I'm not sure if I would've gotten as far in the recruitment process were it not for the DWP giving that help. I'm more than happy to answer any other questions. That makes a lot of sense- hope you get the contract signed and such. Keep us updated.
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+x+xSo, new job take #2. Got offered a new position this weekend, got my induction next week so I'm getting further than I did last time. At least I will actually be in the building this time haha No mention of any criminal checks or anything so we'll see how that all pans out. I know better than to get my hopes up this time though. Is it okay to ask the sector or industry? Of course! It's in retail management - So basically store manager for a large, known UK-based retail (grocery/food) company. From my hunt online it appears they don't do DBS/Disclosure checks either which is obviously a plus! I wasn't keen on going back to retail as I managed to escape it a while back but I can't really be that picky in my current state so at least it'd be something to get me going again. Now I will say there is a slight caveat to this - This role was helped along a bit by the job centre/DWP. As I have been unemployed for over 12 months they have a system up here in Scotland called the Long Term Unemployment scheme. It aims to help people get back into work that might have additional barriers (such as criminal convictions, disabilities etc.) good staff that would potentially otherwise be looked over. The employer must guarantee an interview with these candidates before publicly posting the job(s) they have available, in exchange should they take on someone from this program then the majority of their wages will be covered by DWP (I can't remember the full number but I believe its about 90%) so the company is incentivised to at least give someone a shot, they can choose to take the person on permanently or up to a maximum of 6 months. The DWP will pay those wages for up to 6m then the company needs to pay and deal as applicable. So I'm not sure if I would've gotten as far in the recruitment process were it not for the DWP giving that help. I'm more than happy to answer any other questions.
Group: Forum Members
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+xSo, new job take #2. Got offered a new position this weekend, got my induction next week so I'm getting further than I did last time. At least I will actually be in the building this time haha No mention of any criminal checks or anything so we'll see how that all pans out. I know better than to get my hopes up this time though. Is it okay to ask the sector or industry?
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So, new job take #2.
Got offered a new position this weekend, got my induction next week so I'm getting further than I did last time. At least I will actually be in the building this time haha
No mention of any criminal checks or anything so we'll see how that all pans out. I know better than to get my hopes up this time though.
Mr W
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+xUK Careers Fair - DatesHaving looked at their schedule, there's probably one coming near you all soon. Has anyone been to one of these before? It looks separate from the job centre etc I'm tempted to have a browse when it comes near me. I went to the careers fair I mentioned, switchr is right, there is a lot of health, social care, and education... but there are a few other things. There were one or two that caught my eye, I talked to a couple and it's got me thinking about different avenues, so I'd say it is worth going to one just to see what's about / for inspiration. I was in and out in about half-an-hour and it also gave me a kick to update my CV. I didn't even give my name, just asked a load of questions and left with a free bag, a pen and some sweets... I know! Oh and guess who else was there, my local police force! They even approached me: "Would you like some information about the police, sir?" and in my head I was like: "You have no idea..." I politely declined.
===== Fighting or Accepting - its difficult to know which is right and when.
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+xRealistically, you all would say that wherever I go in the country, I am extremely unlikely to be employed. I ask because I want to move and leave my parents house because I don’t want to put them through all the stuff or the next 15 years. I should just find a place that will allow me to live on as little as possible, Ie near a supermarket, job centre and the police station and not get hopes up about ever being employed again?At the moment luckily I’ve got a kitchen porter job. Probably the last thing I’ll ever be doing before I go through the courts. Hi When i was released I focused on living in a location near my probation and police station as I thought that would be better for them and me. I look back and now say why did I think that as that is not allowing me to "live"! If you want to move then research places that give "YOU" opportunities, be that new interests, work whatever but not somewhere that you can hide at. I am not sure of your physical status but buy a pair of walking shoes so you can get out and exercise everyday.. that will do wonders for you mind and possibly ideas of other sorts of work opportunities. Believe in yourself. Think and make positive decisions that benefit you and the changes in you will be noticed by others that have shown they believe in you.
Society suggests I must let go of all my expectations but I disagree, as whilst I have a voice, I have hope.
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope is for tomorrow else what is left if you remove a mans hope. ------------------------------
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Well, unsurprisingly after all that I was got my official refusal from that job today on the basis that I "failed" the disclosure check. Ignoring the fact you don't fail or pass a disclosure check, it's merely an informational tool, I feel a little bit aggrieved as even though I was upfront about it I was told it wouldn't really be a problem and a disclosure check wouldn't actually be required for the role so I was in effect lied to.
Rightly or wrongly, I did send them a bit of a professionally smelly email back about it all. This is the place that has been moaning about how nobody wants to work anymore, so in a bit of a harsh way - fuck 'em.