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Selling new game consoles/computers with an S.O?

Selling new game consoles/computers with an S.O?

Supreme Being
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Posts: 69, Visits: 585
Was - 30 Sep 22 10:07 AM
Bear in mind that a PPU will often interpret any condition with prejudice. Mine was clear that I had to inform within 3 days of getting a device, but my PPO used the clause saying I could not use a device without monitoring software as overriding it and if I switched it on to set it up during those 3 days, I'd be in breach. After that I just had everything delivered to the police station unopened and told them to set them up. They were stumped when I got a Windows phone. 

Also keep in mind that smart TVs/Firesticks/Now boxes etc. also often come with web browsers and WiFi connections, so you need to inform them of those as well.

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Bear in mind that a PPU will often interpret any condition with prejudice. Mine was clear that I had to inform within 3 days of getting a device, but my PPO used the clause saying I could not use a device without monitoring software as overriding it and if I switched it on to set it up during those 3 days, I'd be in breach. After that I just had everything delivered to the police station unopened and told them to set them up. They were stumped when I got a Windows phone. 

Also keep in mind that smart TVs/Firesticks/Now boxes etc. also often come with web browsers and WiFi connections, so you need to inform them of those as well.
Supreme Being
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JamesZ - 30 Sep 22 6:32 AM
Hi. So I recently saw an opportunity of reselling new computers and consoles online for profit. Not sure if this is a really bad idea/allowed? I have an S.O for images, but only was looking at selling brand new items that apparently sell well. I obviously realize it might be a problem,  almost didn't want to ask, but   with money being hard to come by and with a good amount of potential profit-  Just thought it was worth asking. Thanks.

If your SHPO states you must inform them of all devices purchased you may have to comply with the order (which shouldn't be on any SHPO due to it being considered a positive action which is not allowed on SHPO's)
I do not think it would be much of an issue as even if you are expected to inform them of your purchases they can then choose if they wish to inspect those devices or not after explaining your intentions. Plus they may just simply let it slide because your constantly informing them every day of the week and might simply leave you to it and tell you to stop informing them. But keep in mind, A device to the police / courts is something that can 1, can browse and retain internet history. 2, has its own storage capacity where images and videos can be saved. Items such as graphics cards does not function alone and so would not be able to retain information they are wanting to see.

If your SHPO does not include anything stating that you must inform them of any new devices, you are not obligated to do so. You are free to buy and sell anything you wish so long as you: 1, do not use the web browser. 2. use or store anything on hard drives such as images / videos or anything that retains internet history. If they turn up to do their inspections and ask to see your devices and what devices you have, that is when you make what devices you have in your possession available and they can decide what to look at or not. you are technically under no obligation to share with them items you have sold.

Life is generally much easier just keeping your PPU informed regardless just to save any potential issues or mis-understandings but depending on the wording of your SHPO determines what information you do or do not have to share. The choice ultimately is yours

Supreme Being
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 69, Visits: 585
Hi. So I recently saw an opportunity of reselling new computers and consoles online for profit. Not sure if this is a really bad idea/allowed? I have an S.O for images, but only was looking at selling brand new items that apparently sell well. I obviously realize it might be a problem,  almost didn't want to ask, but   with money being hard to come by and with a good amount of potential profit-  Just thought it was worth asking. Thanks.

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