My master-stroke is that their initial claim is based on me owning a 50% share in the house. Due to my impending divorce, I have had to settle for 30% which swing the odds enough in my favour to tell Rossendales to go forth and multiply. I'm making them work whilst I get the proof though. It will be worth getting in touch with some of the debt charities for advice and assistance - Stepchange for instance. They have some great advice regarding this sort of thing and it's where I got the details of how to complain to the FSA due to their persistent phone calls chasing me for Legal Aid which was wrongly assessed when I was first arrested. Good luck and don't let them grind you down.
I haven't stolen any Pineapples, but they are a great prog rock band!
I havent stolen any Pineapples, but they are a great prog rock band!