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Rossendales and contribution order?

Rossendales and contribution order?

Debbie Sadler
Debbie Sadler
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link - 11 Mar 17 5:11 PM
I figured I'd update the few people who pop in from time to time as to the final outcome of my dealings with Rosendales... 

After going down the whole complaints route with the LAA and getting nowhere I went to the parliamentary and health service ombudsman, after a year of investigating my complaint they have ruled in my favour! Legally I'm restricted from revealing the full details but needless to say I was right and they were wrong, any debt has been cleared and I've got a juicy compensation cheque coming my way!

Just goes to show never give up hope.

That's great new Link. 



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I figured I'd update the few people who pop in from time to time as to the final outcome of my dealings with Rosendales... 

After going down the whole complaints route with the LAA and getting nowhere I went to the parliamentary and health service ombudsman, after a year of investigating my complaint they have ruled in my favour! Legally I'm restricted from revealing the full details but needless to say I was right and they were wrong, any debt has been cleared and I've got a juicy compensation cheque coming my way!

Just goes to show never give up hope.

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Hi I was reading on here u was charged with a section 18 well I have aswel. The post I read was dated 2012 what happened. As I have ran a trial and gone not guilty
The Pineapple Thief
The Pineapple Thief
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Hi E72

As link said, that doesn't sound good. Hopefully you can take a little heart from my dealings with them.

Rossendales are after ~£2,000 from me and despite three requests so far, they haven't provided me with the full details of how they arrived at this sum. They've said that it's the "equity in my house" so I asked them for calculations of how they calculated this equity, what valuation they put on the house etc. and when I received a phone call from them a couple of weeks ago, I was ready to tell them that any further contact from them would result in a complaint direct to the FSA. They did confirm that they hadn't received my last letter so I couldn't really fault them. I did manage to get an email address to send my correspondence to so I sent my letter with a request that they acknowledge receipt. I received no receipt but a phone call last week to them confirmed that they had received it and they had sent an acknowledgement. I hadn't received it (via email) so they sent a replacement and I received that through the post a couple of days later and they have said they will respond in the next 14 days. They have 5 days left....

I haven't stolen any Pineapples, but they are a great prog rock band!

I havent stolen any Pineapples, but they are a great prog rock band!
The Pineapple Thief
The Pineapple Thief
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I'm in a similar situation with Rossendales. I was granted full legal aid (eventually), had my case dealt with in August and a few weeks ago had a letter asking for a couple of thousand due to owning two houses!! I don't own two houses and they claim that I have an extortionate amount of equity in the house. To cut a long story short, I've had correspondence with them including complaining about how they were harassing me for money before my Legal Aid was granted. I got a sort of apology from them but they still want the money. I'm disputing it as the ex and I have agreed a 70/30 split in her favour but they want legal documentation to back that up. The fight goes on...

I haven't stolen any Pineapples, but they are a great prog rock band!

I havent stolen any Pineapples, but they are a great prog rock band!
The Pineapple Thief
The Pineapple Thief
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My master-stroke is that their initial claim is based on me owning a 50% share in the house. Due to my impending divorce, I have had to settle for 30% which swing the odds enough in my favour to tell Rossendales to go forth and multiply. I'm making them work whilst I get the proof though.

It will be worth getting in touch with some of the debt charities for advice and assistance - Stepchange for instance. They have some great advice regarding this sort of thing and it's where I got the details of how to complain to the FSA due to their persistent phone calls chasing me for Legal Aid which was wrongly assessed when I was first arrested.

Good luck and don't let them grind you down.

I haven't stolen any Pineapples, but they are a great prog rock band!

I havent stolen any Pineapples, but they are a great prog rock band!
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Any update on this?
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Sounds like a scam to me. I wouldn't worry too much at the moment. I had a similar thing happen to me with a company claiming to be collecting a debt on behalf of an energy company. Turned out to be a scam. Have you Googled this collector to see if they're legitimate? Even if they are, I would suggest that you contact the Ministry of Justice or the Police before you give them any information. Worst case scenario, you do owe some money (and I don't want to give you false hope but I really doubt this is the case). However, I imagine that the MoJ would have to arrange some form of payment payback plan. They can't expect people in your situation to suddenly have such enormous sums of money lying around. Perhaps Unlock could also advise?

Anyway, as I said, try not to worry too much about it at the moment and just take things one day at a time.

Wishing you all the best.
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Christopher Stacey said...

Rossendales look fairly legit as a company.

Just to say, even if a debt collector seems like a legitimate company, that doesn't mean the situation itself is legitimate. There have been many cases where individuals use the credentials of a company in order to scam money from an individual. There are reports of this happening all the time with large, well-known companies such as BSkyB where customers are duped into handing over money/card details to people posing as employees of said organisation. This may well be legit but I would just urge you to be careful - e.g make sure contact/address numbers match any from the companies website (assuming their website is real in the first place!)
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It says on the top of the letter contribution order then the amount of just shy of 8k ..

It was not to do with theft or anything like that..

Apparently since 2009 if you are given legal aid you maybe liable to repayment of some of the defence costs..

Extract from letter..

Following your conviction in the Crown Court, you are required to pay a
contribution to the costs of your defence representation. The amount you are
required to pay is £7,877.44, this amount must be paid within 28 days of
this order 10/08/2012.

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