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Home Insurance

Home Insurance

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CC - 13 Aug 20 7:43 PM
east72 - 12 Aug 20 6:15 PM
Who are people using for home insurance with SO i know its going to cost more than main steam but what on average are people paying over the normal pricing ? 

Hi I'm with LV and no problems but my offence is way more than 5 years old.

I was with LV but got renewel and scrolled across the front of the renewel is says "policy holder and anyone living in the property must not have any unspent criminal convictions" so i now can't renew with LV 
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I had an unpleasant  phone call today from Intasure who I have been with for years,  they cover my holiday lodge or rather did, today they telephoned to say they had changed their underwriters  who would not cover me from renewal (only two weeks away) I am now struggling to find an alternative insurer and if I don't soon will have to give up my place as insurance is mandatory.
Any ideas / suggestions  very welcome as my conviction remains unspent even though old.
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east72 - 12 Aug 20 6:15 PM
Who are people using for home insurance with SO i know its going to cost more than main steam but what on average are people paying over the normal pricing ? 

Hi I'm with LV and no problems but my offence is way more than 5 years old.
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Posts: 141, Visits: 541
Yeah - I had a similar problem with Car insurance, I used to pay £400 per year, when I got my convication my insurance company refused to cover me when it came up for renewall. I did get quotes but these ranged between 2500 to over 3000!

Have a look at unlocks insurance page, i'd go off that.
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Agree with AB2014, however asking the right questions prior to giving your details i.e. do you insure those with an offence? Doesn't how much or type of offence as you know it will go up. Note some will not insure "fraud" offenders and not bothered about other offences. My recent experience with LV and vehicle insurance.
SIS are a brokers on unlock list, are none judgemental but do mark up. benefit is that though you disclose to them, your not making an application and getting rejected and that being recorded.
Ask for Michael boland.

Society suggests I must let go of all my expectations but I disagree, as whilst I have a voice, I have hope.

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope is for tomorrow else what is left if you remove a mans hope.

This forum supports these words, thank you Unlock and your contributors.

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east72 - 12 Aug 20 8:27 PM
OMG 400% i did find that go compare now allow search with convictions and recommends post office ...


Postoffice do not offer quotes with convictions...

i have had a quote with home protect and intelligent insurance only hard part with both is matching exact offence with their lists.. 

Never bother with comparison sites if you have any unspent convictions for anything. You could always try Unlock's list of insurers, which is on their website here. If anyone is looking for motor insurance with unspent non-motoring convictions, try their list here.


If you are to punish a man retributively you must injure him. If you are to reform him you must improve him. And men are not improved by injuries. (George Bernard Shaw)

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 73, Visits: 1.9K
OMG 400% i did find that go compare now allow search with convictions and recommends post office ...


Postoffice do not offer quotes with convictions...

i have had a quote with home protect and intelligent insurance only hard part with both is matching exact offence with their lists.. 

5 Years Ago by east72
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east72 - 12 Aug 20 6:15 PM
Who are people using for home insurance with SO i know its going to cost more than main steam but what on average are people paying over the normal pricing ? 

Last time I checked it was 400% over normal pricing. 

I've found it cheaper to "self-insure". I was burgled last August and even with standard contents insurance my deductible would have been £300. The only way to reduce a "with conviction" premium would be to jack up the deductible to a level that even a burglar with a transit van would find hard to steal that much from me!

Luckily my rental contract had changed removing the clause that mandated I had to carry renters' insurance. This will not be the case for everyone, so check mortgage and lease contracts.
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 73, Visits: 1.9K
Who are people using for home insurance with SO i know its going to cost more than main steam but what on average are people paying over the normal pricing ? 

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