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+xAfter speaking to one of the unlock team today as I can’t get insurance at the mo and for the first time in my owning a home I may have to be uninsured. I tried the ones on unlock and so far some have given a straight no and still waiting for some to come back from underwriters it’s got me down to the point I am depressed with anxiety I haven’t eaten correct for two days with worry about how I can protect my family I currently have insurance but with LV, I dont intend to wait for them to ditch me so I will be ringing around starting tomorrow. I will post again when I have something. I seem to have more success just ringing independents and getting in first with the question. Debs did suggest trying I have had a quick peruse on their website but they only talk about cover for spent convictions ( which you need not declare anyway?) and only do business insurance by the look of it so I'm not holding much hope. I will give them a ring anyway fingers crossed. There has to be more to this than coincidence, it's a bit harsh denying insurance, there's no way of getting a mortgage without, so no house or flat or rental! it's tantamount to denying people basic rights in my opinion. Has anyone insurance contacts who can find out what's going on? This is the exact opposite to rehabilitation in my opinion.
Group: Forum Members
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After speaking to one of the unlock team today as I can’t get insurance at the mo and for the first time in my owning a home I may have to be uninsured. I tried the ones on unlock and so far some have given a straight no and still waiting for some to come back from underwriters it’s got me down to the point I am depressed with anxiety I haven’t eaten correct for two days with worry about how I can protect my family
Group: Forum Members
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+xAfter speaking with unlock today about insurance and the difficulties. I called LV to ask about the note on my renewal to which I was informed it goes out on all policy renewals as LV no longer cover any convictions on home cover How narrow minded of them ! I would like to hear Unlocks thoughts on this. That's two insurers now ! Coincidence? I would have expected with the forcast recession insurers would be trying to increase business.
Group: Forum Members
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After speaking with unlock today about insurance and the difficulties. I called LV to ask about the note on my renewal to which I was informed it goes out on all policy renewals as LV no longer cover any convictions on home cover
Alan Watts
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+xWho are people using for home insurance with SO i know its going to cost more than main steam but what on average are people paying over the normal pricing ? Before I moved out of my parents shortly after getting the conviction I think the quotes they were getting were around 5x higher than normal for contents insurance (my offence was trolling on Facebook)
Group: Awaiting Activation
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+x+x+x+x+xI had an unpleasant phone call today from Intasure who I have been with for years, they cover my holiday lodge or rather did, today they telephoned to say they had changed their underwriters who would not cover me from renewal (only two weeks away) I am now struggling to find an alternative insurer and if I don't soon will have to give up my place as insurance is mandatory. Any ideas / suggestions very welcome as my conviction remains unspent even though old. Can you get the insurance in some elses name? Hi, There is now a happy outcome to my issues as I have managed after spending a few days ringing around to get a good insurance policy and very competitive. The company I found didnt even need to know about my offence, they only exclude for fraud. The guy I dealt with was really nice and easy to talk to with no judgemental or predjudicial undertones. Amazingly cheaper than my policy from Intasure if you can believe it. One thing I have to sadly include was I did try a few on Unlocks list with no luck at all, in fact ( and this was unpleasant) SIS who are listed as having no restrictions actually refused me because of the nature of my conviction outright, as in straight away without having to go and check? So Im happy but also a little dispirited that after so many years of thinking its all behind me it can still rear itself again, that an unforseen change can cause the same issues as it did many years ago. If I can obtain competitive insurance with no loading or issues then the companies that do refuse or load are doing it for no other reason than plain old predudice plain and simple. My Intasure policy was in the region of £252 my new policy is £190 just for comparison. The company even sent me an post completion of policy email thanking me for my new business. The company are and the guys name is Nick Udall who is the broker, really nice chap. 02073759854 Hi I am surprised on your comments about SiS, are you happy to mention your offence or the name of the person you spoke to? To me as I mentioned, if a business accepts SO's it is normally fraud that causes issue. Enough to say I'm on the register Hi I'm on the register and was with SiS for 5 years. I admit I left as they do not do campervan insurance and subsequently I found there insurance was higher than others who will take us on. Someone mentioned Adrian Flux who specialises in Campervans. I talked to them first though not giving personal details just unspent record. Needless to say they wouldn't entertain me and attitude was not great when I questioned their policy. I am with LV now and to repeat their only concern was if my offence was fraud. Nice to see someone else is seen worse. lol
Society suggests I must let go of all my expectations but I disagree, as whilst I have a voice, I have hope.
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope is for tomorrow else what is left if you remove a mans hope. ------------------------------
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That is just shit CC as it’s a holiday home is there no way you could put the let in a close friend or family member and you just use it ? As nobody is living there ?? When will this insurance get sorted as the risk is no more for you than the neighbour it’s just getting silly. Either that or the the rehabilitation process needs a shake up like the EU So people can move on with their lives . Maybe a three strike system so the third time it stays there but not for a first offence and nothing before or after ..
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Just a quick update, I have just had a phonecall from Sale insurance to tell me they are not able to offer cover "due to the construction of my holiday home" which incidentally is of standard and very common construction. Maybe there has been some wires crossed somewhere I don't know! I didn't record all my calls obviously, Adrian Flux who I also contacted have just rung back to say they were unable to find a single insurer willing to offer me cover either. Given I made over 25 calls ( just checked my call logs) thats a disappointed return for anyone looking for what is a very common type of insurance. Draw what conclusions from that you will but its very discouraging to find out how tenuous my ability to get and keep what is a simple but mandatory insurance policy is. No insurance no home. Can't imagine any holiday site allowing you to be on there without. I was with my previous insurer for 7 years and never made a claim and then to find myself dumped because of a change of underwriters. My main home is with LV and has been for a few years, are they going to do the same on renewal? I hope not. I hope this is a one off and not a trend.
Group: Forum Members
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+x+x+x+xI had an unpleasant phone call today from Intasure who I have been with for years, they cover my holiday lodge or rather did, today they telephoned to say they had changed their underwriters who would not cover me from renewal (only two weeks away) I am now struggling to find an alternative insurer and if I don't soon will have to give up my place as insurance is mandatory. Any ideas / suggestions very welcome as my conviction remains unspent even though old. Can you get the insurance in some elses name? Hi, There is now a happy outcome to my issues as I have managed after spending a few days ringing around to get a good insurance policy and very competitive. The company I found didnt even need to know about my offence, they only exclude for fraud. The guy I dealt with was really nice and easy to talk to with no judgemental or predjudicial undertones. Amazingly cheaper than my policy from Intasure if you can believe it. One thing I have to sadly include was I did try a few on Unlocks list with no luck at all, in fact ( and this was unpleasant) SIS who are listed as having no restrictions actually refused me because of the nature of my conviction outright, as in straight away without having to go and check? So Im happy but also a little dispirited that after so many years of thinking its all behind me it can still rear itself again, that an unforseen change can cause the same issues as it did many years ago. If I can obtain competitive insurance with no loading or issues then the companies that do refuse or load are doing it for no other reason than plain old predudice plain and simple. My Intasure policy was in the region of £252 my new policy is £190 just for comparison. The company even sent me an post completion of policy email thanking me for my new business. The company are and the guys name is Nick Udall who is the broker, really nice chap. 02073759854 Hi CC Pleased to hear that you were able to sort out your insurance with insuremylodge. Thanks for the feedback on SIS, I'll contact them today to find out what the story is around their exclusions. Debs Please let us know Debs when you find out, i will hold off calling around until we get and answer.. Thank you
Debbie Sadler
Group: Forum Members
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+x+x+xI had an unpleasant phone call today from Intasure who I have been with for years, they cover my holiday lodge or rather did, today they telephoned to say they had changed their underwriters who would not cover me from renewal (only two weeks away) I am now struggling to find an alternative insurer and if I don't soon will have to give up my place as insurance is mandatory. Any ideas / suggestions very welcome as my conviction remains unspent even though old. Can you get the insurance in some elses name? Hi, There is now a happy outcome to my issues as I have managed after spending a few days ringing around to get a good insurance policy and very competitive. The company I found didnt even need to know about my offence, they only exclude for fraud. The guy I dealt with was really nice and easy to talk to with no judgemental or predjudicial undertones. Amazingly cheaper than my policy from Intasure if you can believe it. One thing I have to sadly include was I did try a few on Unlocks list with no luck at all, in fact ( and this was unpleasant) SIS who are listed as having no restrictions actually refused me because of the nature of my conviction outright, as in straight away without having to go and check? So Im happy but also a little dispirited that after so many years of thinking its all behind me it can still rear itself again, that an unforseen change can cause the same issues as it did many years ago. If I can obtain competitive insurance with no loading or issues then the companies that do refuse or load are doing it for no other reason than plain old predudice plain and simple. My Intasure policy was in the region of £252 my new policy is £190 just for comparison. The company even sent me an post completion of policy email thanking me for my new business. The company are and the guys name is Nick Udall who is the broker, really nice chap. 02073759854 Hi CC Pleased to hear that you were able to sort out your insurance with insuremylodge. Thanks for the feedback on SIS, I'll contact them today to find out what the story is around their exclusions. Debs
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