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I was wrongfully arrested and had my items seized- What now?

I was wrongfully arrested and had my items seized- What now?

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (172K reputation)Supreme Being (172K reputation)Supreme Being (172K reputation)Supreme Being (172K reputation)Supreme Being (172K reputation)Supreme Being (172K reputation)Supreme Being (172K reputation)Supreme Being (172K reputation)Supreme Being (172K reputation)

Group: Awaiting Activation
Posts: 1.1K, Visits: 1.8K
Chesire - 6 Apr 24 5:36 PM
Hello, here is a quick update for those of you whom have been wondering about me and where I've been

It's been awhile since I made my last post, basically what happened was when I first made my complaint the person in charge of handling complaints missed out important details that required a review, I only got an apology for not being fed while in custody when I asked for food. My complaint review made no difference as it was merely a futile effort, it's simply police investigating themselves so of course they're going to be biased to some degree.

 I got no apology for the wrongful arrest and my mistaken identity and how it was handled overall. I took therapy for awhile then I caught covid in June and on the last day of counselling I couldn't go in because I had covid-19 during 2022 during June and then I got discharged from having anymore counselling sessions so if I want to get them again then I'll have to reapply and just go to my GP about it. I haven't really bothered because to be honest I'm lazy.

Of course I still have thoughts and occasional bad flashbacks about what had happened as it was a really shocking and traumatic experience for me, but my feelings and current emotional state about that incident that occured isn't currently as bad as it was back then since back then all those years ago there was alot of uncertainty. It surprises me that my first thread post on this forum is 3 years old. I still take medication for my depression and anxiety and that's pretty much about it. I will say overall it's made me change my overall perspective on the police, I no longer trust them, I don't view them as heroes or people that make positive contributions to society, I view them as power hungry, corrupt and just fake.

Whenever I see any kind of policeman walk in my town, I deliberately turn away in disgust and walk off in the opposite direction to avoid making any conversation or eye-contact with them, whenever I see social media posts that they post making themselves look good with the whole hashtag 'you said we did' BS posts, it not only makes me cringe but I don't really see them as doing a good thing for the community, I see through their façade and to be honest it's sad that more time is spent by them on social media making themselves look good and waving a rainbow coloured flag, fitting into the Liberal woke agenda and ideals and not focusing on properly doing their jobs by catching criminals, atleast the right ones. I know, it's a very controversial hot take, some people might not agree with me. The Government needs better funding for public services and to employ people who aren't tyrannical power hungry egotistical corrupt psychopaths. I blame the Tory government and those who support their antics and poor methods.

That solicitor I had doesn't work as one anymore and apparently now works for the Crown prosecution service, so impossible to get a hold of that even the police couldn't get a hold of them when the complaint review was happening at the time.

I still have the option to contact a random solicitor that specializes in sueing police for wrongful arrest or to contact Citizens advice
I just haven't really bothered ever since I made my last post, been side-tracked with other things.

Obviously I am sorry for the manner in which it has been handled but, can I stress that it will not be beneficial to you to blame everyone. Example your laying the blame on the tories, I have a feeling that may come from a political standpoint but I hope not. Just remember no matter the party that is in government they do not have any hands on dealing with the day to day running. Sorry but I say this to try and remove "not relevant thoughts causing you so much stress".

Try to focus on the facts; i.e. that what is supported by evidence and believe me you saying something happened with nothing to support it will not prove your case.

Also do look at your own wellbeing, it is just possible that putting this to one side and working on how to improve your health may improve your life and that must come first, otherwise your decline could be faster than your recovery and that would not be the ideal result.

Be strong and positive please.

Society suggests I must let go of all my expectations but I disagree, as whilst I have a voice, I have hope.

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope is for tomorrow else what is left if you remove a mans hope.

This forum supports these words, thank you Unlock and your contributors.

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (7.8K reputation)Supreme Being (7.8K reputation)Supreme Being (7.8K reputation)Supreme Being (7.8K reputation)Supreme Being (7.8K reputation)Supreme Being (7.8K reputation)Supreme Being (7.8K reputation)Supreme Being (7.8K reputation)Supreme Being (7.8K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 36, Visits: 127
Hello, here is a quick update for those of you whom have been wondering about me and where I've been

It's been awhile since I made my last post, basically what happened was when I first made my complaint the person in charge of handling complaints missed out important details that required a review, I only got an apology for not being fed while in custody when I asked for food. My complaint review made no difference as it was merely a futile effort, it's simply police investigating themselves so of course they're going to be biased to some degree.

 I got no apology for the wrongful arrest and my mistaken identity and how it was handled overall. I took therapy for awhile then I caught covid in June and on the last day of counselling I couldn't go in because I had covid-19 during 2022 during June and then I got discharged from having anymore counselling sessions so if I want to get them again then I'll have to reapply and just go to my GP about it. I haven't really bothered because to be honest I'm lazy.

Of course I still have thoughts and occasional bad flashbacks about what had happened as it was a really shocking and traumatic experience for me, but my feelings and current emotional state about that incident that occured isn't currently as bad as it was back then since back then all those years ago there was alot of uncertainty. It surprises me that my first thread post on this forum is 3 years old. I still take medication for my depression and anxiety and that's pretty much about it. I will say overall it's made me change my overall perspective on the police, I no longer trust them, I don't view them as heroes or people that make positive contributions to society, I view them as power hungry, corrupt and just fake.

Whenever I see any kind of policeman walk in my town, I deliberately turn away in disgust and walk off in the opposite direction to avoid making any conversation or eye-contact with them, whenever I see social media posts that they post making themselves look good with the whole hashtag 'you said we did' BS posts, it not only makes me cringe but I don't really see them as doing a good thing for the community, I see through their façade and to be honest it's sad that more time is spent by them on social media making themselves look good and waving a rainbow coloured flag, fitting into the Liberal woke agenda and ideals and not focusing on properly doing their jobs by catching criminals, atleast the right ones. I know, it's a very controversial hot take, some people might not agree with me. The Government needs better funding for public services and to employ people who aren't tyrannical power hungry egotistical corrupt psychopaths. I blame the Tory government and those who support their antics and poor methods.

That solicitor I had doesn't work as one anymore and apparently now works for the Crown prosecution service, so impossible to get a hold of that even the police couldn't get a hold of them when the complaint review was happening at the time.

I still have the option to contact a random solicitor that specializes in sueing police for wrongful arrest or to contact Citizens advice
I just haven't really bothered ever since I made my last post, been side-tracked with other things.

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (7.8K reputation)Supreme Being (7.8K reputation)Supreme Being (7.8K reputation)Supreme Being (7.8K reputation)Supreme Being (7.8K reputation)Supreme Being (7.8K reputation)Supreme Being (7.8K reputation)Supreme Being (7.8K reputation)Supreme Being (7.8K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 36, Visits: 127
Chesire - 31 Aug 23 10:53 PM
xDanx - 21 Apr 23 6:05 PM
Chesire - 21 Apr 23 4:26 PM
JASB - 8 Apr 23 11:03 AM
Chesire - 8 Apr 23 4:02 AM
JASB - 16 Nov 22 1:47 PM
Chesire - 14 Nov 22 12:55 PM
Chesire - 14 Nov 22 12:43 PM
Chesire - 29 May 22 1:42 AM
xDanx - 27 May 22 12:46 AM
Chesire - 26 May 22 7:54 PM
AB2014 - 12 May 22 11:37 AM
Chesire - 12 May 22 10:40 AM
Chesire - 12 May 22 1:20 AM
Chesire - 3 May 22 4:52 AM
punter99 - 4 Apr 22 2:25 PM
I get that it is frustrating and we have all been there, in terms of waiting for the police to return devices.

I agree that it should not take 90 days to examine a laptop and it wouldn't, if the police were looking at it every single day. But that isn't what is happening. Your device is sitting in an evidence room, in a police station somewhere and most likely nobody is looking at it at all. There is a very long queue of devices waiting to be forensically examined.

Your laptop is not the only one the police have to analyse. It is one of hundreds, that the police want to examine and there are hundreds of other people, just like you, who are waiting to get their devices back. Your laptop has already been through the queue once and you are unlucky, because it is now back in that queue for a second time.

I agree with Dan, that the best thing you can do, is get on with your life. Buy another laptop and try to forget about it.

But if you want to do something, my advice would be to make a nuisance of yourself. Write to your MP, or to the Chief Constable. Ring the police station once every day and ask to speak to the officer in charge of your case (oic), or better still, go down to the police station every day and ask to speak to the oic in person.

The first few times that you do this, the police will try to fob you off with excuses. They will tell you that the oic is going to ring you and then the oic won't ring. Don't let this put you off though. If you go down to the police station, they may tell you that the oic is not available to speak to you. If they do this, then do not get angry. Just tell them politely that you will come back the next day, and the next day, and the day after that.

The key is to be persistent. You might have to keep going to the police station every day, for a few weeks, before they decide to do anything. But eventually, they will get sick and tired of seeing you and then they might just bump your laptop to the front of the queue, in order to get rid of you.

Personally, I wouldn't go to all this trouble myself, but it sounds like getting your laptop back is really important to you, so you should be prepared to make the effort.

Writing to your MP will get definately a response from the police, because although they don't mind keeping you waiting for months, they would never dream of keeping an MP waiting that long. Letters from MPs are always given high priority. But bear in mind that it may not be the response you want. They may just write back to the MP saying that your laptop is in a queue and they will get to it when they can.

And the most important thing of all, is to never let the police see how angry you are. Always be polite to them, no matter what they say to you, because that way they cannot accuse you of being 'difficult', and use that as a reason to not return your laptop.

It's been well over 90 days now so there should be no more excuses, I'm not waiting anymore years. No more excuses, no more waiting, I want answers from these pigs. So far, I've heard nothing and have just reached out to my solicitor recently.

I've tried reaching out to my solicitor but she hasn't responded in months. Also I've not had any update yet regarding whether or not I'm going to be charged.

I've just recieved a letter from the police telling me they no longer need the property and that I can come to collect it, there was no mention of whether or not I am to be charged. I suppose that's good news.

I'd say that's excellent news, as at least you'll get your stuff back, and if there was anything illegal on it, they wouldn't be returning it to you. You might get a separate notification about their next steps, but as they are effectively saying they have no evidence, that must be the end of it. If you have a set date to return to the police, then they might make you wait until then. If you don't have a set date, then just try and get on with your life. If they've been trying to get a rise out of you, then that's the last little bit of leverage they have, so I'd say just let them get on with it.

I have gotten my laptop back yesterday but it turns out it is damaged because the hard drive is corrupt and there is no way to fix it. I have made a formal complaint to the professional standards department about this as well as mentioning that the arrest they did was unlawful, etc.

A youtuber named BlackBeltBarrister had something in one of his videos highlighting a place you can go to and contact relating to complaints to the Police, I have tried to find which video this was mentioned in but so far, I can not find the exact video. You may also want to forward a Subject Access Request and ask for all paper work relevant to yourself and also any body camera footage or audio clips, I believe you mentioned a number of officers clearly stated that the image you shared was clearly not you?

Now that this investigation is at an end for you, as difficult as it has been. Now you can proceed with the complaints and if need be legal action

I wish you all the best and if able, keep us updated

Thanks dude. I've already sent my complaint via email to Professional Standards Department with the filled out form. Next will be the others..

So to provide you all with an update, Police replied via email with a list of poor excuses to justify their incompetence for my wrongful arrest. Obviously when this happened, I didn't handle it too well but obviously wasn't surprised by the outcome because on the outset it's merely Police investigating Police. At the end of the day, they don't want to admit they did wrong, they know they did wrong but they don't want to come clean and admit it flat out. Back in August of this year I appealed the complaint via the IOPC and was told via an automated email that the complaint appeal review process could take up to 18-24 weeks in-total, which is a lot of time. So far, I haven't been informed of anything recently but thought I'd just make anyone wondering aware. Failing that, I will go to Citizens advice and see what they will have to say about this absolute catastrophe the Police Force has created overall out of their sheer negligence and disregard for the wrongfully accused. If that doesn't work, I will contact any solicitor I will get my hands on, and if that doesn't work, I will go directly to my local press and make this matter public. I have a very big mouth despite my shyness and introverted nature and I just wont let this matter slide until I either get an apology and reimbursement for the hard drive they damaged when they seized my laptop.

The fact of the matter is that what they did was an abuse of police powers and they had no right to arrest me, common sense dictates that I wasn't the suspect they were looking for because I clearly didn't match the visual description of the efit, this is confirmed by the fact that no witnesses mentioned the person having ridiculously long hair, but instead said the person had very short hair. On top of that, a lot of things contribute to my reasoning behind why it wasn't me in the first place and really based on the photos I've posted, there really isn't much of an explanation needed. At the end of the day I haven't been charged with anything, they've returned my stuff, but they damaged the laptops hard drive (which I'm not particularly happy about of course) 
The Police Force has made irreparable damage to my mental health and has made me lose respect and trust for them.

Take my words as positive please.
First you have the result you wanted in that you have been recognised as innocent.

Secondly, if you step back and look at what has happened from their perspective they are just following their procedures or lines of investigation. Whether their actions where correct is a separate discussion and on what I have read plus my own experience has shown is yes they are could be seen as at fault.

You mention hair for example, how easy is it for a short haired individual to put a wig on?
An efit is a "memory" so you cant expect to see a photo like resemblance.
Equipment being damaged: it will be hard; especially without a solicitor, to get any acceptance of guilt. I couldn't.

In the end try to view this non-emotionally as you will only cause further emotional damage to yourself and find it harder to move on; which you must do.
To be brutally honest if you feel they have damaged you go and get actual medical evidence and raise a complaint against them. 

Else transfer the feelings and wasted energy against them to rebuilding yourself so you can move on.

Good luck with your future.

If they really thought I was wearing a wig then they would be able to tell. As for the efit, they need to go to specsavers. Look at my photo and then the efit. Completely different.

You seem to be getting support for a claim which is good.
Re: feedback comments, yes you maybe right but then no efit is identical to real life, and maybe close up, a wig can be noticed but all I was attempting to suggest is for you to look at things from a more non emotional perspective so just to try and lower your (what seemed to me) high stress levels which seemed to be deflecting you from what you should be focused on.
As I said, I never write offensively but do try to allow a different perspective and so understanding of a scenario to be considered.

Keep positive and focus on your aim.

I've heard back from IOPC who ended up sending me a message through their egress email system despite me telling them repeatedly that I want the decision letter to be sent through the post. I've briefly read the decision letter and their reasoning was piss poor, they claimed my complaint "wasn't reasonable or proportionate" and that was why they upheld it for so long. Bunch of pigs hiding behind covid and excuses to not admit they did wrong and take accountability for their actions when they knew deep down that they fucked up immensely. I will soon be going to Citizens Advice about this matter then seeing if I can get into contact with some law firms regarding this matter since their actions have been absolutely unprofessional and juvenile. I will be working as much as I can to save up for the money to sue the police officers responsible for my unlawful arrest. Predictable as they are, they continuously twist my words.

You could potentially contact your local MP about the matter, perhaps even the commissioner. Including the decision made by the IOPC and the fact that simple instructions were not followed, if you have this documented. Although I imagine this will not be far from the truth, you could state your lack of faith in the police to them which I know most MP's do not like to hear and want a more thorough investigation to take place. If you have not already done so, send a subject access request asking for everything from police. Do not be surprised if a lot of it will be redacted though.

I do understand your frustration over what has happened, but what ever actions you do decide to take try and remain in control of your emotions.

I believe there was a Youtuber under the name of "CrimeBodge" who has successfully prosecuted various forces and officers around the country. I have no idea if he is still active as his last video was around 6 months ago, but his website is still online If getting legal representation falls short, perhaps sharing your story with him could help? If successful I would imagine him wanting to release a video about it so it all depends on how you would feel about that over all.

Keep us updated

I'll be sure to look into this when I have more time on my hands.

To provide update, police tried their desperate attempt at defending themselves over the allegations of eavesdropping. There wasn't much they could do about it, they weren't able to contact my solicitor as she is impossible to get a hold of. I think now my next option would be to contact Citizens Advice regarding the matter.
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (7.8K reputation)Supreme Being (7.8K reputation)Supreme Being (7.8K reputation)Supreme Being (7.8K reputation)Supreme Being (7.8K reputation)Supreme Being (7.8K reputation)Supreme Being (7.8K reputation)Supreme Being (7.8K reputation)Supreme Being (7.8K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 36, Visits: 127
xDanx - 21 Apr 23 6:05 PM
Chesire - 21 Apr 23 4:26 PM
JASB - 8 Apr 23 11:03 AM
Chesire - 8 Apr 23 4:02 AM
JASB - 16 Nov 22 1:47 PM
Chesire - 14 Nov 22 12:55 PM
Chesire - 14 Nov 22 12:43 PM
Chesire - 29 May 22 1:42 AM
xDanx - 27 May 22 12:46 AM
Chesire - 26 May 22 7:54 PM
AB2014 - 12 May 22 11:37 AM
Chesire - 12 May 22 10:40 AM
Chesire - 12 May 22 1:20 AM
Chesire - 3 May 22 4:52 AM
punter99 - 4 Apr 22 2:25 PM
I get that it is frustrating and we have all been there, in terms of waiting for the police to return devices.

I agree that it should not take 90 days to examine a laptop and it wouldn't, if the police were looking at it every single day. But that isn't what is happening. Your device is sitting in an evidence room, in a police station somewhere and most likely nobody is looking at it at all. There is a very long queue of devices waiting to be forensically examined.

Your laptop is not the only one the police have to analyse. It is one of hundreds, that the police want to examine and there are hundreds of other people, just like you, who are waiting to get their devices back. Your laptop has already been through the queue once and you are unlucky, because it is now back in that queue for a second time.

I agree with Dan, that the best thing you can do, is get on with your life. Buy another laptop and try to forget about it.

But if you want to do something, my advice would be to make a nuisance of yourself. Write to your MP, or to the Chief Constable. Ring the police station once every day and ask to speak to the officer in charge of your case (oic), or better still, go down to the police station every day and ask to speak to the oic in person.

The first few times that you do this, the police will try to fob you off with excuses. They will tell you that the oic is going to ring you and then the oic won't ring. Don't let this put you off though. If you go down to the police station, they may tell you that the oic is not available to speak to you. If they do this, then do not get angry. Just tell them politely that you will come back the next day, and the next day, and the day after that.

The key is to be persistent. You might have to keep going to the police station every day, for a few weeks, before they decide to do anything. But eventually, they will get sick and tired of seeing you and then they might just bump your laptop to the front of the queue, in order to get rid of you.

Personally, I wouldn't go to all this trouble myself, but it sounds like getting your laptop back is really important to you, so you should be prepared to make the effort.

Writing to your MP will get definately a response from the police, because although they don't mind keeping you waiting for months, they would never dream of keeping an MP waiting that long. Letters from MPs are always given high priority. But bear in mind that it may not be the response you want. They may just write back to the MP saying that your laptop is in a queue and they will get to it when they can.

And the most important thing of all, is to never let the police see how angry you are. Always be polite to them, no matter what they say to you, because that way they cannot accuse you of being 'difficult', and use that as a reason to not return your laptop.

It's been well over 90 days now so there should be no more excuses, I'm not waiting anymore years. No more excuses, no more waiting, I want answers from these pigs. So far, I've heard nothing and have just reached out to my solicitor recently.

I've tried reaching out to my solicitor but she hasn't responded in months. Also I've not had any update yet regarding whether or not I'm going to be charged.

I've just recieved a letter from the police telling me they no longer need the property and that I can come to collect it, there was no mention of whether or not I am to be charged. I suppose that's good news.

I'd say that's excellent news, as at least you'll get your stuff back, and if there was anything illegal on it, they wouldn't be returning it to you. You might get a separate notification about their next steps, but as they are effectively saying they have no evidence, that must be the end of it. If you have a set date to return to the police, then they might make you wait until then. If you don't have a set date, then just try and get on with your life. If they've been trying to get a rise out of you, then that's the last little bit of leverage they have, so I'd say just let them get on with it.

I have gotten my laptop back yesterday but it turns out it is damaged because the hard drive is corrupt and there is no way to fix it. I have made a formal complaint to the professional standards department about this as well as mentioning that the arrest they did was unlawful, etc.

A youtuber named BlackBeltBarrister had something in one of his videos highlighting a place you can go to and contact relating to complaints to the Police, I have tried to find which video this was mentioned in but so far, I can not find the exact video. You may also want to forward a Subject Access Request and ask for all paper work relevant to yourself and also any body camera footage or audio clips, I believe you mentioned a number of officers clearly stated that the image you shared was clearly not you?

Now that this investigation is at an end for you, as difficult as it has been. Now you can proceed with the complaints and if need be legal action

I wish you all the best and if able, keep us updated

Thanks dude. I've already sent my complaint via email to Professional Standards Department with the filled out form. Next will be the others..

So to provide you all with an update, Police replied via email with a list of poor excuses to justify their incompetence for my wrongful arrest. Obviously when this happened, I didn't handle it too well but obviously wasn't surprised by the outcome because on the outset it's merely Police investigating Police. At the end of the day, they don't want to admit they did wrong, they know they did wrong but they don't want to come clean and admit it flat out. Back in August of this year I appealed the complaint via the IOPC and was told via an automated email that the complaint appeal review process could take up to 18-24 weeks in-total, which is a lot of time. So far, I haven't been informed of anything recently but thought I'd just make anyone wondering aware. Failing that, I will go to Citizens advice and see what they will have to say about this absolute catastrophe the Police Force has created overall out of their sheer negligence and disregard for the wrongfully accused. If that doesn't work, I will contact any solicitor I will get my hands on, and if that doesn't work, I will go directly to my local press and make this matter public. I have a very big mouth despite my shyness and introverted nature and I just wont let this matter slide until I either get an apology and reimbursement for the hard drive they damaged when they seized my laptop.

The fact of the matter is that what they did was an abuse of police powers and they had no right to arrest me, common sense dictates that I wasn't the suspect they were looking for because I clearly didn't match the visual description of the efit, this is confirmed by the fact that no witnesses mentioned the person having ridiculously long hair, but instead said the person had very short hair. On top of that, a lot of things contribute to my reasoning behind why it wasn't me in the first place and really based on the photos I've posted, there really isn't much of an explanation needed. At the end of the day I haven't been charged with anything, they've returned my stuff, but they damaged the laptops hard drive (which I'm not particularly happy about of course) 
The Police Force has made irreparable damage to my mental health and has made me lose respect and trust for them.

Take my words as positive please.
First you have the result you wanted in that you have been recognised as innocent.

Secondly, if you step back and look at what has happened from their perspective they are just following their procedures or lines of investigation. Whether their actions where correct is a separate discussion and on what I have read plus my own experience has shown is yes they are could be seen as at fault.

You mention hair for example, how easy is it for a short haired individual to put a wig on?
An efit is a "memory" so you cant expect to see a photo like resemblance.
Equipment being damaged: it will be hard; especially without a solicitor, to get any acceptance of guilt. I couldn't.

In the end try to view this non-emotionally as you will only cause further emotional damage to yourself and find it harder to move on; which you must do.
To be brutally honest if you feel they have damaged you go and get actual medical evidence and raise a complaint against them. 

Else transfer the feelings and wasted energy against them to rebuilding yourself so you can move on.

Good luck with your future.

If they really thought I was wearing a wig then they would be able to tell. As for the efit, they need to go to specsavers. Look at my photo and then the efit. Completely different.

You seem to be getting support for a claim which is good.
Re: feedback comments, yes you maybe right but then no efit is identical to real life, and maybe close up, a wig can be noticed but all I was attempting to suggest is for you to look at things from a more non emotional perspective so just to try and lower your (what seemed to me) high stress levels which seemed to be deflecting you from what you should be focused on.
As I said, I never write offensively but do try to allow a different perspective and so understanding of a scenario to be considered.

Keep positive and focus on your aim.

I've heard back from IOPC who ended up sending me a message through their egress email system despite me telling them repeatedly that I want the decision letter to be sent through the post. I've briefly read the decision letter and their reasoning was piss poor, they claimed my complaint "wasn't reasonable or proportionate" and that was why they upheld it for so long. Bunch of pigs hiding behind covid and excuses to not admit they did wrong and take accountability for their actions when they knew deep down that they fucked up immensely. I will soon be going to Citizens Advice about this matter then seeing if I can get into contact with some law firms regarding this matter since their actions have been absolutely unprofessional and juvenile. I will be working as much as I can to save up for the money to sue the police officers responsible for my unlawful arrest. Predictable as they are, they continuously twist my words.

You could potentially contact your local MP about the matter, perhaps even the commissioner. Including the decision made by the IOPC and the fact that simple instructions were not followed, if you have this documented. Although I imagine this will not be far from the truth, you could state your lack of faith in the police to them which I know most MP's do not like to hear and want a more thorough investigation to take place. If you have not already done so, send a subject access request asking for everything from police. Do not be surprised if a lot of it will be redacted though.

I do understand your frustration over what has happened, but what ever actions you do decide to take try and remain in control of your emotions.

I believe there was a Youtuber under the name of "CrimeBodge" who has successfully prosecuted various forces and officers around the country. I have no idea if he is still active as his last video was around 6 months ago, but his website is still online If getting legal representation falls short, perhaps sharing your story with him could help? If successful I would imagine him wanting to release a video about it so it all depends on how you would feel about that over all.

Keep us updated

I'll be sure to look into this when I have more time on my hands.
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (46K reputation)Supreme Being (46K reputation)Supreme Being (46K reputation)Supreme Being (46K reputation)Supreme Being (46K reputation)Supreme Being (46K reputation)Supreme Being (46K reputation)Supreme Being (46K reputation)Supreme Being (46K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 376, Visits: 11K
Chesire - 21 Apr 23 4:26 PM
JASB - 8 Apr 23 11:03 AM
Chesire - 8 Apr 23 4:02 AM
JASB - 16 Nov 22 1:47 PM
Chesire - 14 Nov 22 12:55 PM
Chesire - 14 Nov 22 12:43 PM
Chesire - 29 May 22 1:42 AM
xDanx - 27 May 22 12:46 AM
Chesire - 26 May 22 7:54 PM
AB2014 - 12 May 22 11:37 AM
Chesire - 12 May 22 10:40 AM
Chesire - 12 May 22 1:20 AM
Chesire - 3 May 22 4:52 AM
punter99 - 4 Apr 22 2:25 PM
I get that it is frustrating and we have all been there, in terms of waiting for the police to return devices.

I agree that it should not take 90 days to examine a laptop and it wouldn't, if the police were looking at it every single day. But that isn't what is happening. Your device is sitting in an evidence room, in a police station somewhere and most likely nobody is looking at it at all. There is a very long queue of devices waiting to be forensically examined.

Your laptop is not the only one the police have to analyse. It is one of hundreds, that the police want to examine and there are hundreds of other people, just like you, who are waiting to get their devices back. Your laptop has already been through the queue once and you are unlucky, because it is now back in that queue for a second time.

I agree with Dan, that the best thing you can do, is get on with your life. Buy another laptop and try to forget about it.

But if you want to do something, my advice would be to make a nuisance of yourself. Write to your MP, or to the Chief Constable. Ring the police station once every day and ask to speak to the officer in charge of your case (oic), or better still, go down to the police station every day and ask to speak to the oic in person.

The first few times that you do this, the police will try to fob you off with excuses. They will tell you that the oic is going to ring you and then the oic won't ring. Don't let this put you off though. If you go down to the police station, they may tell you that the oic is not available to speak to you. If they do this, then do not get angry. Just tell them politely that you will come back the next day, and the next day, and the day after that.

The key is to be persistent. You might have to keep going to the police station every day, for a few weeks, before they decide to do anything. But eventually, they will get sick and tired of seeing you and then they might just bump your laptop to the front of the queue, in order to get rid of you.

Personally, I wouldn't go to all this trouble myself, but it sounds like getting your laptop back is really important to you, so you should be prepared to make the effort.

Writing to your MP will get definately a response from the police, because although they don't mind keeping you waiting for months, they would never dream of keeping an MP waiting that long. Letters from MPs are always given high priority. But bear in mind that it may not be the response you want. They may just write back to the MP saying that your laptop is in a queue and they will get to it when they can.

And the most important thing of all, is to never let the police see how angry you are. Always be polite to them, no matter what they say to you, because that way they cannot accuse you of being 'difficult', and use that as a reason to not return your laptop.

It's been well over 90 days now so there should be no more excuses, I'm not waiting anymore years. No more excuses, no more waiting, I want answers from these pigs. So far, I've heard nothing and have just reached out to my solicitor recently.

I've tried reaching out to my solicitor but she hasn't responded in months. Also I've not had any update yet regarding whether or not I'm going to be charged.

I've just recieved a letter from the police telling me they no longer need the property and that I can come to collect it, there was no mention of whether or not I am to be charged. I suppose that's good news.

I'd say that's excellent news, as at least you'll get your stuff back, and if there was anything illegal on it, they wouldn't be returning it to you. You might get a separate notification about their next steps, but as they are effectively saying they have no evidence, that must be the end of it. If you have a set date to return to the police, then they might make you wait until then. If you don't have a set date, then just try and get on with your life. If they've been trying to get a rise out of you, then that's the last little bit of leverage they have, so I'd say just let them get on with it.

I have gotten my laptop back yesterday but it turns out it is damaged because the hard drive is corrupt and there is no way to fix it. I have made a formal complaint to the professional standards department about this as well as mentioning that the arrest they did was unlawful, etc.

A youtuber named BlackBeltBarrister had something in one of his videos highlighting a place you can go to and contact relating to complaints to the Police, I have tried to find which video this was mentioned in but so far, I can not find the exact video. You may also want to forward a Subject Access Request and ask for all paper work relevant to yourself and also any body camera footage or audio clips, I believe you mentioned a number of officers clearly stated that the image you shared was clearly not you?

Now that this investigation is at an end for you, as difficult as it has been. Now you can proceed with the complaints and if need be legal action

I wish you all the best and if able, keep us updated

Thanks dude. I've already sent my complaint via email to Professional Standards Department with the filled out form. Next will be the others..

So to provide you all with an update, Police replied via email with a list of poor excuses to justify their incompetence for my wrongful arrest. Obviously when this happened, I didn't handle it too well but obviously wasn't surprised by the outcome because on the outset it's merely Police investigating Police. At the end of the day, they don't want to admit they did wrong, they know they did wrong but they don't want to come clean and admit it flat out. Back in August of this year I appealed the complaint via the IOPC and was told via an automated email that the complaint appeal review process could take up to 18-24 weeks in-total, which is a lot of time. So far, I haven't been informed of anything recently but thought I'd just make anyone wondering aware. Failing that, I will go to Citizens advice and see what they will have to say about this absolute catastrophe the Police Force has created overall out of their sheer negligence and disregard for the wrongfully accused. If that doesn't work, I will contact any solicitor I will get my hands on, and if that doesn't work, I will go directly to my local press and make this matter public. I have a very big mouth despite my shyness and introverted nature and I just wont let this matter slide until I either get an apology and reimbursement for the hard drive they damaged when they seized my laptop.

The fact of the matter is that what they did was an abuse of police powers and they had no right to arrest me, common sense dictates that I wasn't the suspect they were looking for because I clearly didn't match the visual description of the efit, this is confirmed by the fact that no witnesses mentioned the person having ridiculously long hair, but instead said the person had very short hair. On top of that, a lot of things contribute to my reasoning behind why it wasn't me in the first place and really based on the photos I've posted, there really isn't much of an explanation needed. At the end of the day I haven't been charged with anything, they've returned my stuff, but they damaged the laptops hard drive (which I'm not particularly happy about of course) 
The Police Force has made irreparable damage to my mental health and has made me lose respect and trust for them.

Take my words as positive please.
First you have the result you wanted in that you have been recognised as innocent.

Secondly, if you step back and look at what has happened from their perspective they are just following their procedures or lines of investigation. Whether their actions where correct is a separate discussion and on what I have read plus my own experience has shown is yes they are could be seen as at fault.

You mention hair for example, how easy is it for a short haired individual to put a wig on?
An efit is a "memory" so you cant expect to see a photo like resemblance.
Equipment being damaged: it will be hard; especially without a solicitor, to get any acceptance of guilt. I couldn't.

In the end try to view this non-emotionally as you will only cause further emotional damage to yourself and find it harder to move on; which you must do.
To be brutally honest if you feel they have damaged you go and get actual medical evidence and raise a complaint against them. 

Else transfer the feelings and wasted energy against them to rebuilding yourself so you can move on.

Good luck with your future.

If they really thought I was wearing a wig then they would be able to tell. As for the efit, they need to go to specsavers. Look at my photo and then the efit. Completely different.

You seem to be getting support for a claim which is good.
Re: feedback comments, yes you maybe right but then no efit is identical to real life, and maybe close up, a wig can be noticed but all I was attempting to suggest is for you to look at things from a more non emotional perspective so just to try and lower your (what seemed to me) high stress levels which seemed to be deflecting you from what you should be focused on.
As I said, I never write offensively but do try to allow a different perspective and so understanding of a scenario to be considered.

Keep positive and focus on your aim.

I've heard back from IOPC who ended up sending me a message through their egress email system despite me telling them repeatedly that I want the decision letter to be sent through the post. I've briefly read the decision letter and their reasoning was piss poor, they claimed my complaint "wasn't reasonable or proportionate" and that was why they upheld it for so long. Bunch of pigs hiding behind covid and excuses to not admit they did wrong and take accountability for their actions when they knew deep down that they fucked up immensely. I will soon be going to Citizens Advice about this matter then seeing if I can get into contact with some law firms regarding this matter since their actions have been absolutely unprofessional and juvenile. I will be working as much as I can to save up for the money to sue the police officers responsible for my unlawful arrest. Predictable as they are, they continuously twist my words.

You could potentially contact your local MP about the matter, perhaps even the commissioner. Including the decision made by the IOPC and the fact that simple instructions were not followed, if you have this documented. Although I imagine this will not be far from the truth, you could state your lack of faith in the police to them which I know most MP's do not like to hear and want a more thorough investigation to take place. If you have not already done so, send a subject access request asking for everything from police. Do not be surprised if a lot of it will be redacted though.

I do understand your frustration over what has happened, but what ever actions you do decide to take try and remain in control of your emotions.

I believe there was a Youtuber under the name of "CrimeBodge" who has successfully prosecuted various forces and officers around the country. I have no idea if he is still active as his last video was around 6 months ago, but his website is still online If getting legal representation falls short, perhaps sharing your story with him could help? If successful I would imagine him wanting to release a video about it so it all depends on how you would feel about that over all.

Keep us updated

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (7.8K reputation)Supreme Being (7.8K reputation)Supreme Being (7.8K reputation)Supreme Being (7.8K reputation)Supreme Being (7.8K reputation)Supreme Being (7.8K reputation)Supreme Being (7.8K reputation)Supreme Being (7.8K reputation)Supreme Being (7.8K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 36, Visits: 127
JASB - 8 Apr 23 11:03 AM
Chesire - 8 Apr 23 4:02 AM
JASB - 16 Nov 22 1:47 PM
Chesire - 14 Nov 22 12:55 PM
Chesire - 14 Nov 22 12:43 PM
Chesire - 29 May 22 1:42 AM
xDanx - 27 May 22 12:46 AM
Chesire - 26 May 22 7:54 PM
AB2014 - 12 May 22 11:37 AM
Chesire - 12 May 22 10:40 AM
Chesire - 12 May 22 1:20 AM
Chesire - 3 May 22 4:52 AM
punter99 - 4 Apr 22 2:25 PM
I get that it is frustrating and we have all been there, in terms of waiting for the police to return devices.

I agree that it should not take 90 days to examine a laptop and it wouldn't, if the police were looking at it every single day. But that isn't what is happening. Your device is sitting in an evidence room, in a police station somewhere and most likely nobody is looking at it at all. There is a very long queue of devices waiting to be forensically examined.

Your laptop is not the only one the police have to analyse. It is one of hundreds, that the police want to examine and there are hundreds of other people, just like you, who are waiting to get their devices back. Your laptop has already been through the queue once and you are unlucky, because it is now back in that queue for a second time.

I agree with Dan, that the best thing you can do, is get on with your life. Buy another laptop and try to forget about it.

But if you want to do something, my advice would be to make a nuisance of yourself. Write to your MP, or to the Chief Constable. Ring the police station once every day and ask to speak to the officer in charge of your case (oic), or better still, go down to the police station every day and ask to speak to the oic in person.

The first few times that you do this, the police will try to fob you off with excuses. They will tell you that the oic is going to ring you and then the oic won't ring. Don't let this put you off though. If you go down to the police station, they may tell you that the oic is not available to speak to you. If they do this, then do not get angry. Just tell them politely that you will come back the next day, and the next day, and the day after that.

The key is to be persistent. You might have to keep going to the police station every day, for a few weeks, before they decide to do anything. But eventually, they will get sick and tired of seeing you and then they might just bump your laptop to the front of the queue, in order to get rid of you.

Personally, I wouldn't go to all this trouble myself, but it sounds like getting your laptop back is really important to you, so you should be prepared to make the effort.

Writing to your MP will get definately a response from the police, because although they don't mind keeping you waiting for months, they would never dream of keeping an MP waiting that long. Letters from MPs are always given high priority. But bear in mind that it may not be the response you want. They may just write back to the MP saying that your laptop is in a queue and they will get to it when they can.

And the most important thing of all, is to never let the police see how angry you are. Always be polite to them, no matter what they say to you, because that way they cannot accuse you of being 'difficult', and use that as a reason to not return your laptop.

It's been well over 90 days now so there should be no more excuses, I'm not waiting anymore years. No more excuses, no more waiting, I want answers from these pigs. So far, I've heard nothing and have just reached out to my solicitor recently.

I've tried reaching out to my solicitor but she hasn't responded in months. Also I've not had any update yet regarding whether or not I'm going to be charged.

I've just recieved a letter from the police telling me they no longer need the property and that I can come to collect it, there was no mention of whether or not I am to be charged. I suppose that's good news.

I'd say that's excellent news, as at least you'll get your stuff back, and if there was anything illegal on it, they wouldn't be returning it to you. You might get a separate notification about their next steps, but as they are effectively saying they have no evidence, that must be the end of it. If you have a set date to return to the police, then they might make you wait until then. If you don't have a set date, then just try and get on with your life. If they've been trying to get a rise out of you, then that's the last little bit of leverage they have, so I'd say just let them get on with it.

I have gotten my laptop back yesterday but it turns out it is damaged because the hard drive is corrupt and there is no way to fix it. I have made a formal complaint to the professional standards department about this as well as mentioning that the arrest they did was unlawful, etc.

A youtuber named BlackBeltBarrister had something in one of his videos highlighting a place you can go to and contact relating to complaints to the Police, I have tried to find which video this was mentioned in but so far, I can not find the exact video. You may also want to forward a Subject Access Request and ask for all paper work relevant to yourself and also any body camera footage or audio clips, I believe you mentioned a number of officers clearly stated that the image you shared was clearly not you?

Now that this investigation is at an end for you, as difficult as it has been. Now you can proceed with the complaints and if need be legal action

I wish you all the best and if able, keep us updated

Thanks dude. I've already sent my complaint via email to Professional Standards Department with the filled out form. Next will be the others..

So to provide you all with an update, Police replied via email with a list of poor excuses to justify their incompetence for my wrongful arrest. Obviously when this happened, I didn't handle it too well but obviously wasn't surprised by the outcome because on the outset it's merely Police investigating Police. At the end of the day, they don't want to admit they did wrong, they know they did wrong but they don't want to come clean and admit it flat out. Back in August of this year I appealed the complaint via the IOPC and was told via an automated email that the complaint appeal review process could take up to 18-24 weeks in-total, which is a lot of time. So far, I haven't been informed of anything recently but thought I'd just make anyone wondering aware. Failing that, I will go to Citizens advice and see what they will have to say about this absolute catastrophe the Police Force has created overall out of their sheer negligence and disregard for the wrongfully accused. If that doesn't work, I will contact any solicitor I will get my hands on, and if that doesn't work, I will go directly to my local press and make this matter public. I have a very big mouth despite my shyness and introverted nature and I just wont let this matter slide until I either get an apology and reimbursement for the hard drive they damaged when they seized my laptop.

The fact of the matter is that what they did was an abuse of police powers and they had no right to arrest me, common sense dictates that I wasn't the suspect they were looking for because I clearly didn't match the visual description of the efit, this is confirmed by the fact that no witnesses mentioned the person having ridiculously long hair, but instead said the person had very short hair. On top of that, a lot of things contribute to my reasoning behind why it wasn't me in the first place and really based on the photos I've posted, there really isn't much of an explanation needed. At the end of the day I haven't been charged with anything, they've returned my stuff, but they damaged the laptops hard drive (which I'm not particularly happy about of course) 
The Police Force has made irreparable damage to my mental health and has made me lose respect and trust for them.

Take my words as positive please.
First you have the result you wanted in that you have been recognised as innocent.

Secondly, if you step back and look at what has happened from their perspective they are just following their procedures or lines of investigation. Whether their actions where correct is a separate discussion and on what I have read plus my own experience has shown is yes they are could be seen as at fault.

You mention hair for example, how easy is it for a short haired individual to put a wig on?
An efit is a "memory" so you cant expect to see a photo like resemblance.
Equipment being damaged: it will be hard; especially without a solicitor, to get any acceptance of guilt. I couldn't.

In the end try to view this non-emotionally as you will only cause further emotional damage to yourself and find it harder to move on; which you must do.
To be brutally honest if you feel they have damaged you go and get actual medical evidence and raise a complaint against them. 

Else transfer the feelings and wasted energy against them to rebuilding yourself so you can move on.

Good luck with your future.

If they really thought I was wearing a wig then they would be able to tell. As for the efit, they need to go to specsavers. Look at my photo and then the efit. Completely different.

You seem to be getting support for a claim which is good.
Re: feedback comments, yes you maybe right but then no efit is identical to real life, and maybe close up, a wig can be noticed but all I was attempting to suggest is for you to look at things from a more non emotional perspective so just to try and lower your (what seemed to me) high stress levels which seemed to be deflecting you from what you should be focused on.
As I said, I never write offensively but do try to allow a different perspective and so understanding of a scenario to be considered.

Keep positive and focus on your aim.

I've heard back from IOPC who ended up sending me a message through their egress email system despite me telling them repeatedly that I want the decision letter to be sent through the post. I've briefly read the decision letter and their reasoning was piss poor, they claimed my complaint "wasn't reasonable or proportionate" and that was why they upheld it for so long. Bunch of pigs hiding behind covid and excuses to not admit they did wrong and take accountability for their actions when they knew deep down that they fucked up immensely. I will soon be going to Citizens Advice about this matter then seeing if I can get into contact with some law firms regarding this matter since their actions have been absolutely unprofessional and juvenile. I will be working as much as I can to save up for the money to sue the police officers responsible for my unlawful arrest. Predictable as they are, they continuously twist my words.
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (172K reputation)Supreme Being (172K reputation)Supreme Being (172K reputation)Supreme Being (172K reputation)Supreme Being (172K reputation)Supreme Being (172K reputation)Supreme Being (172K reputation)Supreme Being (172K reputation)Supreme Being (172K reputation)

Group: Awaiting Activation
Posts: 1.1K, Visits: 1.8K
Chesire - 8 Apr 23 4:02 AM
JASB - 16 Nov 22 1:47 PM
Chesire - 14 Nov 22 12:55 PM
Chesire - 14 Nov 22 12:43 PM
Chesire - 29 May 22 1:42 AM
xDanx - 27 May 22 12:46 AM
Chesire - 26 May 22 7:54 PM
AB2014 - 12 May 22 11:37 AM
Chesire - 12 May 22 10:40 AM
Chesire - 12 May 22 1:20 AM
Chesire - 3 May 22 4:52 AM
punter99 - 4 Apr 22 2:25 PM
I get that it is frustrating and we have all been there, in terms of waiting for the police to return devices.

I agree that it should not take 90 days to examine a laptop and it wouldn't, if the police were looking at it every single day. But that isn't what is happening. Your device is sitting in an evidence room, in a police station somewhere and most likely nobody is looking at it at all. There is a very long queue of devices waiting to be forensically examined.

Your laptop is not the only one the police have to analyse. It is one of hundreds, that the police want to examine and there are hundreds of other people, just like you, who are waiting to get their devices back. Your laptop has already been through the queue once and you are unlucky, because it is now back in that queue for a second time.

I agree with Dan, that the best thing you can do, is get on with your life. Buy another laptop and try to forget about it.

But if you want to do something, my advice would be to make a nuisance of yourself. Write to your MP, or to the Chief Constable. Ring the police station once every day and ask to speak to the officer in charge of your case (oic), or better still, go down to the police station every day and ask to speak to the oic in person.

The first few times that you do this, the police will try to fob you off with excuses. They will tell you that the oic is going to ring you and then the oic won't ring. Don't let this put you off though. If you go down to the police station, they may tell you that the oic is not available to speak to you. If they do this, then do not get angry. Just tell them politely that you will come back the next day, and the next day, and the day after that.

The key is to be persistent. You might have to keep going to the police station every day, for a few weeks, before they decide to do anything. But eventually, they will get sick and tired of seeing you and then they might just bump your laptop to the front of the queue, in order to get rid of you.

Personally, I wouldn't go to all this trouble myself, but it sounds like getting your laptop back is really important to you, so you should be prepared to make the effort.

Writing to your MP will get definately a response from the police, because although they don't mind keeping you waiting for months, they would never dream of keeping an MP waiting that long. Letters from MPs are always given high priority. But bear in mind that it may not be the response you want. They may just write back to the MP saying that your laptop is in a queue and they will get to it when they can.

And the most important thing of all, is to never let the police see how angry you are. Always be polite to them, no matter what they say to you, because that way they cannot accuse you of being 'difficult', and use that as a reason to not return your laptop.

It's been well over 90 days now so there should be no more excuses, I'm not waiting anymore years. No more excuses, no more waiting, I want answers from these pigs. So far, I've heard nothing and have just reached out to my solicitor recently.

I've tried reaching out to my solicitor but she hasn't responded in months. Also I've not had any update yet regarding whether or not I'm going to be charged.

I've just recieved a letter from the police telling me they no longer need the property and that I can come to collect it, there was no mention of whether or not I am to be charged. I suppose that's good news.

I'd say that's excellent news, as at least you'll get your stuff back, and if there was anything illegal on it, they wouldn't be returning it to you. You might get a separate notification about their next steps, but as they are effectively saying they have no evidence, that must be the end of it. If you have a set date to return to the police, then they might make you wait until then. If you don't have a set date, then just try and get on with your life. If they've been trying to get a rise out of you, then that's the last little bit of leverage they have, so I'd say just let them get on with it.

I have gotten my laptop back yesterday but it turns out it is damaged because the hard drive is corrupt and there is no way to fix it. I have made a formal complaint to the professional standards department about this as well as mentioning that the arrest they did was unlawful, etc.

A youtuber named BlackBeltBarrister had something in one of his videos highlighting a place you can go to and contact relating to complaints to the Police, I have tried to find which video this was mentioned in but so far, I can not find the exact video. You may also want to forward a Subject Access Request and ask for all paper work relevant to yourself and also any body camera footage or audio clips, I believe you mentioned a number of officers clearly stated that the image you shared was clearly not you?

Now that this investigation is at an end for you, as difficult as it has been. Now you can proceed with the complaints and if need be legal action

I wish you all the best and if able, keep us updated

Thanks dude. I've already sent my complaint via email to Professional Standards Department with the filled out form. Next will be the others..

So to provide you all with an update, Police replied via email with a list of poor excuses to justify their incompetence for my wrongful arrest. Obviously when this happened, I didn't handle it too well but obviously wasn't surprised by the outcome because on the outset it's merely Police investigating Police. At the end of the day, they don't want to admit they did wrong, they know they did wrong but they don't want to come clean and admit it flat out. Back in August of this year I appealed the complaint via the IOPC and was told via an automated email that the complaint appeal review process could take up to 18-24 weeks in-total, which is a lot of time. So far, I haven't been informed of anything recently but thought I'd just make anyone wondering aware. Failing that, I will go to Citizens advice and see what they will have to say about this absolute catastrophe the Police Force has created overall out of their sheer negligence and disregard for the wrongfully accused. If that doesn't work, I will contact any solicitor I will get my hands on, and if that doesn't work, I will go directly to my local press and make this matter public. I have a very big mouth despite my shyness and introverted nature and I just wont let this matter slide until I either get an apology and reimbursement for the hard drive they damaged when they seized my laptop.

The fact of the matter is that what they did was an abuse of police powers and they had no right to arrest me, common sense dictates that I wasn't the suspect they were looking for because I clearly didn't match the visual description of the efit, this is confirmed by the fact that no witnesses mentioned the person having ridiculously long hair, but instead said the person had very short hair. On top of that, a lot of things contribute to my reasoning behind why it wasn't me in the first place and really based on the photos I've posted, there really isn't much of an explanation needed. At the end of the day I haven't been charged with anything, they've returned my stuff, but they damaged the laptops hard drive (which I'm not particularly happy about of course) 
The Police Force has made irreparable damage to my mental health and has made me lose respect and trust for them.

Take my words as positive please.
First you have the result you wanted in that you have been recognised as innocent.

Secondly, if you step back and look at what has happened from their perspective they are just following their procedures or lines of investigation. Whether their actions where correct is a separate discussion and on what I have read plus my own experience has shown is yes they are could be seen as at fault.

You mention hair for example, how easy is it for a short haired individual to put a wig on?
An efit is a "memory" so you cant expect to see a photo like resemblance.
Equipment being damaged: it will be hard; especially without a solicitor, to get any acceptance of guilt. I couldn't.

In the end try to view this non-emotionally as you will only cause further emotional damage to yourself and find it harder to move on; which you must do.
To be brutally honest if you feel they have damaged you go and get actual medical evidence and raise a complaint against them. 

Else transfer the feelings and wasted energy against them to rebuilding yourself so you can move on.

Good luck with your future.

If they really thought I was wearing a wig then they would be able to tell. As for the efit, they need to go to specsavers. Look at my photo and then the efit. Completely different.

You seem to be getting support for a claim which is good.
Re: feedback comments, yes you maybe right but then no efit is identical to real life, and maybe close up, a wig can be noticed but all I was attempting to suggest is for you to look at things from a more non emotional perspective so just to try and lower your (what seemed to me) high stress levels which seemed to be deflecting you from what you should be focused on.
As I said, I never write offensively but do try to allow a different perspective and so understanding of a scenario to be considered.

Keep positive and focus on your aim.

Society suggests I must let go of all my expectations but I disagree, as whilst I have a voice, I have hope.

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope is for tomorrow else what is left if you remove a mans hope.

This forum supports these words, thank you Unlock and your contributors.

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (7.8K reputation)Supreme Being (7.8K reputation)Supreme Being (7.8K reputation)Supreme Being (7.8K reputation)Supreme Being (7.8K reputation)Supreme Being (7.8K reputation)Supreme Being (7.8K reputation)Supreme Being (7.8K reputation)Supreme Being (7.8K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 36, Visits: 127
JASB - 16 Nov 22 1:47 PM
Chesire - 14 Nov 22 12:55 PM
Chesire - 14 Nov 22 12:43 PM
Chesire - 29 May 22 1:42 AM
xDanx - 27 May 22 12:46 AM
Chesire - 26 May 22 7:54 PM
AB2014 - 12 May 22 11:37 AM
Chesire - 12 May 22 10:40 AM
Chesire - 12 May 22 1:20 AM
Chesire - 3 May 22 4:52 AM
punter99 - 4 Apr 22 2:25 PM
I get that it is frustrating and we have all been there, in terms of waiting for the police to return devices.

I agree that it should not take 90 days to examine a laptop and it wouldn't, if the police were looking at it every single day. But that isn't what is happening. Your device is sitting in an evidence room, in a police station somewhere and most likely nobody is looking at it at all. There is a very long queue of devices waiting to be forensically examined.

Your laptop is not the only one the police have to analyse. It is one of hundreds, that the police want to examine and there are hundreds of other people, just like you, who are waiting to get their devices back. Your laptop has already been through the queue once and you are unlucky, because it is now back in that queue for a second time.

I agree with Dan, that the best thing you can do, is get on with your life. Buy another laptop and try to forget about it.

But if you want to do something, my advice would be to make a nuisance of yourself. Write to your MP, or to the Chief Constable. Ring the police station once every day and ask to speak to the officer in charge of your case (oic), or better still, go down to the police station every day and ask to speak to the oic in person.

The first few times that you do this, the police will try to fob you off with excuses. They will tell you that the oic is going to ring you and then the oic won't ring. Don't let this put you off though. If you go down to the police station, they may tell you that the oic is not available to speak to you. If they do this, then do not get angry. Just tell them politely that you will come back the next day, and the next day, and the day after that.

The key is to be persistent. You might have to keep going to the police station every day, for a few weeks, before they decide to do anything. But eventually, they will get sick and tired of seeing you and then they might just bump your laptop to the front of the queue, in order to get rid of you.

Personally, I wouldn't go to all this trouble myself, but it sounds like getting your laptop back is really important to you, so you should be prepared to make the effort.

Writing to your MP will get definately a response from the police, because although they don't mind keeping you waiting for months, they would never dream of keeping an MP waiting that long. Letters from MPs are always given high priority. But bear in mind that it may not be the response you want. They may just write back to the MP saying that your laptop is in a queue and they will get to it when they can.

And the most important thing of all, is to never let the police see how angry you are. Always be polite to them, no matter what they say to you, because that way they cannot accuse you of being 'difficult', and use that as a reason to not return your laptop.

It's been well over 90 days now so there should be no more excuses, I'm not waiting anymore years. No more excuses, no more waiting, I want answers from these pigs. So far, I've heard nothing and have just reached out to my solicitor recently.

I've tried reaching out to my solicitor but she hasn't responded in months. Also I've not had any update yet regarding whether or not I'm going to be charged.

I've just recieved a letter from the police telling me they no longer need the property and that I can come to collect it, there was no mention of whether or not I am to be charged. I suppose that's good news.

I'd say that's excellent news, as at least you'll get your stuff back, and if there was anything illegal on it, they wouldn't be returning it to you. You might get a separate notification about their next steps, but as they are effectively saying they have no evidence, that must be the end of it. If you have a set date to return to the police, then they might make you wait until then. If you don't have a set date, then just try and get on with your life. If they've been trying to get a rise out of you, then that's the last little bit of leverage they have, so I'd say just let them get on with it.

I have gotten my laptop back yesterday but it turns out it is damaged because the hard drive is corrupt and there is no way to fix it. I have made a formal complaint to the professional standards department about this as well as mentioning that the arrest they did was unlawful, etc.

A youtuber named BlackBeltBarrister had something in one of his videos highlighting a place you can go to and contact relating to complaints to the Police, I have tried to find which video this was mentioned in but so far, I can not find the exact video. You may also want to forward a Subject Access Request and ask for all paper work relevant to yourself and also any body camera footage or audio clips, I believe you mentioned a number of officers clearly stated that the image you shared was clearly not you?

Now that this investigation is at an end for you, as difficult as it has been. Now you can proceed with the complaints and if need be legal action

I wish you all the best and if able, keep us updated

Thanks dude. I've already sent my complaint via email to Professional Standards Department with the filled out form. Next will be the others..

So to provide you all with an update, Police replied via email with a list of poor excuses to justify their incompetence for my wrongful arrest. Obviously when this happened, I didn't handle it too well but obviously wasn't surprised by the outcome because on the outset it's merely Police investigating Police. At the end of the day, they don't want to admit they did wrong, they know they did wrong but they don't want to come clean and admit it flat out. Back in August of this year I appealed the complaint via the IOPC and was told via an automated email that the complaint appeal review process could take up to 18-24 weeks in-total, which is a lot of time. So far, I haven't been informed of anything recently but thought I'd just make anyone wondering aware. Failing that, I will go to Citizens advice and see what they will have to say about this absolute catastrophe the Police Force has created overall out of their sheer negligence and disregard for the wrongfully accused. If that doesn't work, I will contact any solicitor I will get my hands on, and if that doesn't work, I will go directly to my local press and make this matter public. I have a very big mouth despite my shyness and introverted nature and I just wont let this matter slide until I either get an apology and reimbursement for the hard drive they damaged when they seized my laptop.

The fact of the matter is that what they did was an abuse of police powers and they had no right to arrest me, common sense dictates that I wasn't the suspect they were looking for because I clearly didn't match the visual description of the efit, this is confirmed by the fact that no witnesses mentioned the person having ridiculously long hair, but instead said the person had very short hair. On top of that, a lot of things contribute to my reasoning behind why it wasn't me in the first place and really based on the photos I've posted, there really isn't much of an explanation needed. At the end of the day I haven't been charged with anything, they've returned my stuff, but they damaged the laptops hard drive (which I'm not particularly happy about of course) 
The Police Force has made irreparable damage to my mental health and has made me lose respect and trust for them.

Take my words as positive please.
First you have the result you wanted in that you have been recognised as innocent.

Secondly, if you step back and look at what has happened from their perspective they are just following their procedures or lines of investigation. Whether their actions where correct is a separate discussion and on what I have read plus my own experience has shown is yes they are could be seen as at fault.

You mention hair for example, how easy is it for a short haired individual to put a wig on?
An efit is a "memory" so you cant expect to see a photo like resemblance.
Equipment being damaged: it will be hard; especially without a solicitor, to get any acceptance of guilt. I couldn't.

In the end try to view this non-emotionally as you will only cause further emotional damage to yourself and find it harder to move on; which you must do.
To be brutally honest if you feel they have damaged you go and get actual medical evidence and raise a complaint against them. 

Else transfer the feelings and wasted energy against them to rebuilding yourself so you can move on.

Good luck with your future.

If they really thought I was wearing a wig then they would be able to tell. As for the efit, they need to go to specsavers. Look at my photo and then the efit. Completely different.
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (7.8K reputation)Supreme Being (7.8K reputation)Supreme Being (7.8K reputation)Supreme Being (7.8K reputation)Supreme Being (7.8K reputation)Supreme Being (7.8K reputation)Supreme Being (7.8K reputation)Supreme Being (7.8K reputation)Supreme Being (7.8K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 36, Visits: 127
lotsofquer - 22 Nov 22 6:41 PM
Chesire - 14 Nov 22 12:55 PM
Chesire - 14 Nov 22 12:43 PM
Chesire - 29 May 22 1:42 AM
xDanx - 27 May 22 12:46 AM
Chesire - 26 May 22 7:54 PM
AB2014 - 12 May 22 11:37 AM
Chesire - 12 May 22 10:40 AM
Chesire - 12 May 22 1:20 AM
Chesire - 3 May 22 4:52 AM
punter99 - 4 Apr 22 2:25 PM
I get that it is frustrating and we have all been there, in terms of waiting for the police to return devices.

I agree that it should not take 90 days to examine a laptop and it wouldn't, if the police were looking at it every single day. But that isn't what is happening. Your device is sitting in an evidence room, in a police station somewhere and most likely nobody is looking at it at all. There is a very long queue of devices waiting to be forensically examined.

Your laptop is not the only one the police have to analyse. It is one of hundreds, that the police want to examine and there are hundreds of other people, just like you, who are waiting to get their devices back. Your laptop has already been through the queue once and you are unlucky, because it is now back in that queue for a second time.

I agree with Dan, that the best thing you can do, is get on with your life. Buy another laptop and try to forget about it.

But if you want to do something, my advice would be to make a nuisance of yourself. Write to your MP, or to the Chief Constable. Ring the police station once every day and ask to speak to the officer in charge of your case (oic), or better still, go down to the police station every day and ask to speak to the oic in person.

The first few times that you do this, the police will try to fob you off with excuses. They will tell you that the oic is going to ring you and then the oic won't ring. Don't let this put you off though. If you go down to the police station, they may tell you that the oic is not available to speak to you. If they do this, then do not get angry. Just tell them politely that you will come back the next day, and the next day, and the day after that.

The key is to be persistent. You might have to keep going to the police station every day, for a few weeks, before they decide to do anything. But eventually, they will get sick and tired of seeing you and then they might just bump your laptop to the front of the queue, in order to get rid of you.

Personally, I wouldn't go to all this trouble myself, but it sounds like getting your laptop back is really important to you, so you should be prepared to make the effort.

Writing to your MP will get definately a response from the police, because although they don't mind keeping you waiting for months, they would never dream of keeping an MP waiting that long. Letters from MPs are always given high priority. But bear in mind that it may not be the response you want. They may just write back to the MP saying that your laptop is in a queue and they will get to it when they can.

And the most important thing of all, is to never let the police see how angry you are. Always be polite to them, no matter what they say to you, because that way they cannot accuse you of being 'difficult', and use that as a reason to not return your laptop.

It's been well over 90 days now so there should be no more excuses, I'm not waiting anymore years. No more excuses, no more waiting, I want answers from these pigs. So far, I've heard nothing and have just reached out to my solicitor recently.

I've tried reaching out to my solicitor but she hasn't responded in months. Also I've not had any update yet regarding whether or not I'm going to be charged.

I've just recieved a letter from the police telling me they no longer need the property and that I can come to collect it, there was no mention of whether or not I am to be charged. I suppose that's good news.

I'd say that's excellent news, as at least you'll get your stuff back, and if there was anything illegal on it, they wouldn't be returning it to you. You might get a separate notification about their next steps, but as they are effectively saying they have no evidence, that must be the end of it. If you have a set date to return to the police, then they might make you wait until then. If you don't have a set date, then just try and get on with your life. If they've been trying to get a rise out of you, then that's the last little bit of leverage they have, so I'd say just let them get on with it.

I have gotten my laptop back yesterday but it turns out it is damaged because the hard drive is corrupt and there is no way to fix it. I have made a formal complaint to the professional standards department about this as well as mentioning that the arrest they did was unlawful, etc.

A youtuber named BlackBeltBarrister had something in one of his videos highlighting a place you can go to and contact relating to complaints to the Police, I have tried to find which video this was mentioned in but so far, I can not find the exact video. You may also want to forward a Subject Access Request and ask for all paper work relevant to yourself and also any body camera footage or audio clips, I believe you mentioned a number of officers clearly stated that the image you shared was clearly not you?

Now that this investigation is at an end for you, as difficult as it has been. Now you can proceed with the complaints and if need be legal action

I wish you all the best and if able, keep us updated

Thanks dude. I've already sent my complaint via email to Professional Standards Department with the filled out form. Next will be the others..

So to provide you all with an update, Police replied via email with a list of poor excuses to justify their incompetence for my wrongful arrest. Obviously when this happened, I didn't handle it too well but obviously wasn't surprised by the outcome because on the outset it's merely Police investigating Police. At the end of the day, they don't want to admit they did wrong, they know they did wrong but they don't want to come clean and admit it flat out. Back in August of this year I appealed the complaint via the IOPC and was told via an automated email that the complaint appeal review process could take up to 18-24 weeks in-total, which is a lot of time. So far, I haven't been informed of anything recently but thought I'd just make anyone wondering aware. Failing that, I will go to Citizens advice and see what they will have to say about this absolute catastrophe the Police Force has created overall out of their sheer negligence and disregard for the wrongfully accused. If that doesn't work, I will contact any solicitor I will get my hands on, and if that doesn't work, I will go directly to my local press and make this matter public. I have a very big mouth despite my shyness and introverted nature and I just wont let this matter slide until I either get an apology and reimbursement for the hard drive they damaged when they seized my laptop.

The fact of the matter is that what they did was an abuse of police powers and they had no right to arrest me, common sense dictates that I wasn't the suspect they were looking for because I clearly didn't match the visual description of the efit, this is confirmed by the fact that no witnesses mentioned the person having ridiculously long hair, but instead said the person had very short hair. On top of that, a lot of things contribute to my reasoning behind why it wasn't me in the first place and really based on the photos I've posted, there really isn't much of an explanation needed. At the end of the day I haven't been charged with anything, they've returned my stuff, but they damaged the laptops hard drive (which I'm not particularly happy about of course) 
The Police Force has made irreparable damage to my mental health and has made me lose respect and trust for them.

Have a look at or others that specilise in claims against the police.  From the brief skim I've had of this thread you'd more than have a claim.

I've heard back from IOPC that are looking into this matter since I made a complaint review. I'm waiting on an outcome letter from them.

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (15K reputation)Supreme Being (15K reputation)Supreme Being (15K reputation)Supreme Being (15K reputation)Supreme Being (15K reputation)Supreme Being (15K reputation)Supreme Being (15K reputation)Supreme Being (15K reputation)Supreme Being (15K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 119, Visits: 3.4K
Chesire - 14 Nov 22 12:55 PM
Chesire - 14 Nov 22 12:43 PM
Chesire - 29 May 22 1:42 AM
xDanx - 27 May 22 12:46 AM
Chesire - 26 May 22 7:54 PM
AB2014 - 12 May 22 11:37 AM
Chesire - 12 May 22 10:40 AM
Chesire - 12 May 22 1:20 AM
Chesire - 3 May 22 4:52 AM
punter99 - 4 Apr 22 2:25 PM
I get that it is frustrating and we have all been there, in terms of waiting for the police to return devices.

I agree that it should not take 90 days to examine a laptop and it wouldn't, if the police were looking at it every single day. But that isn't what is happening. Your device is sitting in an evidence room, in a police station somewhere and most likely nobody is looking at it at all. There is a very long queue of devices waiting to be forensically examined.

Your laptop is not the only one the police have to analyse. It is one of hundreds, that the police want to examine and there are hundreds of other people, just like you, who are waiting to get their devices back. Your laptop has already been through the queue once and you are unlucky, because it is now back in that queue for a second time.

I agree with Dan, that the best thing you can do, is get on with your life. Buy another laptop and try to forget about it.

But if you want to do something, my advice would be to make a nuisance of yourself. Write to your MP, or to the Chief Constable. Ring the police station once every day and ask to speak to the officer in charge of your case (oic), or better still, go down to the police station every day and ask to speak to the oic in person.

The first few times that you do this, the police will try to fob you off with excuses. They will tell you that the oic is going to ring you and then the oic won't ring. Don't let this put you off though. If you go down to the police station, they may tell you that the oic is not available to speak to you. If they do this, then do not get angry. Just tell them politely that you will come back the next day, and the next day, and the day after that.

The key is to be persistent. You might have to keep going to the police station every day, for a few weeks, before they decide to do anything. But eventually, they will get sick and tired of seeing you and then they might just bump your laptop to the front of the queue, in order to get rid of you.

Personally, I wouldn't go to all this trouble myself, but it sounds like getting your laptop back is really important to you, so you should be prepared to make the effort.

Writing to your MP will get definately a response from the police, because although they don't mind keeping you waiting for months, they would never dream of keeping an MP waiting that long. Letters from MPs are always given high priority. But bear in mind that it may not be the response you want. They may just write back to the MP saying that your laptop is in a queue and they will get to it when they can.

And the most important thing of all, is to never let the police see how angry you are. Always be polite to them, no matter what they say to you, because that way they cannot accuse you of being 'difficult', and use that as a reason to not return your laptop.

It's been well over 90 days now so there should be no more excuses, I'm not waiting anymore years. No more excuses, no more waiting, I want answers from these pigs. So far, I've heard nothing and have just reached out to my solicitor recently.

I've tried reaching out to my solicitor but she hasn't responded in months. Also I've not had any update yet regarding whether or not I'm going to be charged.

I've just recieved a letter from the police telling me they no longer need the property and that I can come to collect it, there was no mention of whether or not I am to be charged. I suppose that's good news.

I'd say that's excellent news, as at least you'll get your stuff back, and if there was anything illegal on it, they wouldn't be returning it to you. You might get a separate notification about their next steps, but as they are effectively saying they have no evidence, that must be the end of it. If you have a set date to return to the police, then they might make you wait until then. If you don't have a set date, then just try and get on with your life. If they've been trying to get a rise out of you, then that's the last little bit of leverage they have, so I'd say just let them get on with it.

I have gotten my laptop back yesterday but it turns out it is damaged because the hard drive is corrupt and there is no way to fix it. I have made a formal complaint to the professional standards department about this as well as mentioning that the arrest they did was unlawful, etc.

A youtuber named BlackBeltBarrister had something in one of his videos highlighting a place you can go to and contact relating to complaints to the Police, I have tried to find which video this was mentioned in but so far, I can not find the exact video. You may also want to forward a Subject Access Request and ask for all paper work relevant to yourself and also any body camera footage or audio clips, I believe you mentioned a number of officers clearly stated that the image you shared was clearly not you?

Now that this investigation is at an end for you, as difficult as it has been. Now you can proceed with the complaints and if need be legal action

I wish you all the best and if able, keep us updated

Thanks dude. I've already sent my complaint via email to Professional Standards Department with the filled out form. Next will be the others..

So to provide you all with an update, Police replied via email with a list of poor excuses to justify their incompetence for my wrongful arrest. Obviously when this happened, I didn't handle it too well but obviously wasn't surprised by the outcome because on the outset it's merely Police investigating Police. At the end of the day, they don't want to admit they did wrong, they know they did wrong but they don't want to come clean and admit it flat out. Back in August of this year I appealed the complaint via the IOPC and was told via an automated email that the complaint appeal review process could take up to 18-24 weeks in-total, which is a lot of time. So far, I haven't been informed of anything recently but thought I'd just make anyone wondering aware. Failing that, I will go to Citizens advice and see what they will have to say about this absolute catastrophe the Police Force has created overall out of their sheer negligence and disregard for the wrongfully accused. If that doesn't work, I will contact any solicitor I will get my hands on, and if that doesn't work, I will go directly to my local press and make this matter public. I have a very big mouth despite my shyness and introverted nature and I just wont let this matter slide until I either get an apology and reimbursement for the hard drive they damaged when they seized my laptop.

The fact of the matter is that what they did was an abuse of police powers and they had no right to arrest me, common sense dictates that I wasn't the suspect they were looking for because I clearly didn't match the visual description of the efit, this is confirmed by the fact that no witnesses mentioned the person having ridiculously long hair, but instead said the person had very short hair. On top of that, a lot of things contribute to my reasoning behind why it wasn't me in the first place and really based on the photos I've posted, there really isn't much of an explanation needed. At the end of the day I haven't been charged with anything, they've returned my stuff, but they damaged the laptops hard drive (which I'm not particularly happy about of course) 
The Police Force has made irreparable damage to my mental health and has made me lose respect and trust for them.

Have a look at or others that specilise in claims against the police.  From the brief skim I've had of this thread you'd more than have a claim.


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