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Home Insurance

Home Insurance

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They really need to sort out what’s what, it’s so poor that one says one thing and another saying something else.
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Finally got a clearer explanation from a nice lady at LV. It seems that LV have changed their wording on the question of convictions.  It goes like this,,, If you have an old unspent conviction( more than 5 years) and you have been with LV for more than 3 years then there is no need to worry your policy will be renewed automatically.

However if you do not fall into this category then unfortunately you will NOT be invited to renew your business with them. New applicants with any unspent conviction of any duration wont be accepted  .

I have heard back from my hoiliday home broker Insuremylodge and he has provided me with a broker who is"willing to look at individuals who have unspent convictions. They are Bond Lovis and can be contacted  on 08009177355.
As my policy is unaffected by the changes LV have put in place I will stick with them so have not tried Bond lovis.
I am awaiting a letter confirming the above from LV.
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CC - 22 Aug 20 8:12 PM
east72 - 22 Aug 20 5:35 PM
That’s a question I asked a while ago if I moved house is it regarded as new policy and was told no it’s still the same policy with a charge to amend . It’s all so confusing null

The reply I had from LV was
"Dear Mr ***** thank you for contacting us regarding your home insurance.
Your policy is still valid regarding you having spent convictions in the past this would not change if you were to obtain a new quote.
If you had unspent convictions where you did not do any time for a conviction then we would decline cover.
As you have spent time then we approve this and are happy to cover.
If you have any questions please call us on*************
Kind regards

Managing director,  LV = General insurance direct

Could be me but this seems somewhat ambiguous if it said served time ok but spent time? 

Umm thats seems vague not enough to convince me ..
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east72 - 22 Aug 20 5:35 PM
That’s a question I asked a while ago if I moved house is it regarded as new policy and was told no it’s still the same policy with a charge to amend . It’s all so confusing null

The reply I had from LV was
"Dear Mr ***** thank you for contacting us regarding your home insurance.
Your policy is still valid regarding you having spent convictions in the past this would not change if you were to obtain a new quote.
If you had unspent convictions where you did not do any time for a conviction then we would decline cover.
As you have spent time then we approve this and are happy to cover.
If you have any questions please call us on*************
Kind regards

Managing director,  LV = General insurance direct

Could be me but this seems somewhat ambiguous if it said served time ok but spent time? 
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Posts: 73, Visits: 1.9K
That’s a question I asked a while ago if I moved house is it regarded as new policy and was told no it’s still the same policy with a charge to amend . It’s all so confusing null
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east72 - 22 Aug 20 4:36 PM
Click To EnlargeDo they do home or motor ?

I will know more Monday, at the moment all I have with them is my h/h.
5 Years Ago by CC
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Do they do home or motor ?
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east72 - 22 Aug 20 10:46 AM
About 150% higher but I expected something higher .. was the new insurer with holiday home with convictions recorded ?

I told them but they were only interested if it was fraud. It is mentioned in the schedule that no conviction for fraud is assumed.
This guy is coming back to me soon about main home insurance. 
I've received a reply from the M,D of LV insurance  but its still a little bit unclear to my mind so I'm waiting until I can clarify it full next week. It would appear that existing policies are ok but not new ones.  Trouble with that is if I move that could be regarded as a new policy so I may ditch them anyway dependant on what my broker comes back with Monday hopefully. 
5 Years Ago by CC
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I also read a bit last night about insurance and Covid-19 and how it’s changed the insurance industry. Many insurers are saying that with people working from home unless they inform they are not covered. People have lost jobs so can’t afford rents etc so have moved in with parents, friends etc so all of a sudden one home with two people become 4 people so the risk rises. I’m still angry that insurance companies refuse to even consider unspent convictions without even looking at the history of claims from that person.. I always say I believe I’m less likely to commit a crime now than joe bloggs down the street as I’ve learnt the consequences of the system and never want to put myself or my family there again.
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Posts: 73, Visits: 1.9K
About 150% higher but I expected something higher .. was the new insurer with holiday home with convictions recorded ?

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