I have a similar offence to yours, so without realizing it would think you're being risk assessed every time you see your PPU officer, so think of what questions they and the PO ask you. I'd expect the interview to be similar to your early days under supervision - have you taken responsibility, understand victim empathy ( primary and secondary ), what intervention mechanisms have you got ( even if you don't have any make some up ! ), hobbies, are family supportive, why do you want to do the course ? etc
I suppose also they might ask how you feel being in contact with so many ' young people ' will affect you ? If I were you I'd go ready with an answer to that - won't be alone with them, no longer interested in anything but your own age range, realise your maladaptive thinking etc etc - ie pull out all the learnings / observations from the ISOTP course ( if you did it ? ) Finally I know what DtS means, but I don't think I'd be contrite ... I'd say be accountable but assertive - you have taken responsibility for what happened, been punished ( rightly ) for it, but now you want a fair chance to move on !